The British name for Australia is 

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The British name for Australia is

a) Uluru;

b) The sixth continent;

c) Down Under.


46. Answer the question: Which battle took place first in the War of Independence?

a) The battle of Concord;

b) The battle of Lexington;

c) They happened simultaneously.


47. The first British colony in Northern America was called:

a) Massachusetts;

b) Louisiana;

c) Virginia.


Canada borders with the US

a) to the north and to the west;

b) to the south;

c) to the south and to the northwest.


The largest state in the USA is

a) Mexico;

b) Alaska;

c) Florida.


The longest river in the USA is

a) The Mississippi;

b) The Missouri;

c) The Ohio.


The animal which symbolizes the sovereignty of Canada is

a) the walrus;

b) the beaver;

c) the seal.


52. The Pilgrim Fathers set sail on the Mayflower in

a) 1607;

b) 1624;

c) 1620.


The first colonists were mainly

a) criminals;

b) wealthy citizens;

c) the landless, the unemployed and those in search of religious freedom.


54. Fill in the gap: Canada has _______ official languages.

a) two;

b) three;

c) one.


The Declaration of Independence was made

a) on 14 June 1776;

b) on 4 July 1776;

c) on 24 July 1777.


Louisiana was acquired by

a) treaty;

b) purchase;

c) war.


Canada was formed through an act of Confederation

a) in 1876;

b) in 1867;

c) in 1880.


The expansion in America moved from

a) The west coast to the east;

b) The east coast to the west;

c) From the southern coast to the north.


The US Constitution was signed in

a) 1767;

b) 1787;

c) 1803.


The British Constitution contains

a) two main principles;

b) three main principles;

c) no principles at all.

Тести з лексикології

Words that are identical or similar in two related languages are called

a) homonyms;

b) synonyms;

c) cognates;

d) homophones.


2. Choose the variant which is not correct. Lexicology studies

a) words with their meanings;

b) the structure of the vocabulary as a whole;

c) forms of words and principles of their changing.

The branch of lexicology that studies the meaning of words is

a) etymology;

b) semasiology;

c) phraseology;

d) descriptive lexicology.


4. Choose the variant which is not correct. The word is

a) a two-facet unit possessing both form and content;

b) a two-facet unit possessing sound-form and meaning;

c) a linguistic sign possessing content and meaning.

Morphemes are different from words because they

a) do not have lexical meaning of their own;

b) cannot be used independently;

c) do not have a sound form.


The aim of immediate constituents analysis is

a) to show the linear character of a set of lexical units;

b) to reveal the hierarchical structure of a set of lexical units;

c) to bring out the syntagmatic character of a set of lexical units.


The reflection in the mind of real objects and phenomena in their essential features and relations is called

a) notion;

b) lexical meaning;

c) referent.

8. Etymology does not study

a) the linguistic and extralinguistic forces, modifying word structure, meaning and usage;

b) the origin of different words;

c) the vocabulary of a language in the aspect of its sound system;

d) changes and development of words.

Metaphor is

a) a transference of names based on the association or similarity;

b) a transference of names based on contiguity;

c) a transference of names based on contrast.


Metonymy is

a) a transference of names based on the association or similarity;

b) a transference of names based on contiguity;

c) a transference of names based on contrast.

A transference of the meaning when the speaker expresses the affirmative with the negative is

a) metaphor;

b) litotes;

c) hyperbole.


The classification of phraseological units according to their degree of motivation was suggested by

a) L. Scherba;

b) V. Vinogradov;

c) A. Smirnitsky.

The smallest two-facet word composites are called

a) phonemes;

b) roots;

c) morphemes.

The meaning expressing the speaker’s attitude towards the reality is called

a) connotative;

b) denotative.

Affixation, composition, conversion, shortening are the main ways of

a) word building;

b) semantic change;

c) borrowing.


The name of the English capital originates from

a) Latin;

b) French;

c) Celtic.


17. Avon, Exe, Usk, Ux, Esk stand for

a) river (water);

b) mountain;

c) vast land.


18. The origin of the following affixes: or, er, al, ant, ent, ct, ate, ion, tion, ute, dis, able, ute is

a) French;

b) Latin;

c) Greek.


19. According to their origin, the following affixes: ance, ence, ment, age, ess, ous, en are

a) French;

b) Latin;

c) Greek.

Euphemisms are words that

a) form synonymic oppositions;

b) form antonymic oppositions;

c) do not have equivalents in speech.

Classification of phraseological units according to their contextual properties is suggested by

a) V. Vinogradov;

b) A. Smirnitsky;

c) N. Amosova.

22. Choose homographs:

a) night (ніч) - knight (лицар);

b) minute (хвилина) - minute (дрібний);

c) pick (підіймати) - pick (кирка).


Synonyms are

a) words different in their outer aspects and identical or similar in their inner ones;

b) words identical or similar in both outer and inner aspects;

c) words similar in neither aspects.


24. Answer the question: Which of the pair of words are paronyms?

a) sensitive – sensible;

b) historical – historic;

c) proscribe – prescribe.

The way of word building when a word is formed by joining two or more stems to form a word is called

a) composition;

b) compounding;

c) conversion.


Is the way of word building which consists in changing the category of a part of speech, while the morphemic shape of the original word remains unchanged.

a) compounding;

b) conversion;

c) composition.


Antonyms are

a) words having similar meaning;

b) words having opposite meaning;

c) words having identical sound form and spelling but different meanings.


Words which have identical sound form and spelling but have different meanings are called

a) synonyms;

b) homonyms;

c) homophones.


Linguistics which deals with quantitative study of language is called

a) statistical;

b) social;

c) pragmatic.

Contrastive analysis is

a) the study of a pair of languages in the aspect of their structural differences and similarities;

b) the detailed study of the target language;

c) comparative study of the development of two or more languages.


Dialects in the USA are divided into

a) Northern, Southern, Midland;

b) New England, Old South, Midland;

c) New York, Washington, Industrial North


32. Answer the question: Which English local dialect has its own literature?

a) Lowland;

b) Southern;

c) Western.


The history of American English goes back to

a) the beginning of the 17th century;

b) the middle of the 16th century;

c) the second half of the 17th century.


The stages of scientific research come in the following order

a) observation, classification, generalization and verification;

b) generalization, observation, classification, verification;

c) classification, verification, observation, generalization


The dictionaries where explanation is given in the same language are called

a) polylingual;

b) monolingual;

c) bilingual.

36. The connotative component of meaning can not express

a) evaluation;

b) valency;

c) emotiveness;

d) expressiveness.


37. Completely non-motivated word-groups are called:

a) phraseological collocations;

b) phraseological fusions;

c) phraseological unities.


38. Answer the following question. What is the largest group of borrowings in English?

a) Greek;

b) French;

c) Spanish.

39. An exaggerated statement expressing an intensely emotional attitude of the speaker to what he is speaking about is called:

a) euphemism;

b) hyperbole;

c) litotes;

d) meiosis.

Varieties of a language used as a means of oral communication in small

Localities are

a) dialects;

b) variants of a language;

c) ideolects.


Тести з загальнотеоретичних дисциплін

Emotive function according to R. Jacobson’s model is related to

a) addresser;

b) addressee;

c) context.


A state of physical and emotional discomfort that occurs due to an individual’s collision with a different cultural reality is called

a) culture shock;

b) acculturation;

c) inculturation.


Metalingual function reflects orientation on

a) a code;

b) a contact;

c) a message.


4. Fill in the gap: Communicative discourse is a ________ concept.

a) linguistic;

b) sociolinguistic;

c) covering all areas of human cognition.


Gestural communication is possible

a) in people;

b) in animals;

c) both in people and in animals.


Institutional discourse is

a) an action and an interaction of individuals in the definite communicative environment, in the definite social sphere of communication;

b) an action and an interaction of individuals in the educational space;

c) any interaction in the professional sphere.


7. The approaches to communication are viewed within the framework of the following paradigm:

a) mechanistic paradigm;

b) activity paradigm;

c) mechanistic and activity paradigm.



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