Which language belongs to the East Germanic group? 

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Which language belongs to the East Germanic group?

а) Gothic;

b) Gallic;

c) Latin;

d) Vandal.


Which language belongs to the West Germanic group?

a) English;
b) Italian;
c) Danish;
d) Gothic.

The social system that the Old Germans had was

a) primitive communal system;

b) democratic;

c) feudal;
d) slave-owning.

Dominating religion of Old Germans was

a) Christianity;

b) paganism.


The Gothic language belongs to

a) the East Germanic group;
b) the West Germanic group;
c) the North Germanic group;
d) Celtic languages.

6. Answer the question: Which principles are applied while using comparative-historic method?

a) phonetic similarity of the compared units;
b) genetic unity of the compared units;
c) accidental similarity;
d) similar semantics;

Phrasal stress in the Indo-European language was

a) tonic;

b) dynamic.


The First Consonant Shift concerns the Indo-European

a) sonorants;
b) affricates;
c) vowels;

d) plosives.


The Second Consonant Shift concerns

a) the Old Germanic consonants p, t, k;
b) the Indo-European voiced plosives b, d, g;
c) the Indo-European aspirated voiced consonants bh, dh, gh.


Mutation is

a) phonetically conditioned;
b) independent of phonetic surrounding.

Gradation is

a) phonetically conditioned;
b) independent of phonetic surrounding.

The words of the Indo-European origin have

a) primarily concrete lexical meaning;
b) abstract meaning;
c) stylistically marked meaning;
d) Germanic roots.

The oldest written records in the Old Germanic languages are

a) Gothic;
b) Runic;
c) Latin.

The shapes of the runes were

a) stable;
b) changeable.

K. Verner’s Law explains

a) doubling of the Germanic consonants;
b) rotacism;
c) exceptions from Grimm’s Law;
d) mutation.

The Germanic tribes’ migration began in

a) 2 century BC;

b) 2 century AD;
c) 12 century AD.


Gradation in the Germanic languages was used as

a) a stylistic device;
b) a way of word formation.

The comparative historic method is based on

a) typological comparison;

b) ordinary comparison;

c) comparison of the phonetic forms.


Languages which belong to the national varieties of English are

a) American English;

b) Scots;

c) Midland dialect;

d) Cockney.


Received Pronunciation is the pronunciation standard in

a) the USA;

b) Great Britain;

c) Canada;

d) Australia.



Тести з історії англійської мови.

When did Romans conquer Britain?

a) 55BC;

b) 449 AD;

c) 43 AD.


Who were the first people in Britain about whose language we have definite knowledge?

a) Iberians;

b) Celts;

c) Romans.


3. Answer the question: At approximately what date did the invasion of Britain by the Germanic tribes begin?

a) V c.;

b) VII c.;

c) X c.


4. Answer the question: Which branch of Germanic languages does English belong to?

a) Eastern;

b) Western;

c) Northern.


The name “English” comes from

a) Saxons;

b) Frisians;

c) Angles.

According to its grammatical structure Old English is

a) an nalytic language;

b) a paleolithic language;

c) a synthetic language.


7. Answer the question: What old dialect is taken as classical Old English?

a) Northumbrian;

b) West Saxon;

c) Kentish.


Beowulf is

a) OE chronicler;

b) the leader of the Anglo-Saxon Invasion;

c) the main character of the epic.


The author of Ecclesiastical History of the English People is

a) Caedmon;

b) Alfred;

c) Bede, the Venerable.

The borderline between Old English and Middle English was

a) the Wedmore Peace Treaty;

b) the battle of Hastings;

c) the Anglo-Saxon Invasion.


11. Answer the question: What period did H. Sweet call the period of full endings?

a) New English;

b) Old English;

c). Middle English.


The part of speech which had dual number in Old English is

a) noun;

b) verb;

c) pronoun.


13. Answer the question: What was peculiar to strong declensions of adjectives?

a) pronominal endings;

b) nominal endings;

c) mixed.


The number of cases in nouns and personal pronouns was

a) 4;

b) 5;

c) 6.


The stems, which defined strong declension of nouns, were

a) vowels;

b) n-stem;

c) other consonants.


The Germanic tribes’ migration began in

a) 2 century BC;

b) 2 century AD;
c) 12 century AD.

Gradation in the Germanic languages was used as

a) a stylistic device;
b) a way of word formation.

18. The language from which English acquired the pronouns they, their, them is

a) Scandinavian;

b) Latin;

c) French.


The decisive battle between the Normans and the English was

a) at Finn’s Borough;

b) at Hastings;

c) at Brunanburg.

The dialect of Middle English which became the basis for Standard English is

a) North-East;

b) London;

c) East Midland.


Тести з літератури

One of the most famous Imagist poems: “The apparition of those faces in the crowd; / Petals on a wet, black bough” is written by

a) Hilda Doolittle;

b) Ezra Pound;

c) T.S. Eliot.


2. Animal Farm is an allegorical novel by George Orwell that reflects events

a) leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and then on into Stalin era;

b) leading up to World War 2 and then on into the Iron Curtain era;

c) leading up to Khrushchev’s reforms in agriculture and then on into post-Stalin era.


William Butler Yeats’ works are centered on

a) Scottish history and folklore;

b) Irish mythology and folklore;

c) Japanese poetry, such as “haiku”.


4. In A Farewell to Arms the name of the main character is

a) Frederic Henry;

b) Robert Jordan;

c) Harry Morgan.


5. To both Eliot and Pound, _______is necessary for the poet to create “new” poetry.

a) knowledge of tradition, the past;

b) focus on “continuous present”, with no regard to future and past;

c) rejecting any ideas about time.


6. Stream-of-consciousness narrative style in which the flowing thoughts and perceptions of protagonists are depicted as they would occur in real life, unfiltered, flitting from one thing to another, and often rather unpredictable is not employed in

a) Mrs. Dalloway by V. Woolf;

b) Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence;

c) Ulysses by J. Joyce;

d) To the Lighthouse by V. Woolf;


7. John Galsworthy’s The Forsyte Saga is a ______ novel.

a) postmodernistic;

b) realistic;

c) modernistic.


8. In Ulysses, J. Joyce draws many parallels between his characters and Homer’s

a) Achilles and Hector;

b) Odyssey and Achilles;

c) Odyssey and Telemachus.


The main themes of Robert Frost’s poetry are

a) social progress, history moving toward a goal;

b) brutality of the city, factories, everyday life of working people;

c) nature, everyday life of common people in the country.


10. The novels _____ are set on one day in the character’s life.

a) Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence; To the Lighthouse by V. Woolf;

b) Mrs. Dalloway by V. Woolf; Ulysses by J. Joyce;

c) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by J. Joyce, To the Lighthouse by V. Woolf.


11. Animal Farm is written by George Orwell in the genre of

a) utopia;

b) anti-utopia;

c) fantasy.


12. In “The French Lieutenant's Woman” John Fowles offers multiple endings. Choose the correct number of endings:

a) four (Victorian, sentimental, gothic and existentialist);

b) three (Victorian, sentimental and existentialist);

c) two (Victorian and existentialist).


In Graham Green’s “The Quiet American” one of the main characters, Alden Pyle, is

a) a British journalist in his fifties covering the French war in Vietnam;

b) CIA agent working under cover;

c) a police inspector, torn between doing his duty and doing what is best for the country.


Which of the trends in English literature is inspired by Japanese poetry (with its tiny form, such as «haiku»)?

a) Surrealism

b) Impressionism;

c) Imagism.


Stephen Dedalus is the main character of

a) «Ulysses» and «The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man»;

b) «Ulysses» only;

c) «Ulysses» and «Finnigans Wake»;

d) «Finnigans Wake» only.


In Paul Austers’s “Timbuktu” the predominant postmodernist technique is

a) metafiction;

b) intertextuality;

c) play with the reader.


17. Determine a sub-genre of drama in which G. H. Show made a substantial contribution: the basic place does not belong either to an intrigue or a fascinating plot but to intense disputes, witty verbal duels of its characters. They grasp the depth of problems; force the reader to reflect over existing laws, orders and customs. It is

a) an intellectual drama;

b) a romance drama;

c) a historical drama.



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