Interpretation tests are used to check 

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Interpretation tests are used to check

a) close reading skills;

b) general reading skills;

c) receptive understanding skills.


Explaining grammar in detail, using grammatical terminology is only possible in

a) a monolingual group;

b) a multilingual group;

c) both.


51. Define the character of the following speech activity: ‘Write the names of parts of body, body posture and movements on the blackboard.’

a) receptive;

b) receptive-reproductive;

c) reproductive exercises.


52. Decide which of different age groups and different levels correspond to the following motivational factors described in a concise way:

“Frequent changes of activity; teacher approval; curiosity; the aptitude for speedy and effective remembering and first-rate imitative abilities.”

a) Adolescents;

b) Junior schoolchildren;

c) Adult advanced students.


Speaking is

a) the aim of teaching L2 at school;

b) the means of teaching L2 at school;

c) both the aim and the means of teaching L2 at school.

The principal aim of control in teaching is

a) assessing the level of speech habits and skills being formed;

b) managing the process of teaching-learning;

c) checking on general progress and obtaining feedback.

55. Decide which of different age groups and different levels correspond to the following motivational factors described in a concise way:

“Peer approval; avoiding humiliation; getting involved; stimulating critical thinking.”

a) Adult beginners;

b) Adolescents;

c) Senior schoolchildren.


56. Decide which of the following methods and approaches corresponds to the following main characteristics:

“The syllabus is based on a series of situations, usually in dialogue form. Learners are most likely to encounter such situations as prospective tourists when travelling abroad.”

a) Audio-lingual;

b) Task-based learning;

c) Situational.


Teaching dialogue at the elementary level usually begins with forming a skill to

a) make inquiries and agree/refuse;

b) obtain information and inquire about information;

c) work out a common judgement/decision or to come to definite conclusions.


58. Fill in the gap: The skills of silent reading and general reading; techniques of close reading are the main concern of the _____ level in a mainstream school.

a) intermediate;

b) beginner;

c) advanced.


59. Current control, interim control, thematic control, summing up control and final control are distinguished according to:

a) the control function;

b) the process and result of speech habits and skills formation;

c) the stage of learning.


When the code of conduct is severely broken, the teacher should

a) act immediately;

b) go on with the activity;

c) change the activity.

Тести з теоретичної граматики

The distinctive features of English as an analytical Language are

a) great number of grammatical inflections and suppletive grammatical forms;

b) wide use of functional words and scarcity of synthetical grammatical forms;

c) free word order.


Syntactic relations are based on

a) dominational and equipotent connections;

b) only one-way and two-way domination;

c) only equipotent connection.

3. The subject matter of Morphology is to study

a) syntagmatic connections of grammatical forms;

b) sentence-building rules;

c) grammatical classes of words, their grammatical categories and systems of paradigms.


Predicative relations build up word-groups as

a) secondary parts of the sentence;

b) both principal and secondary parts of the sentence;

c) principal parts of the sentence.


Paradigmatic relations connect

a) syntagmatic groupings of words;

b) marked and unmarked members of the morphological opposition;

c) textual segments.


In comparison with exocentric word phrases, endocentric phrases are

a) subordinate and coordinate;

b) subordinate and predicative;

c) predicative and prepositional.


The grammatical category is

a) a number of grammatical forms expressing both lexical and grammatical meanings;

b) a system, expressing a generalized grammatical meaning by means of paradigmatic correlation of grammatical forms, analytical or synthetical;

c) a system expressing variant grammatical meanings by means of correlated grammatical forms.


According to the internal structure, word combinations with head element are

a) regressive\progressive;

b) independent\dependent;

c) both.


By grammatical forms we understand

a) variants of a word having the same lexical meaning but differing grammatically;

b) variants of a word having the same lexical and grammatical meanings;

c) variants of a word having different lexical and grammatical meanings.


In Grammar the word combination theory studies

a) semantic collocations of separate words;

b) structure, grammatical peculiarities of its constituents, syntactic relations between them;

c) lexical meanings of words and their groupings.


11. Answer the question: Which criteria are used in the distributional analysis of the morphemic structure of the word?

a) Lexico-semantic specification;

b) Word-building features;

c) Degree of self-dependence and grammatical alteration.


Sentence is defined as

a) communicative unit with a meaning and a form;

b) immediate integral unit of speech built up of words according to a definite syntactic pattern and distinguished by a meaning and contextually relevant communicative purpose;

c) immediate integral unit of speech built up of grammatical forms structured according to their meanings and communicative purpose.


Notional parts of speech are the words that

a) have an incomplete nominative meaning;

b) are used as structural function words;

c) have full lexical nominative meaning.


Naming a situation, the predicative centre of the sentence is presented in the position of

a) subject and attribute group;

b) subject and predicate group;

c) predicate and object group.


15. Grammatical features of Noun are outlined like the following:

a) categorical meaning of substance, categorical forms of gender and person, derivational patters, substantive syntactic function;

b) categorical meaning of substance, categorical forms of number and case, derivational patters, substantive syntactic function;

c) categorical meaning of property, categorical forms of number and case, derivational patters, proper syntactic function.


Implicit predication is found in

a) sentences with double headed predication;

a) sentences with single headed predication;

a) sentences with both single and double headed predication.

Semantic domain of Subjunctive is outlined as

a) unreal condition, unreal comparison, unreal volition;

b) unreal wish, unreal supposition, unreal condition;

c) unreal event, unreal speculation, unreal desire.


Composite sentence as a polypredicative unit is formed

a) by two or more predicative lines;

b) by two predicative lines;

c) by one predicative line.


19. Answer the question: Apart from derivational patterns and structural dimensions, which of the grammatical features are included into morphological characteristics of Verb?

a) categorical meaning of action, opposition of finite\nonfinite verb forms, functional significance;

b) categorical meaning of process, functional significance, categorical changeable forms, opposition of finite\nonfinite verb forms;

c) categorical meaning of state, functional significance, categorical changeable forms, opposition of finite\nonfinite verb forms.


The type of sentences which is excluded from structural classification is

a) complete\incomplete;

b) simple\composite;

c) declarative\interrogative.


Morphological distinctions of verbals are

a) person, number, tense, mood, voice;

b) tense, aspect, mood, voice, person;

c) tense, aspect, voice.


Reflecting the semantics of the predicate, sentences fall into

a) personal human\non-human;

b) actional, statal, relational;

c) impersonal factual\perceptional.


The factors, which are excluded from the main characteristics of the non-finite forms, are

a) relative tense distinctions;

b) process-naming function;

c) nominal features.



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