The pitch of the voice may be changed through widening and narrowing the range of the voice. The widening of the range is used to express 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


The pitch of the voice may be changed through widening and narrowing the range of the voice. The widening of the range is used to express

a) horror, disgust;

b) joy, happiness, indignation;

c) aversion.


25. Answer the question: Which of the following degrees of word stress is characteristic only for American English?

a) primary;

b) secondary;

c) tertiary.


Statements pronounced with the falling-rising tone

a) sound weighty and emphatic;

b) carry implication;

c) show that the speaker is greatly impressed.

Unstressed or partly stressed syllables (or a syllable) that follow the nucleus of the intonation group are called

a) subsidiary;

b) tail;

c) segmental.


28. Choose the variant which is not correct: Positional allophones appear as a result of

a) assimilation:

b) adaptation;

c) accommodation;

d) elision.


The component of the intonation pattern, which is considered to be the most important and obligatory, is

a) the prehead;

b) the head;

c) the nucleus;

d) the tail.


The kind of word stress that is not characteristic of the English and Russian/Ukrainian languages is

a) free;

b) fixed;

c) shifting.


31. Answer the question: Which of the following communicative types of sentences are as a rule pronounced with the rising tone?

a) exclamations;

b) requests;

c) special questions.


If the speaker wants to express a reassuring, soothing attitude with a hint of self-reliance, his/ her statement is pronounced with

a) the low falling nuclear tone;

b) the low rising nuclear tone;

c) the rising-falling nuclear tone.


Repeated or echoing special questions are usually pronounced with

a) a falling head and a low rising tone on the last stressed syllable;

b) a rising head and a low falling tone on the last stressed syllable;

c) a low rising tone on the question word.


In order to make the exclamation sound weighty and emphatic the speaker usually uses

a) the low falling nuclear tone;

b) the low rising nuclear tone;

c)) the rising-falling nuclear tone.


The phrase “Excuse me” arresting someone’s attention is pronounced with

a) a falling-rising tone;

b) a falling tone;

c) a rising-falling tone.


If special prominence in an accented syllable or syllables is achieved mainly through the intensity of articulation, such type of stress is called

a) tertiary;

b) musical, or tonic;

c) dynamic, or force.


The use of different languages or dialects for different occasions is

a) bilingualism;

b) diglossia;

c) accent.


For casual “Thank you” and “Sorry” it is recommended to use

a) the low rising tone;

b) the falling-rising tone;

c) the low falling tone.


The American-based group of variants of English does not include

a) Australian English;

b) Canadian English;

c) United States English.


The retroflexed articulation of vowels, the weakening of /j/, the voicing of /t/ in the intervocalic position is typical of

a) RP;

b) Australian English;

c) General American.

Тести з лінгвокраїнознавства.

The United Kingdom” means

a) England, Scotland and Wales;

b) A group of islands including Britain and Ireland;

c) England, Scotland, Wales Northern Ireland and a number of small islands.


The “Home Counties” is

a) The most homogeneous part of Britain;

b) The least homogeneous part of Britain;

c) The most undeveloped part of Britain.


The Bill of rights was worked out by

a) John Adams;

b) James Madison;

c) Thomas Jefferson.


The rate of unemployment is the highest

a) In England;

b) In Wales;

c) In Northern Ireland.


The Golden Age is the period of English history under the reign of

a) Henry VIII;

b) Elizabeth I;

c) Victoria I.


The first President of the USA was

a) Thomas Jefferson;

b) Abraham Lincoln;

c) Thomas Jefferson.


In 1648 Olive Cromwell got the title of

a) King of England;

b) President of the new Republic;

c) Lord Protector.


The Restoration of the Monarchy took place

a) after the Agricultural Revolution;

b) after the Plague;

c) after Cromwell’s death.


The Emancipation Proclamation declared

a) freedom for slaves;

b) the right to vote for women;

c) freedom for immigrants.


The Tories were

a) against the royal prerogative;

b) for the royal prerogative;

c) favored the republican ideas.


The Industrial Revolution is the name given to

a) the period beginning in the second half of the 19-th c.;

b) the period beginning in the second half of the 18-th c.;

c) the period beginning in the first half of the 18-th c.


The Truman Doctrine is

a) the plan how to reconstruct post-war industry;

b) the plan how to resist Communist aggression;

c) the plan how to unite European states in a military coalition.


Queen Victoria reigned for

a) 64 years;

b) 65 years;

c) 70 years.


The British Empire grew to a size so vast that

a) “the sun never rises upon it”;

b) “the sun never sets upon it”;

c) “the sun never falls upon it”.


The US President can be re-elected

a) for two more terms;

b) for one more term;

c) cannot be re-elected.


The Labour Party gave

a) the agricultural labourers the right to vote;

b) the proletariat a greater voice in Parliament;

c) the aristocracy the right to be the members of trade unions.


In the UK women received the right to vote

a) before World War II;

d) before World War I;

e) after World War I.


The legislative branch of national government consists

a) of the House of Representatives and the Senate;

b) of the House of Representatives, the President and the Senate;

c) of the House of Representatives, the Cabinet and the Senate.


The period of “affluent society” was the period of

a) massive growth in agricultural sector;

b) massive growth in the private sector;

c) wide overseas expansion.


Oil production in the North Sea began

a) in 1980s;

b) in 1960s;

c) in 1970s.


The Golden State” is

a) Colorado;

b) Florida;

c) California.


British colonization of Ireland began under

a) Henry I;

b) Henry II;

c) Henry VIII.


Bloody Sunday is the day

a) when James I sent anti-Catholic Protestants from Scotland to settle in Ulster;

b) in 1916 when a group of Irish Republicans staged Easter Rising in Dublin;

c) in 1972 when British troops fired on a civil rights demonstration in Derry.


24. Answer the question: Which US state was the last to become a state?

a) Arizona;

b) Alaska;

c) Hawaii.


King Edward I was called

a) “Black Prince”;

b) “Confessor”;

c) “Martyr”.


The Norman Conquest dates back to

a) 994;

b) 1135;

c) 1066.


27. The largest city in the US is:

a) Los Angeles;

b) San Francisco;

c) New York.


28. The largest city in the US is:

a) Los Angeles;

b) San Francisco;

c) New York.


British Parliament consists

a) of the House of Lords and the House of Commons;

b) of the House of Lords, the House of Commons and the Sovereign;

c) of the House of Lords, the House of Commons and the Prime Minister.


Ships that took convicts to the USA and later Australia are

a) “Death boats”;

b) “Transportation ships”;

c) “Convict ships”.


The Prime Minister is

a) the leader of the party which obtains a majority of seats in a general election;

b) appointed by the Sovereign;

c) the head of the Labour Party.


The Model Parliament was called

a) in 1215;

b) in 1265;

c) in 1295.


33. A colloquial name for Australian is:

a) Bushman;

b) Aussie;

c) Squatter.


The national emblem of England is

a) a thorn;

b) a clover;

c) a rose.


35. The Dreamtime is:

a) the period of time when ancestors of men created life in Australia;

b) life in Heaven;

c) the period of time in future when life will be perfect.


36. Fill in the gap: John Fowles’ novel _______ is the story of the abduction and imprisonment of Miranda Grey by Frederick Clegg, told first from his point of view, and then from hers by means of her diary, with a return in the last few pages to Clegg's narration of her illness and death.

a) “The Magus”;

b) “ The Collector”;

c) “The French Lieutenant's Woman”.


American Constitution

a) didn’t mention the parties;

b) set out two major parties;

c) determined how parties should nominate candidates for Presidency.


The Courts of appeal can decide if

a) the person is guilty;

b) the judge should be changed;

c) the jury should have another hearing.


The Emancipation Proclamation declared

d) freedom for slaves;

e) the right to vote for women;

f) freedom for immigrants.


The New Deal was a plan

a) to invade other countries;

b) to develop trade with Europe;

c) to fight depression.

The end to cold war with the USSR was put by president

a) Nixon;

b) Reagan;

c) Roosevelt.


Klondike Day is

a) the day when the Klondike Gold Rush began;

b) the day when the Klondike Gold Rush finished;

c) an annual summer fair with a Klondike gold rush theme.


NATO was formed in

a) 1949;

b) 1945;

c) 1929.


The first American president who got the Nobel Prize was

a) McKinley;

b) Theodore Roosevelt;

c) Woodrow Wilson.



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