Ex. 14. Which of the professionals would you consult in each of the following cases? 

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Ex. 14. Which of the professionals would you consult in each of the following cases?

1. to operate on an eye cataract; 2. to treat your son's measles; 3. to test your eyesight; 4. to treat a rash (сыпь) on the skin; 5. to operate on your appendix; 6. to treat your cough.


Ex. 15. Insert the missing words given below:

1. I chose medicine as I wish to help people to be _ and prolong their longevity. 2. I take interest in many _. 3. The _ of doctor is very honorable. 4. Every doctor knows that before the _ of the patient it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis and determine the cause of the disease. 5. It is necessary to know the way and mechanisms of disease's _ as well as symptoms by which it can be revealed. 6. The doctor must be _ to each patient.


sciences; profession; careful; healthy; development; treatment.


Ex. 16. Insert the missing prepositions:

1. The doctor must remember the professional oath, which he/she proclaimed _ the meeting. 2. It is the famous physician Hippocrate's oath, which says that each doctor must be ready to give all abilities and all strength _ the protection of the people's health. 3. The guide _ the doctor's work is the commandment "Do not harm". 4. The physical examination includes a number _ procedures, such as: palpation, percussion, auscultation and others.


Ex. 17. Write out key words of the text "Profession of the Physician".


Ex. 18. Compose the detailed plan of the text "Profession of the Physician".


Ex. 19. Retell the text "Profession of the Physician" according to your plan.


Ex. 20. Read and try to memorize the following words:

Diabetes ["daIq'bI:tI:z] діабет; blood pressure ['blAd 'preSq] кров’яний тиск; modifiable ['mOdIfaIqbl] що піддається зміні; goal [geul] ціль, мета; imply припускати; включати в себе; evaluation оцінка; checkup перевірка, огляд; testicle ['testIkl] яєчко; breast [brest] груди, молочна залоза.

Ex. 21. Read the following text and speak on the necessity of regular medical examination:


The answer to this question varies, depending on whom you ask. Consult your physician if you have pain or other symptoms. However, the absence of symptoms does not necessarily guarantee that you are in good health. In the early stages, many diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and some forms of cancer, are asymptomatic (without symptoms) but are treatable when found early. A periodic medical examination aims to diagnose treatable, asymptomatic diseases and to correct modifiable disease risk factors. These goals imply a comprehensive physical examination and laboratory evaluation. How often should you have a medical examination? All of us have different needs. Nevertheless, some guidelines may be useful to you. The guidelines given here are for people who have no symptoms of disease.

Regular Physical Examination. The interval between examinations depends on your age. If you are between ages 18 and 30, every 5 or 6 years is appropriate. After age of 30, every 3 years is probably a better frequency. Between ages 40 and 60, an every-other-year schedule is sensible; after age 60, have a checkup annually.

Self-Examination. Self-examinations are also important. Men should begin regular self-examination of the testicles in their teens. Women of childbearing age or older should examine their breasts monthly.

Blood Lipid Measurements. You should have blood cholesterol and triglyceride tests as early as possible, particularly if there is a family history of atherosclerosis. If test results are within normal limits, you should have these tests repeated at least every 5 years.

Blood Pressure Measurement. Have your blood pressure taken at every physical examination or more often if your physician advices.


The physician is responsible for delivering health care. Every physician must remember that to treat patients is a great art. A good physician must have deep knowledge of a particular field of medicine. He/She must love people and have a kind heart. After graduation from the Medical University the young physician works according to the following medical specialities: Anesthesiology, Dermatology, Family Practice, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Surgery, Urology and others. So young specialist may work as therapeutist, surgeon, neuropathologist, oncologist, ophthalmologist, urologist, gynecologist and many others. He/She may work at the hospital, polyclinic, sanitary epidemiological station, maternity home, dispensary and others. The doctor examines the patients, makes the diagnosis, and prescribes proper treatment to every patient. The physical examination includes a number of procedures, such as: palpation, percussion, auscultation and others. The doctor is the most familiar profession in the health field, because most people turn to a doctor for advice when they are sick or injured.





prominent ['prominent] видатний describe [dIs'kraIb] описувати, характеризувати texture ['teksCq] тканина improve [Im'pru:v] поліпшувати(ся); удосконалювати receive [rI'sI:v] отримувати degree [dI'grI:] звання, вчений ступінь author ['OTq] автор research [rI' sq:C] наукове дослідження nourishment ['nArISmqnt] годування, харчування; підтримка gain [geIn] отримувати cavity ['kxvItI] порожнина favourable conditions ['feIv(q)rqbl] сприятливі умови create [krI:'eIt] створювати supervision [,sjupq'vIZn] керівництво abdominal diseases [xb'dOmInl] шлунково-кишкові захворювання sliding palpation ['slaIdIN pxl'peIS(q)n] ковзна пальпація win recognition [,rekqg' nIS(q)n] отримати визнання huge [hju:G] великий, величезний plague [pleIg] чума invention [In'venS(q)n] винахід


ee [I:] tree see
oo [u:] tool але: blood [A]


Ex. 1. Read the following words:

Week, keep, been, need, feel, agree, spleen, feet, proceed, deep, three, free, cheese, asleep, cook, proof, too, room, choose, good, look, smooth, stool, teaspoonful.


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:


It is a pity. Шкода.
It is getting cold. Стає холодно.
It seems that you are ill. Певно, ви хворі.


Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. It is time to begin our investigation. 2. It is difficult to do this work. 3. It will be useful to read about the structure of the digestive system. 4. It was important to learn the physiology of various organ systems.


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