Tell your fellow-students about yourself. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Tell your fellow-students about yourself.

Describe your family to your new friend.

Show a friend your family album and answer all his/her questions.


Ex. 35. Read the following words and word-combinations. Memorize them.

scarlet fever['ska:lIt 'fI:vq] скарлатина measles['mI:zlz] кір chickenpox['CIkInpLks] вітряна віспа rubella[ru:'belq] краснуха whooping cough['hu:pIN 'kO:f] кашлюк mumps[mAmps] інфекційний паротит tuberculosis[tju(:)bWkju'lqusIs] туберкульоз syphilis['sIfIlIs] сифіліс cancer['kxnsq] рак complaint [kqm'pleInt] скарга diabetes mellitus["daIq'bI:tIz 'melItqs] цукровий діабет kidney disorder['kIdnI: dI'sLdq] захворювання нирок heart disease['hRt dI'zIz] захворювання серця bronchial asthma['brONkIql 'xsmq] бронхіальна астма epilepsy['epIlepsI] епілепсія hypertension['haIpq(:)'tenS(q)n] гіпертонія drug [drAg] ліки, лікарський засіб; наркотичний засіб


Ex. 36. Read and translate the following questions into Ukrainian:

What is your full name?

How old are you?

Are you single or married?

What is your education?

Are you on a pension?

Are you on a pension because of your age or your health?

Your home address, please.

What is your date of birth?

What is your place of birth?

Your home (business) telephone number?

What are your complaints?

Did you have scarlet fever (measles, chickenpox, rubella, whooping cough, mumps)?

Are you allergic to any drugs?

Do you have narcotic habit (Чи у Вас є пристрасть до наркотиків?) (an excessive drinking habit)?

What are the sanitary conditions at your work?

What are your home sanitary conditions?

Do you have children? How many?

Are your children well?

Are your parents living or dead?

Is anyone in your family serious ill?

Is there any history of tuberculosis (syphilis, cancer, diabetes mellitus, kidney disorders, heart diseases, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, hypertension, alcoholism) in your family?


Ex. 37. Complete the questions to your imaginary patient and give the answers:

What _ your home address?

What is your _ of birth?

How old _ you?

_ you single or married?

What _ your complaints?

Did _ have scarlet fever (measles, chickenpox, rubella, whooping cough, mumps)?

Are you allergic_ any drugs?

Do you have narcotic _?

What are the sanitary conditions at your _?

Are your parents living or _?

Is anyone in your _ serious ill?

Is there any history of _?


Ex. 38. You want to get some information about your patient. Ask him/her questions using the expressions of 36th exercise.


My name is Alexander Smirnov. I am from Ukraine. I am 17 years old. I am a first-year student of the Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine "Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy". As for my family it is neither big nor small. I have my father, mother, brother, and sister. My father’s name is Ivan Petrovych. He is 42 years old. He is a stomatologist. My mother’s name is Olga Ivanovna. She is a skilled doctor. My brother’s name is Oleg. He is 13 years old. He is a schoolboy. My elder sister Helen is 25 years old. She is a designer. My work­ing day begins early. I get up at 7 о 'clock. At about 8 о 'clock I leave home and go to the Academy As a rule we have several practical classes and a lecture. We study many subjects, such as Anatomy, Histology, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, His­tory of Medicine, Latin, and English. During the lectures we make notes of new and interesting facts and listen to the lecture attentively. When the classes are over I go home (to the hostel). I have dinner and rest a little. Then I read textbooks, make abstracts and do some exercises. At 11 o'clock I go to bed.





chair [CFq] кафедра train [treIn] готувати physician [fI'zIS(q)n] лікар surgeon ['sWG(q)n] хірург pediatrician ["pI:dIq'trIS(q)n] педіатр therapeutist ["Terq'pju:tIst] терапевт gynaecologist ["gaInI'kOlqGIst] гінеколог stomatologist [stOmq'tO:lqGIst] стоматолог senior ['sI:njq] старший acquire [qk'waIq] набувати Therapy ['TerqpI] терапія Surgery ['sq:GerI] хірургія Obstetrics [Ob'stetrIks] акушерство faculty ['fekqltI] факультет practical skills ['prektIkql 'skIlz] практичні навички diagnosis ["daIqg'nousIs] діагноз prescribe [prIs'kraIb] призначати proper ['prOpq] належний, необхідний treat [trI:t] лікувати treatment ['trItmqnt] лікування fill in [fIl] заповнювати successfully [s(q)k'sesfulI] вдало qualified ['kwOlIfaId] кваліфікований scientist ['saIqntIst] учений last (take) [lRst] тривати patient ['peIS(q)nt] паціент examine [Ig'zxmIn] оглядати


Ex. 1. Practice the spelling of the following sounds:

[q], [W], [e], [x], [Q], [R], [a], [A], [u], [H], [I], [I:], [o], [O], [L].

[ju], [eI], [aI], [Fq], [uq], [jA].


Ex. 2. How do you spell your name. Practice the spelling your name in pairs.

MODEL: Debbie: [dI:], [I:], double [bI:], [aI], [I:].



Ex. 3. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:


Modifier (When, Where) Subject (What, Who) Predicate Direct Object (What) Prepositional Object (To whom) Modifier of Place (Where) Modifier of Time (When)
  I have three classes   at the University on Monday.
  Student gave his notes to his friend.    
  We answer the questions   at the lessons every day.
Last year our faculty trained 200 students.      
In Kyiv many surgeons work     at the regional hospital.  


Ex. 4. Make up sentences using the following words and word-combinations:

1. are / seriously ill / her parents. 2. at / 5 o’clock / has dinner / Nick. 3. lasts / doctors' training / six / years. 4. 3.000 students / at our Academy / study. 5. is over / the acadimic year / in June. 6. students / during the first year / pre-clinical subjects / study.


Ex. 5. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:


a (an) is used only with countable nouns in the singular; is used before a noun when we name the object referring it to a class objects having this name; is used when a person or thing unknown to the hearer or reader; is mentioned for the first time.
the is used with nouns both in the singular and in the plural; is used with a noun if it is clear from the context or situation what particular object meant; is used before the names of oceans, seas, rivers, mountain chains, and compound names of countries: the Atlantic Ocean, the Black Sea, the Mississippi, the Rocky Mountains, the United States of America.
zero article is used in a number of set expressions: at night (уночі), by train (потягом), to go home (йти додому); is used with nouns preceded by possessive, demonstrative or interrogative pronouns: your sister, this lesson, some doctors, each student, What story?; is used with the names of persons and animals: Tom Brown. (But the definite article is used with the name in the plural which denotes the whole family: We’ll invite the Browns); is mostly used with the names of countries, cities, streets, squares, and parks: Poland, Paris, Oxford Street, Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park.

Ex. 6. Complete the sentences with articles if it is necessary:

1. I am _ medical student. 2. They are from different countries: _ Germany, _ Italy, _ USA, _ Ukraine, and _ Japan. 3. Marry goes _ home after classes. 4. He was born in _ Paris but now he lives in _ London. 5. Our group consists of _ some students. 6. London is _ city. 7. M.V. Gogol is _ outstanding Ukrainian writer.



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