Ex. 28. Reproduce the similar dialogue. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Ex. 28. Reproduce the similar dialogue.

Ex. 29. Read and translate the following case history:

Patient: M.O.Romashov.

Age: 47.

Sex: Male

Occupation: Lawyer.

Family status: Married.

Family history: Wife and two children are living and well; father is living and well; mother died: the result of a street accident.

Past history: Measles, scarlet fever, and pneumonia in childhood; two ribs fractured: the result of a war wound; neither drinks nor smokes.

Present complaints: A severe pain in the abdomen (the right iliac region); nausea and vomiting; temperature 39°C.

Duration: Two days.

Diagnosis: Acute appendicitis.

Ex. 30. Make up a dialogue using the following data:

The patient: (age; sex; occupation).

Present complaint: A stinging (гострий) pain in the pharynx due to the one.

Cause: A bone in the pharynx due to too rapid eating.

Symptoms: A stinging pain, especially when swallowing: Precise location of the foreign body.

Examination: Pressure on the tongue with a spoon reveals the bone sticking in the tonsil.

Diagnosis: A foreign body in the pharynx.

Treatment: An attempt to remove it with the finger. Extraction of the bone with a forceps or other similar instrument.


Ex. 31. Answer the following questions and make up a short case history:

1. Who is your patient? 2. How old is he (she)? 3. What symptoms does he (she) have? 4. What does he (she) complain of? 5. What is his (her) temperature? 6. Does he (she) have any pains? 7. Where are those pains? 8. Does he (she) need an urgent operation? 9. Are there any signs or symptoms of infection? 10. Is there any danger to life? 11. Was the onset of the disease sudden? 12. What is your diagnosis? What are your recommendations?

In two or three days:

1. What is your patient’s temperature now? 2. Is there any change in the course of his (her) disease? 3. Has he (she) any complaints? 4. Does his (her) condition continue to improve? 5. Is there any action of the drug? 6. What are the possible effects of the disease?


I suppose you have pneumonia. Order this drug in the pharmacy. Take it a teaspoonful twice a day before meals. This mixture is for your cough. These tablets are for your headache. Take these tablets one every three hours. You have to stay in bed. Apply mustard plasters every day before going to bed. Gargle your throat several times a day. You must make the analyses of blood and urine. Your lungs should be X-rayed. Be­sides you must have an ECG taken.






order ['O:dq] замовляти cabinet ['kxbInIt] шафа properly ['prOpelI] відповідним чином, відповідно moisture ['mOIsCq] волога lozenge ['lOzInG] таблетка ointment ['OIntmqnt] мазь drops ['drOps] краплі syrup ['sIrqp] сироп suppository [sq'pOzIt(q)rI] супозиторій powder ['paudq] порошок topical ['tOpIk(q)l] місцевий (для місцевого застосування) indication ["IndI'keIS(q)n] показання contraindication ["kOntrq"IndI'keIS(q)n] протипоказання side effect ['saId I'fekt] побічний ефект expiration date ["ekspaI(q)'reIS(q)n 'deIt] дата використання to be certain ['sq:tn] бути впевненим ensure [In'Suq] запевняти, гарантувати safe [seIf] захищений; безпечний pregnancy ['pregnqnsI] вагітність breast feeding['brest 'fI:dIN] грудне вигодовування medicine chest['medsIn 'Cest] аптечка


ph [f] physics
ng [N] long


Ex. 1. Read the following words:

Pharmacology, physiology, physician; pharmacy; typhus; lymph; phagocyte; pharynx; esophagus; lung; young; whooping.


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:


Present Past Future
can could -
may might -
must - -

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following sentences:

1. Taking the wrong medicines or inappropriate combinations of medicines can be dangerous. 2. All medicines you can buy at the chemist's shop. 3. The University has sport complex, where students can attend sections of tennis, volleyball, etc. 4. The health care system could not function without nurses or other professionals. 5. I couldn’t come because I fell ill. 6.The patient may be treated in out-patient department. 7. They may be grouped into three categories. 8. The patient must be isolated. 9. The individual must continue this treatment for the rest of his or her life.

Ex. 4. Complete what the doctor says using must and verbs drink, take, stay, and continue. Use each verb only once.

Mrs. Woods, your temperature is a little high, so you _ _ in bed for the next few days. You can eat whatever you like, but you _ _ plenty of liquids. And I’ll give you some medicine. You _ _ it three times a day after meals. And you _ _ to take it for the next ten days.


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