Ex. 21. Compose the dialogue on the composition and functions of the blood. 

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Ex. 21. Compose the dialogue on the composition and functions of the blood.

Ex. 22. Read and translate the following text:


Platelets, or thrombocytes, are minute fragments of cells consisting of a small amount of cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane. They are roughly disk shaped and average approximately 3 mm in diameter.

The life expectancy of platelets is approximately 5 to 9 days. Platelets are produced within the marrow and are derived from megakaryocytes, which are extremely large cells with diameters up to 100 mm. Small fragments of these cells break off and enter the circulation as platelets.

Platelets play an important role in preventing blood loss. This prevention is accomplished in two ways: the formation of platelet plugs, which seal holes in small vessels; and the formation of clots, which help seal off larger wounds in the vessels.

If the number of platelets is too low, excessive bleeding can occur. However, if the number of platelets is too high, blood clots can form (thrombosis), which may obstruct blood vessels and result in such events as stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism or blockage of blood vessels to other parts of the body, such as the extremities of the arms or legs.


Ex. 23. Answer the following questions:

1. What is platelet? 2. What are the shape of platelet? 3. What is the life expectancy of platelets? 4. Where are the platelets produced? 5. What is the major function of platelets?


Ex. 24. Read and retell the following text:


Leukocytes, or white blood cells, are nucleated blood cells that lack hemoglobin. They are clear or whitish in color and are larger than erythrocytes, ranging from 8 to 19 mm in diameter. In stained preparations leukocytes attract stain, whereas erythrocytes remain relatively unstained.

Leukocytes protect the body against invading microorganisms and remove dead cells and debris from the body. Leukocytes leave the circulation by the process of diapedesis (movement through vessel walls) and move through the tissues in which they ingest foreign material or dead cells. At the site of an infection leukocytes accumulate and phagocytize bacteria, dirt, and dead cells; then they die. This accumulation of dead leukocytes, along with fluid and cell debris, is called pus.

Leukocytes are named according to their appearance in stained preparations. Leukocytes containing large cytoplasmic granules are granulocytes, and those with very small granules that cannot be seen easily with the light microscope are agranulocytes. The three types of granulocytes are named according to the staining characteristics of their cytoplasm: neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. There are two types of agranulocytes: monocytes and lymphocytes.


Ex. 25. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Основними життєво важливими функціями крові є транспортувальна та захисна функції, а також функція підтримання стабільного клітинного середовища. 2. Кров переносить поживні речовини з шлунково-кишкового тракту та кисень з дихальних органів до усіх клітин організму. 3. Продукти розпаду транспортуються кров’ю до дихальних та видільних органів. 4. Загальний обсяг крові поділяється на циркулюючий (circulating) обсяг крові та резервний (reserve) обсяг крові. 5. Резервна кров зберігається в певних органах, наприклад, в печінці. 6. Плазма крові містить амінокислоти, прості цукри, різноманітні ліпіди. 7. Функції плазми полягають у перенесенні газів, поживних речовин та вітамінів, у регулюванні рідинного та електролітичного (electrolyte) балансу, у підтриманні відповідного pH.




Blood is a type of connective tissue. Blood transports gases, nutrients, waste products, and hormones. It is involved in the regulation of homeostasis and the maintenance of pH, body temperature, fluid balance, and electrolyte level. Blood protects against diseases and blood loss. Blood is composed of plasma and erythrocytes, leucocytes and blood platelets. The plasma is composed of water, amino acid, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, and hormones. The erythrocytes are the most numerous cellular elements of blood. Platelets are minute fragments of cells consisting of a small amount of cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane. The main function of red blood cells is to transport gases. White blood cells function primarily to control various disease conditions. Blood platelets help close breaks in blood vessels.





transfusion [trxns'fjuZ(q)n] переливання сompatible[kqm'pxtqbl] сумісний antibodу ['xntI"bOdI] антитіло antigen['xntIGqn] антиген lack[lxk] потребувати; відчувати нестачу accident['xksId(q)nt] нещасний випадок, аварія surgery['sq:GerI] хірургічне втручання severe [sI'vIq] тяжкий, серйозний lesion ['lI:Zqn] ураження contraindication ["kOntrq"IndI'keIS(q)n] протипоказання disposable [dIs'pquzqbl] одноразовий syringe['sIrInG] шприц replace[rI'pleIs] заміщати malaria[mq'lFqrIq] малярія


Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:

Suffixes of Verbs:


prognosticate прогнозувати, передбачати ймовірне завершення хвороби

-ize (-ise)

special спеціальный – to specialize спеціалізувати

neutral нейтральний – to neutralize нейтралізувати


classify класифікувати


Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:

A. Translate; penetrate; integrate; narrate; participate; regulate; eliminate; articulate; separate; dilate; isolate; evacuate.

B. Characterize; memorize; organize; mobilize; synthesize; comprise.

C. Identify; modify; amplify.




(Passive Voice)


Ex. 3. Translate the sentences containing Perfect Tenses (Passive Voice):

1. It was observed that blood collected for transfusion was compatible in some recipients. 2. It has been determined that each person spontaneously forms antibodies against antigens that his/her own red blood cells lack. 3. Type AB blood has both types of antigens. 4. A person with type A blood should not have type B antibodies unless he/she has received a transfusion of type B blood, which contains type B antigens. 5. Hydrochloric acid and pepsin have been produced by the gastric glands. 6. The process of digestion had been completed. 7. The unabsorbed components of food have been evacuated from the body.


Ex. 4. Turn the following sentences into interrogative:

1. Corticosteroid drugs have been used with chemotherapy. 2. Removal of the spleen has been performed because it had been massive. 3. Acute lymphocytic leukemia has been called childhood leukemia because it most frequently affects children. 4. Good results have been produced by the blood transfusion.


Ex. 5. Find in the text “Blood Transfusion” sentences containing Perfect Tenses, Passive Voice. Read them, determine the tenses, and translate into Ukrainian.


Ex. 6. Read the following grammar material:


We know (that) arteries take blood to the tissues. Ми знаємо, що артерії поставляють кров до тканин.
He cannot understandwhy the heart is extraordinary pump. Він не може зрозуміти, чому серце – це незвичайний|незвичний| насос.
Will you show mewhere the heart is located? Ви мені покажете, де розташовано|схильний| серце  

Ex. 7. Read and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. I am sure that the two ventricles are separated from each other by the interventricular septum. 2. He says the pulmonary trunk carries blood to the lungs. 3. He knows the myocardium is composed of cardiac muscle cells. 4. They understand that the heart valves are formed by a fold of the endocardium. 5. The medical students study that the right atrium contains a group of cells called the sinus node. 6. This person knows the pericardium is a fibrous sac. 7. They say the thin-walled atria form the superior and posterior portions of the heart.



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