Look at the picture and fill in the blanks. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Look at the picture and fill in the blanks.

What do these people like to do during their leisure time?


Boys like to swim.

1. These guys like to _____________ 2. Ann likes to ________


3. Mary likes to ______________ 4. Mother likes to _______

5. Jane likes to ______________ 6. Kate likes to_________

7. Bob likes to _______________ 8. Mark likes to _________

9. Michael likes to ___________ 10. Liz and Eve like to ____

11. Geraldine likes to _________ 12. John likes to ________

13. Lacey likes to __________ 14. Gabriel likes to _______

15. Lucy likes to _________ 16. We like to __________

17. Janet likes to ___________ 18. Whiney likes to _______

19. Girls like to __________

A) Find the missing letters and write the words.

  • g__ t__ th__ c__nem__ _________________
  • pl__y __omp___t__r g__me__ ________________
  • __or__ in __he g__rd__n _____________________
  • G__ r__ll_rbl_d_ng ______________________
  • R___d b___ks _________________
  • L_st_n t_ m__s__c _______________________

B) Put the activities in the alphabetical order.


Go to the cinema, play cards, exercises


1. exercises

2. go to the cinema

3. play cards

walking knitting running working in the garden playing cards exercises soccer bingo listening to music cinema going to the park reading books guitar playing computer games dancing rollerblading swimming watching TV solving crossword puzzle shopping  

*7. Ask 5 classmates what they like to do. (you may choose your own activities)

Student name Do you like to play work in the garden? Do you like to read books? Do you like to go for a walk? Do you like to play computer games? Do you like to to solve crosswords?


A) Find out what is the most popular leisure time among them?

B) Find out what is the least popular leisure time among them?

C) Tell about your friend’s leisure time.


*8. Unscramble the words.

E.g. wsmi swim

1. ingdanc ____________ 2. nkiittng _____________ 3. nnirung _____________ 4. rcossowrd upzlzze _______________ 5. bldaingollrer _____________ 6. inglpay paion ____________________________

7. occser ____________ 8. ppingosh _____________ 9. ubggy ujmpngi __________________________



Adjectives. Прилагательные.

Прилагательным называется часть речи, обозначающая признак предмета, т. е. качество или свойство.

* Для образования прилагательных к основе существительного могут присоединяться следующие суффиксы: -ful, -less, -ish, -like, -y, -ed, -ing.

e.g. skilful, harmless, reddish, businesslike, wealthy, interested, boring.


По своей структуре прилагательные бывают:


I. Простые, т.е. состоящие только из одного корня:

red - красный
large - большой
old - старый


II. Производные, т.е. имеющие кроме корня еще и суффиксы или префиксы, а иногда то и другое:

dangerous - опасный
unable - неспособный
remarkable - замечательный


III. Сложные, т.е. состоящие из двух или более основ:

ice-cold - холодный как лед
light-blue - светло-голубой


The degrees of comparison. Степени сравнения.

Positive Comparative Superlative
  + er the +est
cold colder the coldest
strong stronger the strongest
big bigger the biggest
  more the most
comfortable more comfortable the most comfortable
Interesting more interesting the most interesting
dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous
Good-хороший better the best
Bad- плохой worse the worst
Far- далекий father the farthest
Little-маленький less the least


Adverbs. Наречия.


В английском языке, как и в русском, наречием называется часть речи, которая обозначает признак действия, состояния или качества.

По своей структуре наречия делятся на:

1. простые слова:

ex. Here, there, well

2. сложные слова:

ex. Afterwards, nowhere, downstairs

3. словосочетания:

ex. At first, all of a sudden, the day after tomorrow

4. наречия, образованные от прилагательных:

ex. Interesting + ly = interestingly

Значения наречий:

1. Наречия времени - now, then, yesterday, soon, recently

2. Наречия частотности – often, sometimes, ever, constantly

3. Наречия места и направления – here, everywhere, below, inside, abroad

4. Наречия образа действия – badly, suddenly, deeply

5. Наречия степени – very, highly, much, too, so, enough, completely

6. Наречия следствия и причины – therefore, as a result, consequently

7. вопросительные – when, where, how, why

8. модальные наречия – really, indeed, perhaps, possibly


late- поздно

near- близко

hard- упорно



lately- в последнее время

The degrees of comparison.

Positive Comparative Superlative
more most
nicely More nicely Most nicely
beautifully More beautifully Most beautifully
Well - хорошо better best
Badly - плохо worse worst
Far - далеко further furthest
Little - мало less least
Many, much – много more most
Soon - скоро sooner soonest
Early - рано earlier earliest




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