Conversational topic: the advantages of living in a city or in a VIllage. 

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Conversational topic: the advantages of living in a city or in a VIllage.

Grammar topic: ARTICLES.

«Why do people like to live in the city?»

The city is the place where all industrial, cultural and educational centers are situated. In big cities you can find museums, theaters, clubs, cinemas,big shops and hospitals People try to live in cities because all necessary objects are situated near. For example if you are ill the hospital or chemist shop is situated near your house in the city, but if you live in countryside it is hard to find any medicine help or hospital. Also in big cities you can find all sorts of entertainment such as cinemas, clubs, restaurants, bars, cafes, entertaining parks, concert halls, Zoos and so on. Many people like to spend their free time in clubs, entertaining parks because it helps them to relax and bring them a lot of pleasure.

It is really comfortable that everything you need in daily life is situated near you. One of the most important comfort of big cites that you can drive up to your job or to any supermarket very fast, for example. Yes, it is really comfortable, and at first glance everything is good but nowadays there is a great amount of cars and factories in big cities. Big cities suffer of overpopulation, air and water pollution. The streets became nosy and after hard working day people can not relax. People try to do everything to go to the countryside because only there they can find quite. Every holiday and every week-end people try to leave their houses and to go to the village. As for me I prefer to live in big cities because a lot of big shops are situated near my house, but I also like to spend my holidays in the countryside because after spending in the city about 9 months I began to get tired.


  1. industrial
  1. промышленный
  1. educational
  1. образовательный
  1. necessary
  1. необходимый
  1. chemist shop
  1. аптека
  1. to drive up
  1. подъехать
  1. job
  1. работа
  1. overpopulation
  1. перенаселение
  1. pollution
  1. загрязнение
  1. entertainment
  1. развлечение
  1. to relax
  1. расслабиться
  1. pleasure
  1. удовольствие
  1. daily
  1. ежедневный
  1. at first glance
  1. на первый взгляд
  1. amount
  1. количество
  1. quite
  1. вполне
  1. countryside
  1. сельская местность
  1. village
  1. деревня
  1. to spend
  1. проводить
  1. to get tired
  1. устать


1. What statements are true or false? (T), (F)

· The city is the place where all industrial, cultural

and educational centers are situated.

· You can`t find even a shop in the city.

· If you are ill it is difficult to find a chemist shop in the city.

· In big cities you can find all sorts of entertainment .

· Nowadays there is a great amount of cars and factories in big cities.

· Villages suffer of overpopulation, air and water pollution.

· The streets became silent and after hard working day people can not relax.

· Every holiday and every week-end people try to leave their houses and to go to the village.


2. Say in English using active vocabulary:

· Промышленный город, район, область

· Образовательный центр, учреждение (establishment), курс

· Необходимые знания, ресурсы, условия

· аптека, больница, медицинская помощь

· загрязнение воздуха, воды, почвы (soil)

· работа, удовольствие, развлечение

· город, сельская местность, деревня


3. Complete the sentences:

· In big cities you can find …………………….

· If you are ill the hospital or chemist shop…………………….

· If you live in countryside it is hard……………….

· All sorts of entertainment such as ………………..

· People like to spend their free time in clubs, entertaining parks because……………..

· One of the most important comfort of big cites…………………

· Big cities suffer of overpopulation………………..

· As for me I prefer to live…………….. (say your opinion)

4. Write advantages and disadvantages of living in the city using the phrases below:

e.g. you can go to the cinema e.g. there is little fresh air


You can find everything you need; you have to live with a lot of people; there is much noise; there are a lot of restaurants where you can have a bite; traffic is very intensive; there are many museums; you can approach for medical help everywhere; you can go to the cinema; there is little fresh air; you can`t fishing; you can visit different sport clubs; there is a lot of pollution; you have a lot of nervous stresses; dangerous surroundings; a lot of possibilities to find job; many friends; abundance of pleasure; many shops; many possibilities to spend money.



5. Translate the following:


· Я предпочитаю жить в городе.

· Город – это место, где я могу иметь много возможностей. (possibilities)

· В городе есть музеи, театры, кинотеатры, зоопарки, магазины, парки, клубы, спортивные клубы, кафе и рестораны.

· Я всегда могу обратиться за медицинской помощью. (to approach - обратиться)

· В городе много шума, но мне это нравится.

· У меня много друзей в городе и я отдыхаю с ними каждые выходные.

· Я могу найти любую работу в городе.

· Я со своей семьей любим посещать выставки (exhibitions) разных художников. (artists).

· Город – это место, где мне комфортно.



· Я предпочитаю жить в деревне.

· В деревне много свежего воздуха.

· В деревне красивая окружающая природа. (surrounding nature)

· Я и моя семья используем только натуральные продукты.

· Мои друзья более открытые, честные и помогающие.

· Мы используем народную медицину в лечении. (traditional medicine)

· В деревне нет шума.

· В деревне много домашних (domestic) животных.

· Деревня – это место, где мне комфортно.



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