Grammar topic: the plural number of the noun. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Grammar topic: the plural number of the noun.


«My working day».

I'd like to describe you my working day. My every day activities are quite routine. They do not differ much from those of any other student of our country. My working day begins at 7 o'clock in the morning when I get up. I do my physical jerks, wash, brush my teeth and comb my hair. Then I have breakfast. For breakfast I usually have toasted bread, fried eggs, corn flakes, tea or coffee and some jam.

At ten to eight I leave for the technical school. I go to the technical school six days a week. It takes me twenty minutes to get to my technical school by bus. There I usually have three or four lessons. Sometimes I have a lunch at our canteen, I eat soup or pasta with meat, maybe potato with fish, tea or coffee. The lessons are over at ten minutes to four.

I return home at five o'clock. I have a bite and take a short rest. I go for a walk with my friends. In spring we play football, in winter we play hockey or ski. I am back at home at a quarter to seven. My parents usually return home at seven o'clock. When I am at home we have dinner at seven thirty. After dinner we go to the sitting-room. There we read books, watch TV, chat with the friends on the phone.

At seven thirty I begin to do my home-work. It takes me two or three hours to do it. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I attend preparatory courses at the University. I leave home, at four thirty and come back at eight thirty.

At ten thirty I take a shower, brush my teeth and go to bed. I fall asleep fast and have no dreams.


Vocabulary: describe описывать
2.everyday activities ежедневная деятельность
3.quite вполне
4. to differ отличаться
5. to get up вставать
6. to brush smb`s teeth чистить чьи-либо зубы
7. to comb smb`s hair расчесывать чьи-либо волосы
8. to fry жарить
9. to toast жарить в тостере
10. canteen столовая
11. to return возвращаться
12. to have a bite перекусывать
13. to attend посещать
14. preparatory courses подготовительные курсы
15. to take a shower принимать душ
16. to go to bed ложиться спать
17. to fall asleep засыпать
18. fast быстрый
19. dream сон


1. What statements are true or false. (T), (F).

· My every day activities are quite routine.

· My working day begins at 11 o'clock in the morning when I get up.

· I do my physical jerks, wash, brush my teeth and comb my hair.

· At ten to eight I leave for the technical school.

· It takes me ten minutes to get to my technical school by bus.

· Sometimes I have a lunch at our canteen, I eat soup or pasta with meat, maybe potato with fish, tea or coffee.

· My parents usually return home at seven o'clock.

· On Monday, Wednesday and Saturday I attend preparatory courses at the University.

· I fall asleep fast and have terrible dreams.

2. Find equivalents:

1.I'd like to describe a) уроки заканчиваются
2.when I get up b) я перекусываю
3.brush my teeth c) я посещаю подготовительные курсы
4.My every day activities d) мы играем в хоккей или катаемся на лыжах
5.toasted bread e) я бы хотел описать
6.the technical school f) они не сильно отличаются
7.I have a lunch at our canteen g) поджаренный в тостере хлеб
8.They do not differ much h) я немного отдыхаю
9. The lessons are over i) я засыпаю
10. I have a bite j) это занимает у меня 2 или 3 часа
11. we play hockey or ski k) я принимаю душ
12. we read books, watch TV, chat with the friends on the phone l) я обедаю в нашей столовой
13. I take a short rest. m) моя каждодневная деятельность
14. I attend preparatory courses n) когда я встаю
15. It takes me two or three hours o) техникум
16. I take a shower p) мы читаем книги, смотрим телевизор, болтаем с друзьями по телефону
17. I fall asleep fast q) чищу зубы

3. Find mistakes in the sentences:

1. Usually I get up at seven hours.

2. I wash myself, clean my eyes and dry my ears.

3. I have breakfast at the bus.

4. Usually for breakfast I eat corn, water and fresh eggs.

5. I go to the technical school five days a year.

6. Usually I have dance lessons there.

7. I return home after the lessons at midnight.

8. I do not do my hometask and go to bed.


4. Fill in the table answering the questions.

- What are you?

- How old are you?

- How many days a week do you study?

- What time do you get up?

- What do you eat for breakfast?

- What do you drink?

- What do you do after breakfast?

- What time do you live for the technical school?

- How many lessons do you have every day?

- What do you have for lunch?

- What time do you go home?

- Where do you go in the evening?

- What do you do in the evening if you stay at home?

- At what time do you go to bed?


Your name  
Place/days of study:      
Get up:      
Leave for/time:      
Study activities:      
Come home:      
Evening pastime:      
Go to bed:      



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