II. Read and translate the text. 

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II. Read and translate the text.

    The history of Russian science and technique proves that talented Russian people made great inventions and designed engineering constructions which had never been undertaken before.

    Such was Kulibin, one of the most talented self-taught engineers at the court of Catherina II. From his early childhood Kulibin showed a keen interest to all kinds of mechanical devices and liked to build models of different machine details. He realized that in order to master a secret mechanism it was necessary to study mathematics and physics.

    The instruments necessary for his work were not to be got in Nizhniy Novgorod where he lived. He succeeded to get to Petersburg where he was appointed mechanic to the Academy of Science and since then he spent all his free time and all his money on new inventions.   

    In Petersburg Kulibin undertook a very difficult engineering problem – to design a bridge across the Neva as there was not a single permanent bridge in the city to provide a crossing at any season of the year. Temporary pontoon bridges had to be taken to pieces at high water.

    Kulibin was the first to think of an arched bridge. According to his plan the bridge was to have a single span leaving free water for ships and barges. Arched bridges of similar construction had not been built before, but no engineer dared even to think of construction a bridge with a three hundred meter span. This was a construction which even now is used in modern bridge building.                                          


III. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the history of Russian science and technique prove?  

2. What was Kulibin?

3. Why was it necessary for him to study mathematics and physics?

4. What town did Kulibin live?

5. Why did he decide to get to Petersburg?

6. Where did Kulibin work in Petersburg?

7. What did he design?

8. Is Kulibin’s construction used even now in modern bridge building?

IV. Make up a dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the text given above.

VI. Grammar material. The Construction “Complex Object” after the verbs “to want”, “to expect” and the expression “would like”.

       Конструкция «Сложное дополнение» характерна для английского языка. Она состоит из имени существительного в именительном падеже (the child, the boy, the students) или местоимения в объектном падеже (me, him, her, it, you, them) и либо глагола в неопределённой форме (с частицей to или без неё), либо Participle I (причастия настоящего времени).

       Вся конструкция выполняет в предложении функцию дополнения и часто переводится на русский язык придаточным дополнительным предложением.

                       I want the boy (him) to understand me.

                       Я хочу, чтобы мальчик (он) понял меня.

                       We saw you crossing the street.

                       Мы видели, как вы переходили улицу.  

       Complex Object употребляется после трёх групп глаголов:

 Первая включает глаголы to want (хотеть), to expect (ожидать)и структуру would like:                       

                       I would like you to help me.

                       Я бы хотел, чтобы вы мне помогли.

VII. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian. Find the construction “Complex Object” in each sentence.

1. Do you want me to help you?

2. They didn’t expect us to come back so soon.

3. I want you to understand me.

4. I would like you to read this book.

5. I expect you to write to me.

6. I want him to go home.

7. What do you want him to do for you?

VIII. Translate the following sentences into English using Complex Object

1. Я не хочу, чтобы ты заболела.

2. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы он закончил эту работу.

3. Хотите ли вы, чтобы мы сегодня встретились?

4. Мы не ожидали, что они нас заметят.

5. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы работа была сделана вовремя.

6. Вы хотите, чтобы мы обсудили этот вопрос сегодня?

7. Мы не ожидали, что вы вернётесь так рано.

Part II


Tunnel Construction


I. Learn the following words:

gigantic -- гигантский                      rate скорость, темп

dynamite -- динамит                        to go ahead -- продвигаться

to break ломать, разрушать          to accelerate -- ускорять

rock -- скала                                      to obstruct -- препятствовать

by hand -- вручную                           obstacle -- препятствие

gunpowder -- порох                               to prove -- доказывать

to advance -- продвигаться              per hour в час

inch -- дюйм                                           solution -- решение



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