II. Read and translate the text. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


II. Read and translate the text.

Highway networks in Japan consist of national expressways, national highways and municipal roads. As a rule, all roads should be free of charge to all users and administrated by national municipal government. But there are also toll roads such as national expressways and other similar roads, constructed and administrated by Japan High Public Corporation, local public corporations and local governments. National highways together with national expressways connect the main industrial areas and other important junctions with each other. According to the long-term plan for road improvement roads must be developed as a whole system. All the national expressways in Japan have been constructed and operated as a toll road primarily for the reason of financing.

The national expressways, which are fully controlled, must be separated from other crossing roads. Therefore the national expressways are essentially made up of series of embankments, bridges and tunnels which require high construction cost.

As the national expressways are based upon the toll road system, toll gates have to be installed at about 15 km interval. Also service areas are to be equipped with fuel and repair stations, rest-houses and cafes must be located at about 50 km interval, and parking area at about 20 km.         

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What types of roads do highway networks in Japan consist of?

2. Should all roads be free of charge to all users?

3. What types of roads are toll roads in Japan?  

4. What was the reason that all the national expressways in Japan have been constructed and operated as a toll road?

5. What distance do toll gates have to be installed at?

6. Are service areas to be equipped with fuel and repair stations, rest houses and cafes?

IV. Make up a dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the text given above.

VI. Grammar material. The Passive Voice (continued).

  1. При изменении глагола из действительного залога в страдательный залог меняется вся конструкция предложения: дополнение предложения в активной форме становится подлежащим предложения в пассивной форме; сказуемое действительного залога становится сказуемым страдательного залога; а подлежащее предложения в активной форме становится предложным дополнением, которое часто вводится предлогом by, например:  

                  The boy fed the dog. The dog was fed by the boy.

2. Инфинитив страдательного залога образуется из инфинитива глагола to be и III формы глагола (причастия прошедшего времени).

Инфинитив страдательного глагола можно образовать от любого объектного глагола, например:

                         to give – to be given

                         He can’t be given a holiday now.

                         Ему нельзя давать отпуск сейчас.


VII. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian. Find passive constructions.

1. They can be seen in our library every day.

2. The delegation was met at the airport.

3. The child was often left home alone.

4. The machine is being tested now.

5. His work has already been finished.

VIII. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian. Change the Active Constructions into Passive.

1. Bees gather honey from the flowers.

2. They offered her some interesting work.

3. Yesterday we discussed this question.

4. The teacher told us the news.

5. Mass media inform, educate and entertain people.

Unit Two


Part I

Bridge Construction

I. Learn the following words:

invention --                                              изобретение temporary -- временный

to undertake (undertook) -- предпринимать arch -- арка

self-taught -- самоучка                             mechanic -- механик

court -- двор                                           according to -- согласно

keen острый, страстный                      span -- пролёт

device -- устройство                                to dare -- осмеливаться

to appoint -- назначать                            single -- одинарный


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