VII. Grammar material. Impersonal Sentences. Глагольные безличные предложения. 

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VII. Grammar material. Impersonal Sentences. Глагольные безличные предложения.

      Кроме именных безличных предложений в английском языке есть глагольные безличные предложения, которые отличаются от именных тем, чтосказуемое этих предложений – простое глагольное сказуемое, которое выражено безличными глаголами типа to rain (идти – о дожде ), to snow (идти – о снеге).

              It often rains in autumn.   Осенью часто идёт дождь.

              It snowed yesterday.             Вчера шёл снег.

    В русском языке существует категория безличных глаголов: темнеть, светать и т.д., которые используются для образования безличных предложений, например:

              It ’ s getting dark.                        Темнеет.

    Причём в русском языке в безличном предложении нет подлежащего, тогда как в английском языке наличие подлежащего обязательно.

    Вопросительная и отрицательная формы глагольных безличных предложений образуются по тем же правилам, что вопросительная и отрицательная форма предложений с обычным глаголом-сказуемым:

    Is it raining now?                                Сейчас идёт дождь?

    Does it often rain in autumn?     Осенью часто идёт дождь?

    Did it snow yesterday?               Вчера шёл снег?


VIII. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian and write them down in the negative form.

1. It was snowing hard.

2. It is going to rain.

3. It often rains in autumn.

4. It rained all day yesterday.

5. It doesn’t rain here very often.

Part III

Evolution of Road Building

I. Learn the following words and word combinations:

evolution -- эволюция                              fall -- падение

workable пригодный, осуществимый shore -- берег

to provide -- обеспечивать                            to pave -- мостить                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

to maintain– поддерживать, содержать           to crush размельчать, дробить

to depend on зависеть от                shell раковина, ракушка

available имеющийся в наличии                   to dare -- осмеливаться

soft -- мягкий                                        throughout везде, повсюду

spongy -- губчатый                              to surface -- покрывать

coach -- карета                                    highway -- шоссе

to improve -- улучшать

II. Read and translate the text.

    Following the fall of the Roman Empire in 400 AD no country was interested in international roads and that aspect of road construction was completely forgotten for a period of almost 1,500 years.

Various countries were trying to find workable methods of providing and maintaining road building. Travelling between towns was by coach, the roads were poor and travelling was very difficult during many months of the years. The roads were so bad that very few people dared to travel over them. Then the roads were improved and mail-coaches started running. This increased the number of travellers.

       In the past the kind of roads that were built depended greatly on the building materials available. The easiest highway built in early days was a water route or canal. In Russia wood was highly used for road construction in such regions where forest soils were soft and spongy. Many roads on sea shore were paved with crushed shells. The first improved roads were surfaced with stone, many miles of which were built in Britain and throughout Europe.


III. Answer the following questions:

1. Were various countries interested in international roads after the fall of the Roman Empire?

2. Various countries were trying to find workable methods of providing and maintaining road building, weren’t they?

3. Were the roads so bad in the past that very few people dared to travel over them?

4. What did the kind of roads that were built depend on?

5. What was the easiest highway built in early times?

6. What building material was highly used for road construction in Russia?

7. Many roads on sea shore were paved with crushed shells, weren’t they?

8. What were the first improved roads surfaced with?

IV. Make up a dialogue according to the questions.

V. Give the main idea of the text above.


VI. Translate the following sentences into English using Impersonal Sentences.

1. Вчера весь день шёл снег.

2. Сейчас идёт дождь, не так ли?

3. Завтра будет дождь?

4. В ноябре часто идёт снег.

5. На прошлой неделе часто шёл дождь.

Part IV


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