Monsters' Recreation Culture (p68) 

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Monsters' Recreation Culture (p68)

The monsters are hedonists that seek fun and amusement, and compared to humans, they have an extremely large amount of leisure time at their disposal, so recreation and art culture is flourishing among them. Aside from enjoying art for its own sake, some monsters think that works should improve their favorite form of recreation that is the core of their lives, having sex with men. For that reason not only are the monsters tolerant of works that are sexually explicit, they rather strongly prefer them. Many of the works that are popular among monsters are sexually explicit.


In the age of the former Demon Lords, the monsters were incapable of appreciating art, but since the age of the new Demon Lord, an art culture has rapidly developed during the cultural exchange with humans. In the same way as humans, monsters enjoy a variety of art such as pictures, sculptures, literature, music, and drama, etc. While they enjoy works by human artists, at the same time, the number of monster artists is also beginning to increase, though they are still few in number. As of the present, we can say that art culture is flourishing more in monster-friendly states and the Demon Realm where free thinking is permitted, compared to anti-monster states where thought is bound by the doctrine of the Order.


Speaking of old paintings, there were mainly religious paintings thanks to the Order. Works that weren't in line with the Order's way of thinking tended to be suppressed, but as of the present, due to the rise of monster-friendly states, there are many artists who produce works that depict a variety of things, and ways of thinking. In recent years, formerly forbidden works such as obscene portraits depicting humans and monsters happily intertwined, having sex, and somewhat ominous pictures based on the motif of the Demon Realm, etc. have started being produced. Many of the monsters have that sort of aesthetic sense, so such works are well received by them.


The number of monster painters has been increasing in recent years, and many of their works have been publicly unveiled. The most famous among all works produced by monsters is a giant painting called “Paradise (Fallen Garden)“. It is a depiction of “Pandemonium” where, guided by blue skinned, black winged angels with a lascivious atmosphere, many men and women are having sex all over the place, whether human or monster. The women in black robes having sex with the men are all covered in milky white, and the look of the indecent smiles of ecstasy on their faces is seen as obscene, and decadent, and it is highly regarded by the monsters. As of the present, the painting is being stored with high security at the “Royal Demon Realm Art Museum.” It is supposed that there is demonic energy contained within the painting. Many of the monsters who view it find themselves unable to get the spectacle of the painting out of their heads. It is said that they eventually awaken to the teachings of the Fallen God, and disappear, taking a man with them to Pandemonium in order to become one of the couples depicted in the painting,


Sculptures, etc. produced by human men are well liked even by monsters. Especially the kind of beautiful, fascinating sculptures of a woman's body that fully reveal a human man's sexual urges and desire. Such sculptures are extremely highly regarded, and fairly high rank monsters sometimes breathe life into them as “golems” and “gargoyles”.


Also, other than sculptures resembling the human body, with the monsters' aesthetic sense, things such as sinister statues that almost appear like wicked gods, and seals and patterns that give off an alluring atmosphere, etc. are preferred. In the “Royal Demon Realm Art Museum” there are many works that almost seem to be actually imbued with a variety of spells and curses on display.


The “Royal Demon Realm Art Museum” was previously touched upon in the introduction to paintings, but just as the name suggests, it is an enormous art museum that was created according to the Demon Lord’s instructions. There are a variety of works on display, including the works of monster artists, and the works of human artists that are loved by monsters. It is a museum of extremely high value to those who are involved in art, and those who love art, ect. whether monster or human.


From time to time, a large-scale teleportation spell is used to connect the museum with monster-friendly states. This event is held so that the residents of monster-friendly states who normally can't visit the Royal Demon Realm can also view the works. During this occasion, the museum is said to be packed full of not only monsters, but many humans as well. But since there are many sculptures that have had life breathed into them and have become “golems” and “gargoyles”, as well as many works which are imbued with some kind of lewd spell, by the time they emerge, many human men have become married to golems or gargoyles, and human women have changed into succubi. Monster couples get so turned on that you'd think they might just start going at it right away on the spot. It would be difficult to get away from this museum safely with only an appreciation for art.


As for the literature and drama preferred by monsters, there is love and romance incorporated into everything from stories, to plays and autobiographies, and many of them have sex scenes. Monsters especially like the sort of thing where a tragic or unreasonable turn of events is overcome by a male hero, and monsters, and they finally have a lascivious happy ending. Many monsters are highly sensitive, and they're able to get absorbed in a story. They put themselves and their husbands in the role of hero and heroine, and empathize. At the same time they enjoy a story, they envision passionate trysts and sex almost like in the story.


Also picture books, etc. aimed at children are rife with indecent content. Shockingly, the monsters regard this as being good for the children's emotional development. Many stories that are heart-warming to the monsters are enjoyed among monster children such as the following: “A story where a quiet human girl oppressed by her family is lamenting because she will be unable to attend the ball at the castle, and then a mage suddenly appears and she has her change herself into a lascivious succubus. She then enjoys having sex with the prince at the ball until the spells wears off at 12 o'clock.”, “A story where a werewolf girl changes into a little girl in a red hood to trick the hunter man that is trying to hunt her, then rapes and imprisons him.”


There have been monsters that specialize in song since the age of the former Demon Lord. Since before that time, “mermaids“ and “sirens” have been singing to lead sailors astray. As of the present, due to the change in the monsters' demonic energy, their songs which were once for leading man astray and causing them to drown have changed into songs for the sake of arousing and entertaining men. Their songs were beautiful and wonderful to begin with, and now that they've become comparatively safe, in recent years, they have been enjoyed by many humans and monsters. Also it's not uncommon for human and monster singers and musicians to do joint performances. Concerts held by “mermaids” and “sirens” are extremely popular with monsters. Many of the monsters take their husbands and go listen to their songs.


Their songs aren't just valued because they are music to the ears. They also possess a magic power that directly stirs the hearts of those who listen. The gentle singing voice of a “mermaid” calms the hearts of those who listen, letting in the scent and warmth of the lover of the opposite sex listening beside them. Those whose hearts become calm due to their songs have their hearts filled with thoughts of their lover, and they experience a sensory illusion as if they and their lover were the only ones there. Men and women who listen to their songs are shrouded in a sweet romantic atmosphere, and many couples leave with greater intimacy, and deeper love than before they listened to the song.


The singing voices of “sirens” are even more powerful and radical. If they sing seriously, everyone who hears the song becomes highly aroused. The beautiful singing voice is filled with a magical power that ignites the body and heart, and monsters who listen to it while getting it on can enjoy wilder, hotter sex than usual. Some of the sirens also bring their husbands and have sex themselves while singing, and their alluring cries of pleasure get mixed in with the song, enhancing their magical power, creating an extremely lascivious atmosphere. None can resist it, and all the men and women present will start having sex right there. Also, many unmarried monsters visit for the sake of getting a human man. It's not uncommon for highly aroused unmarried men and women to meet and have sex there, becoming husband and wife.


Many monsters prefer exerting as much stamina as possible using their high physical abilities. Many of them typically use all their overflowing stamina to have sex with men, but there are some monsters who use it for martial arts and competitions, etc. For monsters, martial arts are a way of training their mind and body, elevating themselves. Some have noble intentions of protecting themselves, their husbands, and their friends from the attacks by the Order, but in monster fashion, the goal of many others is to use martial arts to defeat and subdue men. Perhaps because of vestiges of the former Demon Lord's era, many of the monsters have pugnacious personalities to begin with, so fighting is a form of recreation for them. More than anything else, they love to fight, defeat, and rape men, taking the men as spoils of war. It is said that having sex with a man they subdued through their own strength very much fulfills their desire for dominance as monsters: “This man belongs to me, and I can rape him as much as I want from now on.”


Monsters have also begun aggressively competing in various competitions that were originally held among humans in monster-friendly states. Also, these competitions have even started to spread to the Demon Realm, etc. as a form of recreation to have fun with human men and their friends, but it's not just simply for the sake of competition. The monsters have a monstrous way of enjoying it. After arousing their bodies and hearts through exercise, having sex with men feels even better than usual, and the pleasure becomes unbearable. According to a famous monster athlete it seems “healthy sex begins with a healthy body.” Occasionally human-monster joint martial arts tournaments and competitions, sponsored by the Demon Lord or high rank monsters, are held between the Demon Realm and monster-friendly states, etc. but there is a rule that the monsters can claim whatever man they defeat in the competition without exception, and many of the human men who participate without knowing anything become victims.


Monsterization Case Studies

Monsterization (p72)

Monsterization is the phenomenon where humans and other races change into monsters by having Demonic energy inside their body. It's mostly human women that become victims of monsterization, although there are a few exceptions. Regardless of race, it is purported that monsterization can basically only occur in females. In the section after this, we'll be explaining how human women change into monsters, but the orientation and magnitude of the changes to the body and mind vary depending on each individual and what monster race they are changing into. We would like you to bear in mind that, as with “monster ecology”, the commentary presented from here on is just a general explanation of the average monsterization phenomenon, and transformation.



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