A Monster's Sense of Values (p51) 

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A Monster's Sense of Values (p51)

All for the sake of sex

Most monsters prioritize their own pleasure and desire. They're hedonists who hate it when morals and ethics, etc. get in the way of pleasure. Also, the strongest desire of all monsters is to have sex with men and obtain mana. Their values and behavioral principles are based on that. Their thoughts and actions are in line with that, and when monsters have conversations, etc. the topics are often mainly focused around capturing and having sex with human men.


Basically, monsters that don't have a human man will think firstly about attacking and obtaining a man. Monsters tend to use whatever means necessary if it's for the sake of obtaining a man. Of course they'll assault and forcibly rape, but they may also use whatever means available such as seduction, spells, and potions to make a man their prisoner and claim him. Even if a man despises monsters, they'll rape and pleasure him again and again until the hatred directed at them changes into endless lust.


Monsters that have obtained a human man think firstly about having sex and act accordingly. For monsters it is common sense to prioritize having sex with the man they love more than anything else. As for their thoughts and actions, they're mainly focused around getting off harder with their man, and having more sex more intensely and frequently. Monsters that have obtained husbands are even more remarkable. A majority of their thoughts and actions are focused around their husband, or having sex with their husband. Of course having sex with their husband is usually their highest priority. Food and outfits, etc all start to be chosen based on reasons like “pleasing their husband more” or “making their husband even more aroused,“ etc. Monsters are already lascivious from the beginning, but the more sex they have with men, the more their values and behavioral principles become tainted by it.


Naturally with values like these, the monsters fundamentally have no sense of aversion to sexual matters. Of course they have no resistance to using their own body for sex with men, and if it's for the sake of furthering their enjoyment of sex, then they have no qualms about using aphrodisiacs or spells not just on the man, but on themselves as well.


Monster Views on womanhood

The values of the monsters who have had their forms changed at the hand of the current Demon Lord are extremely close to those of the succubi, one of which is the Demon Lord herself. On top of that, they have been strongly influenced by the ideals of the Demon Lord. They conceive of the ideal monster as being so alluring and lascivious that it can be called the ideal succubus.


Lasciviousness is considered to be a virtue, and the more lascivious they are, and the more sex they have, the more highly regarded they are as monsters. A monster ought always give in to desire, have sex with men, and indulge in pleasure and mana. The obscene form of a monster in ecstasy, drunk with pleasure, showered in mana, and no longer concerned with anything but sex is the most beautiful and wonderful form of a monster. Among the monsters, there are some that are pure and chaste, and some that have a strong sense of shame. One could even say that they are very unlike monsters in general. And yet, they aren't even repudiated according to the monsters' values which regard lasciviousness as a virtue. The reason why is that for the monsters even that is just one of the tools they have to arouse men and get sex. It's because the monsters know that human men are attracted to and aroused by those kinds of women.


When monsters give off the smell and aura of energy that can only be sniffed out by monsters, it means they have had that much sex, and had lots of energy poured into them, so it's proof that they've spent their days indulging the way a monster should. Monsters that haven't gotten a man yet, or still haven't had that much sex yet get envious, saying “I wanna hurry up and do it a lot too.”


Even the current monsters respect and fear fighting skills and magic, etc., but they value seduction techniques for charming men, and sexual techniques for pleasing men, etc. just as much if not more. For that reason, monsters well-versed in sex are respected just for that, and the status of the succubus, which can even be called the symbol of sex, as well as that of other monsters like them, has risen greatly compared to in the age of the former Demon Lord.


Also, monsters have an ideal image of the kind of woman they want to be just as human women do. Eternal beauty is something that women, whether monster or human, have desired forever. The reason monsters try to stay beautiful forever is naturally so that they can continue to imprison a man forever. To them, dressing up is a way of accentuating their own attractiveness, causing men to grow fonder and more lustful towards them. On the contrary, if dressing up won't please a man, then it's entirely meaningless. To them, things such as dressing up “to be popular with the same sex,” or spending money freely on expensive accessories just to satisfy their own desire to show off the way that human women sometimes do is not very meaningful.


As far as monster women are concerned, women should be aggressive towards men when it comes to romance and sex. If a man won't turn and look at them, then they'll charm him with their body through assault and rape. They try to ignite a man's desire by being bolder and more aggressive when tempting men, and taking action on their own to seize a man's body and heart is the way a devilish woman should be. Although they are few in number, there are also races that are passive in nature who wait for men to assault them, but they spare no effort in making men want to assault them by pouring pheromones and demonic energy into the man, or adjusting their looks and charm to appeal to the man that they're targeting, etc. There are none among monster women that are truly passive towards men.


To monsters that have husbands, the ideal form of a wife is none other than the ideal form of a female. Keeping their husband prisoner eternally through their beauty and changing him into a male that desires nothing else but to have sex with them, then devouring his lust and mana, and bearing his children, is for them, the greatest joy as a female.


View of Humans

As has been thoroughly described in all the sections until now, the monsters need human men for everything, including feeding, reproducing, etc. They don't feel the same cold emotion towards humans that a predator feels towards its prey. They treat them just as if they were their own kind, or with even greater love and affection. To them, while human men are their “most delicious food,” at the same time, they are “male breeding partners,” and “dearly loved beings.” For the monsters, love is directly tied to and connected with lust. Once they fall in love with a man, at the same time their heart beat quickens, their body grows hot and flushes, and their womb throbs seeking the man.


We can say the opposite as well. For many monsters, love takes root during sex. Thinking “I'm after mana, so anyone will do,” they have sex with men they've captured as prey, and then when they receive that energy in their body, that hot desire and pleasure changes into love. A man who shouldn't have mattered often ends up becoming the one and only man for them. This is the reason why most of the men who get assaulted by monsters are never able to escape from their clutches. In this way, the love and desire monsters have for men consist of the following 3 desires: “appetite” “lust” “love”. All 3 desires end up being aimed at a beloved man at the same time. “I want to attack. I want to be attacked.” “I want to have sex.” “ I want to eat.” “ I want to have this male's children,” etc. Their infinite desire and love are unleashed upon the man using their devilish body during sex. That's why monsters are so lascivious and lustful that human women don't compare.


The deepness of their love is revealed through having repeated intercourse with a man. The way they express love is different depending on various races. Some of them don't refer to their most beloved man as husband at all. There are even races that call them “slave”, “servant,” “food”, etc., but the fact that they keep a particular man at home and have sex with the same man again and again is itself proof of the strong love they have for the man. It can also be seen from their attitudes, and the way they treat the men. Even monsters that milk energy from a man every day as “food”, don't just milk the men who are supposedly “food” violently. They seek syrupy sweet “food.” They're overjoyed when their “food” gets off, and they have deep love just like other monster couples.


Even those that give their man obscene training every day as a “slave” and repeatedly rape them would hate it if their “slave” died or suffered. Just like the other monster couples, all of them value their “slaves” even more than they value themselves. It's just that for them, love takes on a different form. The monsters bodies and hearts will have already completely changed, becoming exclusive to their “food” or “slave”, etc. The strong love and desire they direct towards their man is not at all different from that which would be directed at a husband. For them, their “food” or “slave”, etc. is irreplaceable in the same way as a husband.


Of course, the monsters have various different preferences for men, and there is such a thing as an ideal man to them, but there are hardly any types of men that they hate. Though they may feel that a handsome man is cool, or cute, it's not in their values to despise an ugly man as ugly. This even extends to virility during sex, which is normally very important to them. It's “wonderful” if a man has a huge tool and is well-versed in sexual techniques, but even if a man is timid and has a small tool, they just think “cute” or “I'll train him.” It is impossible to be excluded from the monsters' interest due to personal appearance or physical performance. Tales of ugly male bandits and thieves, etc. who were charmed after being attacked by monsters due to sheer pleasure and love and then had a change of heart and stopped attacking people are not uncommon. The only ones really hated by them are complete scum who are beyond redemption.


Monsters are extremely positive towards human lust. Lust for women tends to be despised as a filthy thing among human women, but to the monsters, a man's lust is never a filthy thing. Rather, they view such lustfulness favorably, and feel great joy when it is directed at themselves.


The kind of man that becomes a prisoner of pleasure, gets highly aroused as soon as he is tempted, and eagerly anticipates being raped makes them feel that he is “cute.” The kind of man who, ruled by desire, directs his lust towards them and attacks like a beast is regarded as “wonderful” by them. To them, when a man directs his lust at them in the same way that they direct their lust at him, that is proof that they're desired by the man. Lusting for one another and seeking one another is proof of love to them. Even supposing a man is a pervert with peculiar sexual propensities, in general, no matter how perverse the act, they'd be thrilled and overjoyed to have carnal desire directed at them. The depravity of it would only serve to accelerate the joy of pleasure.


Also, just like with male lust, they never hate the male sex organ from which energy and desire is born and unleashed upon them. To the monsters, everything about it is wonderful including the shape, which could be called grotesque, the feint scent of semen that lingers, and the heat that can be felt from an erection. It makes them envision penetration and ejaculation, and then all their thoughts melt away, igniting instinct. And if it belongs to a man they love, they'll be so fond of it that they'll spontaneously rub their cheeks against it.


Cheating often happens with human couples, but once the monsters get husbands, they never cheat. It is said that they're in half disbelief when they hear about how some human women think nothing of infidelity. The love and lust they have for their husbands isn't just born from emotion; it's deeply engraved in their instinct. No matter how far apart they are from their husband, they can't think about wanting any other man, and even if another man tries to tempt them, they display no interest. On top of that, even if a man were to forcibly rape them, their body will have already changed to belong to their husband alone, so they can't experience physical pleasure from any other man. Their body and heart will never yearn for a man other than their husband, and they never want the energy of someone other than their husband, so it's impossible for their love and desire for their husband to waver.


To a monster with a husband, their husband is the only male in the world that exists, so to them they don't have any other choice to begin with. In the case of human women, they sometimes cheat because they get lonely, but in the case of monsters, if their husband won't come be with them and they get lonely, they'll just assault him themselves in order to get a good taste of their one and only male, and fill in the feeling of emptiness that comes from loneliness with his cock.


It has been mentioned a countless number of times until now, but monsters love human men more than anything. For that reason, they can't stand the loss of beloved human life. For that reason, unless it's for self defense, or protecting their friends or husbands, they won't take the lives of human men or women. Even when humans attack them, they basically try to avoid taking their lives as much as possible while fighting. If they don't have husbands, they'll capture and claim men for themselves. If they already do, then they'll try to capture and take men prisoner for other monsters. The main reason they fight humans is to claim men who are captured during the fighting. For that reason, when the monsters clash with the soldiers of the Order, casualties are extremely few, but the captured soldiers become the prisoners of the monsters without exception, and they end up getting dragged into devilishness.


Until now, I've mainly written only about human “men,” but the monsters are fundamentally affectionate even towards human “women.” They won't take their lives lightly. Concerning this, it is highly involved with “monsterization (p.72)” which is described later, so I'll describe it in detail in that section.


Monster Reproduction (p55)

Reproduction with Humans

A male hasn't been confirmed among the monsters of the present. They are only female beings. For that reason, they need a human man in order to reproduce and make children. Presently all children born between humans and monsters are monster females. Human and monster males haven't been confirmed for them.


For monsters, carrying the offspring of humans is one of their instinctive desires, and that is one of the reasons why monsters seek and assault human men. Becoming pregnant with the child of the man who became their husband especially greatly satisfies the instinct and desire of monsters as females, and makes them feel an insurmountable happiness. When monsters have semen poured inside their womb, they can satisfy not only their lust and hunger, but their desire as a female too at the same time. For that reason monsters who strongly desire to have semen poured directly in their womb absolutely loathe the practice of using contraceptive devices, etc. that is prevalent among humans where the man's semen isn't poured inside their mouth or womb or even squirted on their bodies, but is instead thrown away, or where magic and potions, etc. are used to ensure that pregnancy does not occur.


While their form as “predators” has greatly changed, monsters are still predators that are above humans on the food chain even now. For that reason there are naturally fewer individuals than humans, and it is much more difficult for them to multiply. Compared to humans, it is harder for them to get pregnant. Monster and human couples inevitably have far more sex than human couples, but even so, it's much more difficult for them to become pregnant compared to humans. It makes monsters that much more overjoyed when they do become pregnant. They are ecstatic to become a mother and carry the crystallization of the love they share with their husband in their own womb. They end up feeling even more enamored with the child they carry in their own stomach and their husband who made them pregnant.


Most monster reproduction is either viviparous or oviparous. Those monsters that are nearly human and beastmen, etc. are basically viviparous, and those that have fish-shaped, insect-shaped, bird-shaped, or reptile shaped lower bodies, etc. are oviparous in the same way as the animals they share traits with, However, there's one point that makes them different from normal oviparous animals. Even monsters with the traits of fish, which reproduce via external fertilization in the case of animals, all need internal fertilization in the case of monsters. They must certainly mate directly and pour semen inside their body, and after fertilization, the egg develops inside their body for a while just as if they were viviparous before egg-laying. For that reason the time is comparatively shorter than for viviparous monsters, but there's always a time of pregnancy which will be described later.


Additionally, although there are overwhelmingly more viviparous or oviparous monsters, there do exist some among the monsters that don't fit into either category: for example, slime family monsters that increase via division, plant type monsters that make seeds, and “matango” and “roper” that multiply by parasitically infecting human women with eggs or spores, etc.


Pregnant Monsters

The growth of the embryo in the mother's womb is fueled by the mother's demonic energy, so the mother will need more energy than usual. Of course, the most efficient method of producing demonic energy is to have sex with her husband and obtain mana. Monsters who become mothers will then seek even more mana, so a monster's lust doesn't drop during pregnancy. On the contrary, they will instead seek to have more sex with their husband than usual. Compared to humans, they're relatively more durable. The body of a monster is specialized for sex, and mother and child can handle anything no matter how rough. Also, the child can store up demonic energy if the husband continues to pour energy into the mother while she's pregnant. Besides that, it is said that monster children experience sex and pleasure vicariously through their mother while in the womb, so the more the mother has sex during pregnancy, the more powerful and lascivious the monster will end up when she is born. For that reason, sex during pregnancy is recommended for monsters.


Moreover, it seems they become uneasy during pregnancy. An expectant monster mother will demand even more attention from her husband. Under such circumstances, give her what she wants. Have sweeter, stickier sex than normal. Hold her tight and gently caress her even when not having sex. The scent and body warmth of her husband is what will calm her down the most. It's important to do these things for her pleasure.


Devilish Children

The children of many races of monsters grow by suckling mother's milk during infancy just like humans. Even monsters of races that feed primarily on energy basically grow on mother's milk while infants. After that, during early childhood, many of them eat normal food and thrive on demonic energy shared by their mother.


Unlike in the case of humans, monsters reach sexual maturity extremely early. It's a bit different depending on race, but even at the latest, they reach sexual maturity by 10 years old, and it becomes possible for them to have sex with human men and become pregnant. Devilish children can even swell up their stomach and reliably receive an enormous penis that's incongruent with their still immature, tiny body, and even in such a case, they don't feel pain, and they can only receive pleasure. Also, the thoughts of monsters are monstrously obscene from a very young age. They have knowledge of sex, and take a strong interest in human men. Monster children casually chat about monster-like topics such as sex, pleasure, etc.


Most of them grow up dreaming of sweetly obscene days spent having sex with a man just like their mother; they anticipate tasting it in the future, and the act of receiving pleasure and energy is engraved in their instinct as a wonderful thing. For that reason, even monsters with the age and appearance of human children under 10 years old will thoughtlessly assault and ravish men with bodies way larger than their own in monstrous fashion once their desire for human men awakens if their tiny, young womb that's already ready to receive a man throbs.


“The way to seduce a man” and “how to eat a man” is engraved in their instinct from birth. Even if they are very young, their speech and conduct charms men even if it's not a conscious effort. They exploit their own cuteness as “children”, attract men, and make them lust for them. When they end up engaged in sex with a man after that, they easily understand how to get off, and how to use their own body to please the man before their very eyes. And whenever they try it, they awaken to joy as a monster upon experiencing the pleasure they spent their whole lives anticipating with a man right in front of them drowning in the pleasure they themselves had given him. Even though their sexual technique is a bit clumsy when it's their first time, when they actually touch a man's body and actually try out the methods instructed by instinct, they blossom as monsters. In less than no time, they learn superior devilish techniques. They rapidly grow into lascivious monsters by the hands of men.


In spite of being tiny, their child body is already specialized for having sex with men and milking energy just like that of an adult monster. Once a man has had sex with them, he'll become a prisoner of the child's body. Even in the case of extremely young monsters that are still being raised on normal food, if they assault a man and learn the taste and pleasure of energy that drives all monsters wild, from that moment on, they will copulate with men as splendid monsters, and start to live by sipping mana.


Also, monsters don't go through the growth process that human girls go through in which they scorn or avoid their father, perhaps for that reason, their devilish nature may rarely end up awakening to their own father, and there are also girls who will have sex with their father and try to get mana. Monsters raised that way will grow dramatically more powerful and possess far more demonic energy than those raised only on normal food, but in such circumstances they generally acquire a taste for their own father's energy and then end up recognizing him as their “husband”. Furthermore, races such as “slime” that can have sex with a man right after being born have dirty thoughts and a mind to seek energy and pleasure from the beginning. They will have sex right on the spot with the human man in front of them who is their own father and obtain mana. Other than that, there are also races that live in groups for whom it's normal to milk energy from their father together with their mother, and become pregnant with their father's children such as “large mouse” and “devil bug“, etc.


Due to the increased coexistence of monsters and humans in cities in recent years, etc., monster children have started having contact with human men at even earlier ages. For that reason, they have an even richer knowledge and interest in sex, and it is said that monster children who desire to have sex with men earlier are on the rise. Along with that, many monster children who've become prisoners of the depravity and pleasure of having sex with men with their immature body also join the cult of “Sabbath“ lead by “Baphomet“ that advocates “the depravity and charm of little girls” so that they can remain children forever.


The Proper Form of Children

Every monster mother deeply loves her children, who are crystallizations of the love they share with their husband. Monster mothers always wish for the happiness of their children. They want their own cute daughters to grow to be more lewd and lustful like a fine monster, and spend their days in happiness as monsters who drown in the pleasure of sex with men. As far as other monsters besides the mother are concerned, it's a thing to be joyfully welcomed when monster children show an early interest in human men and sex. The sight of very young monsters assaulting and copulating with human men, tasting pleasure for the very first time, and awakening to their devilish nature and going wild as a result is considered a lovely, pleasant thing. Also, the obscene, depraved sight of the little girls who become prisoners while repeatedly having sex after that is regarded as wonderful by monsters who consider it a virtue to be more lascivious. Probably not even the mothers can hide their arousal.


In order to enable their daughters to find men through their own power and have sex, monster mothers often give their daughters as much freedom as possible and let them make their own decisions. Monster children basically spend their days doing whatever they like, and going wherever they like. Monster children like to play with beloved human males, but while they're playing with human boys their own age that they get along with, or beloved big brothers and uncles, they awaken to monster-like obscene play. On such occasions they often assault and ravish the male right then and there.


According to human common sense, it's regarded as abnormal for an adult man to lust after or have sex with a little girl. It's normal for such a man to be faced with fierce criticism. But as far as monsters are concerned, children have the body to charm and copulate with men from their early years, and additionally, there are also races that stay in the form of children even in adulthood, so it's a perfectly normal thing for human men to lust after and have sex with monsters with childish forms. Of course, men who have sex with monsters with childish forms are not criticized whatsoever. On the contrary, monster mothers tell them to thoroughly teach their daughter the taste of pleasure and mana, and raise her to be more lascivious, heightening her devilish nature, and many even look forward to their daughter becoming pregnant while very young and making a grandchild. Also, the organization “Sabbath” that recommends sex with very young monsters is considered as something that makes their daughters grow to be more lascivious monsters while they're still very young and cute, so it has an extremely good reputation among mothers.


Also, according to human common sense, it is taboo for parents and children to have sex and commit incest, but naturally, monsters have no such taboo. I previously mentioned that there are rarely monsters who end up recognizing their own father as their “husband”, but in that case, there are two possibilities. On the one hand, the mother can pleasure her husband together with her daughter, and she can teach her beloved daughter the goodness of her beloved husband. The whole family can become one, and experience bliss while having threesomes, or, on the other hand, the mother can treat even her own daughter as a rival and struggle over her husband in the same way as struggling with another monster over a man, vying for the husband by having sex. Desire for one's own father is not to be denied, and incest is never condemned. As far as monsters are concerned, if one has desire for a specific man, then one should act on the urge and have sex with him. Even if it's ones own father, etc. it won't be a problem. On the contrary, the desire for a man takes highest precedence, and it's unthinkable to discard it over something as trivial as “blood connection.”


Many monster children brought up in locations near humans have knowledge of the human moral view that “parent-child sex is taboo”, but even so, that doesn't change their values. On the contrary, that knowledge gives them a feeling of depravity, and then children will only end up enjoying sex with their father even more, and mothers will only end up enjoying family threesomes even more.


Additionally, the birth of a monster of a “sudden mutational race” is a very joyous thing for mothers. Generally monsters of sudden mutational races have a peculiar nature, and possess high abilities, so they are also welcomed by all monsters. Harboring a new devilish nature and eventually using her new body and abilities during sex, the daughter will be able to produce a new pleasure. Monster mothers who want their own daughters to be more lascivious are overjoyed at the prospects of their daughter's future just as if it were their own, and it makes their hearts dance.


Monsters' Clothes (p58)


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