Lecture 17. Perception and feelings of children with developmental disorders. 

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Lecture 17. Perception and feelings of children with developmental disorders.

The feeling - it's just a mental process consisting in the reflection properties of the individual objects and phenomena of the objective world, as well as the internal states of the organism, resulting from the direct impact on the senses (DN Isaev)

Types of sensations

I. The nature of the place of reflection and receptor locations are following sensations:

1. sensation - the feeling associated with receptors present on the surface of the body. They are: visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and skin.

2. (organic) - sensations associated with receptors present in the internal organs. Organic sensations do not give the exact location, but when a strong negative impact may disorganize the human consciousness.

3. Proprioceptive sensations - kinesthetic (movement) and static sensation receptors are located in the muscles, ligaments, and the vestibular apparatus. Feeling their own movements and the spatial position of the body.

II. Depending on the species of the analyzer, the following types of sensations: visual, auditory, skin, olfactory, gustatory, kinaesthetic, static, vibration, organic and pain. Sensations distant also subdivided, in which sources are located at some distance from the surface of the human body (e.g., visual and auditory sensations) and the contact resulting from touching one or other items to the surface of the skin (e.g., tactile, and taste).

The perception - the mental process of reflection objects or phenomena of reality with their direct impact on the senses.

There are the basic properties of perception:

Objectivity implies meaningfulness and integrity of images. Objects are not only the color, shape, size, but also certain functional importance. For example, Piano - a musical instrument, a knife - cutlery, boots - footwear.

Integrity. The individual components of the whole can operate simultaneously or sequentially, but this phenomenon is perceived object or integrally. So, listening to the orchestra, we perceive no separate tools are not individual sounds and melody as a whole. The integrity of the image formed on the basis of generalization of knowledge about the individual properties of the object.

Constancy - the relative constancy of the perceived shape, color, object size, regardless of the significant changes in the objective conditions of perception. For example, a cat in a tree, on the ground, in the dark will still be recognized as a cat.

Generalization - relatedness of individual objects to a class of objects that are homogeneous with him on any grounds.

Meaningful - provides recognition that a person perceived as perceived corresponds with his knowledge and past experience. Perceptual images have a certain sense, even at the sight of an unfamiliar object, he tries to catch it similarity to familiar objects.

Selectivity - the allocation of some objects compared to other, related activities and personal experiences of man. Thus, the actor, and any outsider will be different pay attention to the unfolding events in the play.

Perception also characteristic of some other properties:

volume - the number of objects that a person can perceive simultaneously (or sequentially in a unit of time);

speed (or velocity) - is determined by the time needed to carry out those or other perceptual activities: detection, discrimination and identification. It depends on the complexity of the perceived object, experience, its perception, speed of occurrence of sensations, psychophysiological state of man;

accuracy - this correspondence arose perceptual image features of the perceived object and the task facing the man;

fullness - the extent of such compliance;

Reliability - the duration of perception is possible with the required accuracy and probability of adequate perception of the object in the given conditions for a predetermined time.

Diagnosis of the level of perception of the children can be carried out using the following methods: Seguin boards, cubes Koos, "The split image '' TD Martsinkovskaya, technique" Standards' 'technique' Progressive Matrices J. Ravenna '' test. "Capsule forms '' TD Martsinkovskaya, test 'Standards'' LA Wenger, the technique "What's missing? '' VR Nemov.

Disorders of perception

I. Lack of perception. Agnosia (misrecognition) - breach of recognition of objects and phenomena in a state of clear consciousness and preservation receptors and analyzers. There are different types of agnosia:

1. Visual agnosia is characterized by the inability to identify objects and images of reality, perceived visually in the absence of elementary visual disorders. There are several types:

a) Subject agnosia and its disorders are characterized by violation of the recognition of objects or images. The identification is based on defects in the form of contours of the subject. Features of display: the fragmentary perception of the image, a tendency to complement the image to a whole by guessing, the inability to identify individual characteristics inherent in this directly, a particular subject.

b) Simultaneous agnosia (Balint's syndrome) - impossibility of simultaneous perception of multiple visual objects or situations in the complex.

c) agnosia for faces (prosopagnosia) - selective gnostic disorder, manifested in the difficulties of identification of familiar faces.

d) on ​​agnosia color agnosia or color - the inability to pick up shades of color in a single color.

e) alphabetic visual agnosia - a violation of the generalized perception and naming letters. For this type of mixing characterized agnosia letters on optical proximity location eelementov letters mirror perception letters and so on.

2. The tactile agnosia.

a) Violation of the recognition of the material object and its texture (surface quality). For example, a person receives a pencil of a knife or a comb, a key for the coin, can not tell what they are made (wood, metal, plastics and other).

b) astereognosis evident in the difficulties of identification of objects, the perception of which is necessary to take into account the parameters on which depends their volume.

3. Fiber-spatial agnosia. There have been violations of the body schema, naming and understanding of words denoting spatial relations, identification and naming of the fingers, writing and reading.

4. The auditory agnosia is manifested in the difficulties of understanding and distinguishing between speech and non-speech sounds. For example, children can not distinguish sounds such as squeaks, knocks, bangs, noises, the sound of wind and rain, the adults are not able to remember or learn the melody (amusia).

II. Violation of the perception of intensity. There are sensory hyperpathia, ie increasing the perception of the intensity at which the brightness is enhanced visual and auditory stimuli and sensory gipopatiyu - reducing the perception of intensity.

III. The errors of perception.

a) The illusion of perception - is a distorted reflection of reality that are sustainable. Children having brightness imagery perceptions and lack of development of associative processes, with their limited life experience illusions occur and normal. They often accurate reflection of real-mixed with a distorted perception.

b) Hallucinations - perceptual images arise without a real object (vision, sound, voices, smells and so etc.) There are, for example, visual, tactile, auditory, and other types of hallucinations.

Age features

Tactile, proprioceptive and taste sensitivity developed at birth.

In the first months of life the child intensively developed sight and hearing.

By 1 month of life the child is able to move their eyes horizontally and vertically.

By 2 months of life the child is concentrating look at the adult person or toy, watching their movements, including a circle, listening to the voice or sounding subject.

Between the second and the third month of the complex revitalization appears. Child identifies and distinguishes humans from other objects. On the mother's smile and smile and responds to general activation of movements. It specifies the direction of the sound.

After 4.5 - 5 month old baby is able to distinguish between basic colors and shapes. He emotionally responsive to the tone and music of different character.

At 1 year, the child appears a property as an object of perception, that is the reference of sensations and images to reality subjects. The subject does not isolate the situation is fused together with her and the child himself. For example, a kid of 1.5 years easily finds a vase with flowers on a table, on which he had just played with my mother. Vase, transferred to another location, it may not be known, and he does not know why you need this item. The same vase, set on a table without flowers, is orienting response as a new object with which the child begins to get acquainted again.

By 1 year, 2 months - 1 year, 8 months the child finds the object by its name.

In 2 years the child is able to foresee the dynamic relationship between objects, the body and the objective situation, as well as the interactions between objects.

Since the end of 2 years baby names familiar to the perceived object.

For 3 years the child distinguishes geometric shapes (circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, polygon), as well as primary and secondary colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. The child is able to isolate in a particular subject leading and invariant features that allows you to abstract the process of perception of the subject of the situation in which it is located. It formed a quality of visual perception as the allocation figures from the background, where the background is all situational variables, and (occasional) signs.

From 3 to 7 years are formed by complex types of perceptual analytic-synthetic activity. For example, the ability to mentally dissect the visible object on the part, and then combine them into a coherent whole; allocated circuit structure and objects and features of the spatial relation of its parts.

Hearing preschooler becomes voice, attuned to the perception and analysis of phoneme, syllable and leksemnyh units of one particular language.

In general, children's perception of different small detailing, the inaccuracy of orientation in space, in time, the difficulty of establishing consistency between them. Incorrectly perceived images of objects, as well as the perspective in which they are located. There is no ability to select the main, come to the subject from different angles. For a correct perception of children require more time than adults. Observations (intentional perception) is not systematic, not systematic. Children have difficulties in the development of structures of perception and its integrity. Preschoolers with great difficulty mastering presentation time, do not see the logic of temporal relations, the sequence of events. Development of perception - is the transition from the fused, syncretic, fragmentary perception of the dismemberment, meaningful and categorical reflection of things, events and phenomena in their spatial, temporal and causal connections.

Features of sensation and perception with speech disorders. The study of perception in children with speech disorders such scholars as Anna Akhmetzyanova, Lidia Ivanovna Belyakova, Galina Volkova, Alla Petrovna Voronov, Jeanne Markovna Glozman, Julia F. Garkusha, Elena Mastyukova, Olga Usanova, Lyubov Semenovna Tsvetkova, Escobar Figueredo and others.

For children with speech disorders characterized by distortion of phonemic perception. According to research by GF Sergeeva (1973), violation of speech motor analyzer functions with dysarthria and nasality effect on the auditory perception of phonemes. However, there is not always a direct correlation between the pronunciation of sounds violation and a violation of their perception. For example, in some cases, there is the distinction between the ear phonemes which are not opposed to the pronunciation, in other cases do not differ and those phonemes that differentiate the pronunciation.

Visual perception in preschool children with speech disorders, lagging behind in the development of standards and is characterized by insufficient formation of a complete image of the subject. Easy visual recognition of real objects and images developed within the age norm. Difficulties occur when a complicated task. For example, in the process of recognition of noisy objects in children with general speech underdevelopment (ONR) increases the time of decision, the children are unsure of their answers are marked with an identification error. Importantly, the identification number of errors increases with a decrease in the number of informative features items.

In the quest to implement perceptual action (equating to the standard) children with speech disorders more likely to use elementary forms of orientation, ie primerivaniem to the standard, and they are often not focused on the shape of the figure and its color.

A.P.Voronova (1993) in the study of preschool children with the general underdevelopment of speech, said that the children in this category in most cases have a low level of development of alphabetic gnosis. They are difficult to differentiate normal and mirror-writing of letters, did not learn the letters superimposed on each other, they observed the difficulty in naming letters and comparing similar graphically, and even in naming letters printed cipher data in a mess. In this regard, many children are not ready for mastering writing.

In studying the characteristics of the orientation of children with speech underdevelopment in the area it was found that the children generally find it difficult to differentiate the concepts of 'right' and 'left' ', denoting the location of the object, as well as the difficulties of orientation observed in his own body, especially when complicated task.

According to EM Mastyukovoy most distinct spatial disturbances observed in students of preparatory and first classes of schools speech.

Especially staunchly spatial disorders manifest themselves in drawing the human children with alalia: image differs poverty, primitiveness and a small number of parts, as well as the presence of specific optical-spatial disorders. However, the spatial disorder in children with speech disorders are characterized by a certain dynamism, a tendency to compensation.

The significant role of spatial disorders seen in the severity and persistence of written language disorders (dyslexia and dysgraphia), bills violations that can occur in speech disorders.

Research ability to establish the spatial relationships between the phenomena of reality in objective-practical activity, and to understand them in an impressive speech talking about the safety of these abilities, but expressive speech children with severe speech disorders often do not find the language means for expressing these relations, or use the wrong language means. This is due to a violation of their processes intact semantic transcoding program in linguistic form.

Research personal gnosis show the relationship between the severity of violations of personal gnosis (especially in the field of oral muscles) and weight zvukoproiznoshenija violations. So, the most obvious violations oral stereognosis observed in children with alalia and dysarthria, when the severity of their violations of the phonetic aspect of speech. In addition, children with speech disorders observed violations of personal gnosis. Violation same finger stereognosis in children with speech disorders according to EM Mastyukovoy (1991) is not marked.

TM Pirtshalayshvili and LS Tsvetkov (1975) suggest that in children with various forms of dysarthria, delayed speech development in the absence of the primary intellectual disturbances are lagging behind in the development of visual perception and visual imagery of subject.

In general, violations of the visual sphere in children with speech disorders are manifested in poverty and lack of differentiation of visual images; inertia and the fragility of the visual traces; the absence of a strong and adequate communication of speech with the visual representation of the object.




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