Lecture 16. Psychological diagnosis, its types. 

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Lecture 16. Psychological diagnosis, its types.

One of the important practical problems of special psychology is to identify children with developmental disorders and their differential diagnosis, the development of appropriate diagnostics instruments. This sets out the principles that govern the moment when examining children with developmental disorders. The basic principle is a comprehensive study of the child, which offers a comprehensive survey of the features of all kinds of cognitive activity, emotional and volitional, personality, skills, etc. Psychological examination accompanied by an analysis of the state of the senses (sight, hearing, etc.), the motor areas of the nervous system of the child. Psychodiagnostic examination is an important part of the diagnostic system. The child psychologist examination except doctors take part (neuropsychiatrist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, etc.), Teachers (speech therapist, surdopedagogs, oligophrenopedagogs). The next principle is a holistic system of studying child. Holistic analysis in the process of psycho-diagnostic research involves the discovery not individual manifestations of disorders of psychological development, and the establishment of links between them, determine their causes. Fundamental here is the position of LS Vygotsky about the defect structure, which allows to carry out a systematic analysis of a violation. Holistic study of the child can be successful if it is carried out in the course of its activities - the subject-manipulative, game, training or employment. This will help to identify the features of cognitive sphere of the child and his personality, including interests, focus, the state of emotional and volitional, and so on. D. Of considerable importance is the principle of dynamic study of the child, according to which during the examination it is important to find out not only what children know and know how, but also their ability to learn. Relevance to this principle is the concept of LS Vygotsky about the relationship of training and development, according to which the allocated zone of actual development (the level of difficulty of problems solved by the child on their own) and the zone of proximal development (the level of difficulty of problems solved under the supervision of a child by an adult). Realizatsiyaprintsipa dynamic study involves not only the use of diagnostic techniques appropriate to the age, but also techniques that allow to reveal its potential, t. e. to determine the zone of proximal development. A survey of children with developmental disorders is recommended to plan and carry out with the use of learning experiment. It is important to take into account the principle of qualitative and quantitative approach to the analysis of data obtained in the process of psychological diagnosis. In implementing this principle, we do not only take into account the final result of the activity, but also to analyze the process of its implementation - the way rational, logical workflow, persistence in achieving goals related to the solutions chosen methods, etc. This quantitative and qualitative indicators appear in the relationship. Hence the need for the diagnosis of many techniques that result in a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches to the analysis of the results. The need to implement these principles form an objective need to provide psychological services in special education in the community (for persons with special educational needs), aimed at prevention, diagnostic, developmental, correctional and rehabilitation work with the person. Such psychological service, according to A. G. Asmolov, appropriate and necessary in the first place in the system of variable education, offers many opportunities for individual and full development of the personality of any child, including disabled children. From this perspective, variable education is understood as a process aimed at strengthening the capacity of the competent selection of the life and personality to the self-development of personality. "The purpose of variable education is to form a picture of the world in joint activities with adults and peers, which would provide an orientation of the person in various situations, including situations of uncertainty". For the development of special psychology at the present stage, this means a transition from screening diagnosis to the diagnosis of the specific characteristics of mental development; desire to find the optimum compensation conditions that enhance the development of the individual, creating a variety of training and bringing up the environment, making it possible to build-paced lifestyle.

Methods of special psychology can be divided into three major groups: research methods, methods of prevention and methods of influence.

In turn, the methods of investigation methods are composed of methods of data acquisition and processing.

The scientific method - it has historically generated a way of obtaining reliable information about the studied subject. The methods, which enjoys special psychology include: experiment, observation, conversation, collection of anamnestic data and a number of others.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Which method is leading at the moment depends on the purpose of research, specific conditions, psychologist skill and so on. The peculiarity of use is concerned, first and foremost, not methods and techniques. Methodology - a particular embodiment of the method, specific machinery for its implementation. Samih methods or techniques, as opposed to methods can be vast.

In practice, special psychology are used all the listed species, but preference is given to natural and formative experiment. By using formative experiment fails very productively to solve the problem by differentiating three major mental development characteristics - age, individual and pathological.

When using a special experiment in psychology should be aware of two features: largely organizational methodological aspect of the experiment is determined by the form of developmental disorders; Most methods created based on healthy children and may not be entirely valid in relation to children with developmental disabilities.

Adequate use of tests can be very productive, provided a clear understanding of their capabilities and limitations. Test techniques are good because of their economy, the ability to give a clear quantitative assessment of the results, but the drawbacks methodological plan (the immutability of procedures for testing instructions, execution time of the job, the stimulus material conditions of grading, etc.) Create a serious obstacle to use them in a special psychology.

Application of the method of observation does not have the specifics in the special psychology as an experiment, and it certainly is complemented by anamnesis. Collect medical history information held by the psychologist interviews with parents, teachers, caregivers of the child, through the analysis of the available documentation.

The information processing method of modern special psychology considers all methods of analysis and interpretation of information received (the classification of the facts, the construction of theoretical models, creating typologies), as well as the methods of mathematical statistics (correlation analysis, factor analysis). In turn, the choice of methods of data collection is largely due to the orientation of the theoretical. There are pathopsychological analysis of mental activity of the child. Subject studying psychopathology consisted mainly of cognitive activity of the child: disorders of perception, memory, thinking. The special psychology pathopsychological analysis was used to study the structure of the cognitive activity of mentally retarded children, allow them to solve the problem selection to the secondary school. Based on a comprehensive study of mental developmental abnormalities Russian pathologists have created a holistic concept of correctional training of different groups of atypical children. Works GM Dulneva, TA Vlasova, Zankov, RE Levina, VI Lubovskogo, VG Petrova, BI Pinsk, IM Solovyov and their students reflect the gradual knowledge of the laws of the formation and functioning of the mind in violation of the conditions of its development.

However, the study of mental development from the standpoint of psychopathology was mostly clinical focus - the cause of these disturbances was considered a "defective '', which is traditionally understood in speech pathology or mental sense.

In the last decade has been developed neuropsychological analysis of developmental disorders, developed a scientific school, AR Luria

Neuropsychological method of research, built on the principle of a qualitative analysis of mental disorders, can reveal the structure of intellectual activity, the development of the shortcomings of thought processes and the reasons causing them, and to facilitate human potential opportunities

The method allows to compare violations in terms of primary and secondary their appearance and describe system-dynamic adjustment of mental activity during ontogenesis from the standpoint of its brainstorming software.

Neuropsychological analysis is applied in the framework of socio-psychological approach to the study of developmental disorders. This approach involves a qualitative analysis of the behavior of the child and their close connection with the state of higher mental functions. The subject of the study is the life experience of the child, his play activity, self-service skills, interests, communicative, emotional response to various situations. researcher focuses attention not only on the child's achievements in various activities, but also on its potential. Target setting is focused on identifying potential opportunities and ways to correct the difficulties caused by a developmental disability. An indispensable condition for socio-psychological research is to identify the primary and secondary symptoms of developmental disorders.

The special psychology distinguish primary, secondary and tertiary psychoprophylaxis. Psychoprophylaxis understood as a system of measures aimed at preventing violations of mental development, their early diagnosis and correction, prevention of recurrence of such violations.

Primary psychoprophylaxis should begin in the prenatal period and accompany all stages of child development, providing conditions for the greatest psychological comfort for the formation of his personality. It prevents social deprivation, school exclusion, family conflicts, personal crises and helps to create a favorable environment for the development of the child's psyche, makes it easier to education and training. Prevention of mental development of the child through work with his family, teachers and society in general.

Primary prevention includes counseling and Sociotherapy in the broadest sense of the word.

Secondary psychoprophylaxis as a method of special psychology consists in the early detection of mental development deviations, the control status of the child and to provide him immediate assistance. For this purpose, conducted psychological testing of the child and family, as well as the initial psycho work with the child, warning gain deviation and secondary disturbances.

Tertiary psychoprophylaxis aimed at preventing the recurrence of violations. As a method, it takes the form of psychological child support and assistance to the family in a variety of its training and socialization. When this takes into account the prevention of personality characteristics of the child. Tertiary prevention prevents decompensation in family relations, facilitate education and career choices. In successful cases, the individual adapts to his defect, he had not formed pathological traits.

Psychocorrection - is a method of psychological effects on humans, aimed at the psychological mechanisms of its interaction with the environment that break social adaptation. In the special psychology of psycho-correction is the primary method of exposure.

You can think of this method as a system of psychological interventions aimed at correcting, dilution or replenishment of the existing shortcomings of mental development of children.

Main tasks of psychological correction can be represented compactly and psychologically meaningful way:

optimization of the social situation of the child's development;

development activities and forms of activity available to the child;

the formation of age-appropriate mental tumors.

There are a total, private and special psycho-correction. These concepts are discussed, in particular, in connection with the development of psycho techniques work with teenagers.

Total psychocorrection involves activities that normalize social microenvironment child governing its psychophysical and emotional burden in accordance with the age and individual abilities.

Private psychocorrection in this classification is a set of psychological and pedagogical influences as the means used in psychotherapy and psychological correction adults and specially designed for children and teenagers. Private psychocorrection equips specialist arsenal of psychological influence, which he can fill the program of individual or group work.

Special psycho-correction - is a system of measures on effects on the child or group of children of the same age (through methods, techniques, organizational measures) in order to form a certain mental functions and activities, correction of certain personality traits. Special psycho-correction is aimed at overcoming the deviation behavior, adaptation difficulties



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