Lecture 4. The deviation in the development and compensation. 

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Lecture 4. The deviation in the development and compensation.

Mental development is a complex dialectical process, which is characterized by a specific sequence and uneven ripening of the individual functions, the quality of their conversion to the new age stage. Thus each successive stage of development is inextricably linked to the previous one.

At the heart of psychomotor development is the genetic program, which is implemented under the influence of various environmental factors. Therefore, if a child falls behind in development, you first need to consider the role of hereditary factors in the backlog.

Various adverse effects in utero development, during birth (birth trauma, asphyxia), as well as after birth can lead to violations of psychomotor development of the child.

For successful treatment and correctional and educational work with children with developmental disorders, the importance of knowledge of the causes and nature of violations.

It is well known that children suffering from the same disease in different ways behind in development. This is due to re-notipicheskimi features of their central nervous system, with a variety of environmental influences, as well as the extent to timely correct diagnosis and started treatment and correctional and pedagogical work.

Under the cause of deviations in the development of understanding the impact on the body adverse external or internal factor, which determines the specific lesion or developmental disorders of psychomotor functions.

It is known that almost any more or less long-term adverse effects on the developing brain of a child may lead to deviations in psychomotor development. Their effects will vary depending on the time of adverse effects, ie. E. On what stage of brain development it occurred, its duration, by genetic structure of the body, especially the central nervous system, as well as the social environment in bringing up a child. All of these factors in combination determine the leading defect that manifests itself in the form of intelligence failure, speech, vision, hearing, motor skills disorders of emotional and volitional behavior. In some cases, there may be several violations, then talk about the complicated or complex defects.

Complicated defect characterized by a combination of two or more violations to the same extent determine the structure of abnormal development and learning difficulties, and child rearing. For example, complex defect occurs in a child with simultaneous defeat of vision and hearing or hearing, and motor skills, and so on. N.

In a complicated defect it can be released leading or principal, breach and complicating his frustration. For example, a child with mental disabilities may experience mild pronounced visual defects, hearing loss, musculoskeletal system, emotional and behavioral disorders.

As a leading and complicating the defect can have character as a damage and underdevelopment.

Often there is a combination of both.

Feature of a child's brain is that even his small lesion is not partial, local, as is the case in adult patients, and a negative impact on the whole process of maturation of the central nervous system. Therefore, a child with impaired speech, hearing, vision, musculoskeletal system in the absence of early corrective measures will lag in mental development.

The above are the primary developmental disorders. However, along with the primary there are often so-called secondary violations, the structure of which depends on the nature of the defect leading. Thus, the backlog of mental development in children with the general underdevelopment of speech system will primarily manifest in the weakness of words (verbal) memory and thinking, and in children with cerebral palsy - the inadequacy of spatial representations and constructive activity.

In children with impaired hearing impaired to develop an understanding reverse speech, difficulty forming an active dictionary and connected speech. When defects of a child is experiencing difficulty in correlating words denoted the subject, it may be repeated many words, not enough understanding of the value that retards the development of the meaningful aspect of speech and thought.

Secondary developmental disorders affect primarily those mental functions, which are the most intensively developed in the early and pre-school age. These include speech, fine motor skills differentiated, spatial representation, arbitrary regulation of activity.

A major role in the occurrence of secondary abnormalities in the development plays a failure or absence of early les-curative and rehabilitative and educational activities, and especially psychic deprivation. For example, paralyzed a child with cerebral palsy, which has no experience of communication with peers, different personal and emotional and volitional immaturity, infantilism, increased dependence on others.

Undiagnosed developmental disorders, such as mild defects of vision and hearing, especially delayed the pace of mental development of the child, and may also promote the formation of secondary emotional and personality abnormalities in children. From the mass of pre-school institutions, without having to imagine a differentiated approach and not receiving treatment and correctional care, these children can stay for a long time in a situation of failure. In such circumstances, they are often formed by low self-esteem, low aspirations; they begin to avoid contact with their peers, and gradually more and more secondary violations exacerbate their social exclusion.

Thus, early diagnosis, medical and psycho-pedagogical correction can achieve considerable success in shaping the personality of children with developmental disabilities.

Сompensation of disturbed functions complex multifaceted process of restructuring the body functions at disturbances or loss of any functions due to an illness or traumatic injuries.

Compensatory restructuring involves the reduction and replacement of lost or impaired functions, and change the past.

As a result of development processes K. functional defect caused by damage to a greater or lesser degree be compensated.

After the injury or disease that causes disruption of some systems of the body, there are changes in the body's functions, going in two directions. On the one hand, due to the close relationship of organs and systems and their conjugate of each individual defect leads to a change other functions -. Occur secondary pathological processes in the body. On the other hand, the protective means includes an organism, a variety of backup resources are mobilized, different kinds of adjustment arise and substitutions which counteract the progressive development of pathological processes.

Depending on the nature of the violations, the composition and structure of the disturbed functions, functional recovery is carried out in different ways and means. The most important role in the development of сompensation plays a central nervous system under a variety of injuries. Therefore, in the formation of сompensation mechanisms established some general patterns, and above all the fact that they are formed under the laws of conditioned reflexes.

For defectology are particularly important issues AK lesions of the central nervous system, including analyzers. If the damage of the central nervous system neyrodina-nomic restructuring captures all its main departments: subcortical complex unconditioned reflexes and bark, which includes first and second signal systems, perform complex analytical and synth-Kuyu activities. This changes the nature of the relationship and interaction between the various departments of the cerebral cortex of the brain, the relationship between the peripheral and central processes between the cortex and subcortex, between receptor (perceived) and effector (executive) apparatus, and thus, the whole body is involved in the payment process generally.

If the damage of the nervous system an important role in quantum processes is played by two factors: 1) Multiple Line, intercommunication between the various divisions of the nervous system; 2) the plasticity of the nervous centers, the cells of these centers, the ability to change the tempo and the nature of their work under the influence of the alarm changes from the sensing devices. When сompensation processes associated with damage to the analyzers, change itself is signaling from the outside, coming through the analyzers and control activities of the body.

Therefore, at the beginning of the development process used сompensation afferentation with others. Organs and systems of regulation, control and correction movements. As mining formed the character of relations afferentation changes. Number of persons involved in the process of detours in the nervous system is reduced. It remains only to what is necessary for the implementation of the working instrument.

Restructuring indigenous processes, due to violation of analyzers, making changes in the nature of cognition. human activity. As a result of the restructuring of the nervous processes are facilitated by the perception of things, the formation of ideas, speech and thinking development. With a well organized sensory experience every time eliminates the need to resort to direct sensory experience and it becomes possible to extensively rely on mental operations, logical memory, focused attention on the reproductive imagination, and others. Higher forms of cognitive activity. However, when there are difficulties due to changes in the situation arises the need for a detailed analysis and synthesis with broad involvement of detours and indirect signals.

A characteristic feature of cognitive processes in those or other violations of the analyzers is the systemic nature of the organization of mental activity. This individual links cognitive processes, in spite of the violations in the process of development gradually begin to clot, is automated. In the analysis and synthesis process broadly involves data obtained by different analyzers. higher forms

Сompensation expressed in the creation of the possibility of all-round development of human personality. The harmonious development of the physical and mental abilities of children involves abnormal: the possibility of acquiring knowledge the fundamentals of science and art, the formation of the communist world, the mastery of the scientific and technical basis of production, development of creative abilities to apply knowledge in practice, the formation of the ability to work systematically, the development of high moral character.

The conscious purposeful activity, during which develops a compensatory adjustment, captures all aspects of the human personality, and therefore development of AK in humans is qualitatively different than animal. In case of violation, or loss of function in animals is reduced to K. biological adaptability of the body, resulting in the set equilibration with the environment. C. a person is deeply peculiar process of development of all aspects of the personality, which is based on the unity of biological and social phenomena. Determined during the development of C. in humans are conscious labor activity and social relations, in which he enters into the process of this activity.

At more or less significant damage С organism develops gradually, a certain stage of development, harakterizuk) schiesya special composition and structure of the dynamic systems of neural connections. Compensatory processes in humans, due to their involvement in a large number of various structural elements, depending on many conditions. These include the composition and structure of the disturbed functions, the individual characteristics of the higher nervous activity, the age at which there was damage to the different organs and systems, the level of physical and mental development, the degree of severity of the violation, the duration of loss of or damage to the functions of the individual reaction to defect finally, a number of social conditions (education, content and conditions of activity, social relations, maintaining a certain position in the workplace, the strength of social positions, and so on. n.).

Teacher effects in order to restore the violated and the development is not yet mature functions involves the use of special. training system, education and the development of abnormal children, during which formed methods of payment.




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