Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на независимый причастный оборот. 

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Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на независимый причастный оборот.

1. Salmon brick being porous and underburnt, its strength is extremely poor.

2. Modern bricks being different in size, texture, and colours, one can easily choose the type of brick necessary for one's construction.

3. Timber being strong and workable, it is widely used for flooring and roofing.

4. Freshly cut wood containing some moisture, it cannot be classified as a strong building material.

5. The upper stratum of soil being organic, it must be removed from the building area.

6. Wood panels requiring less labour for installation, they are widely used for construction purposes.


4.Составьте диалог, используя вопросы (ролевая игра).

1. What building materials are considered to be the oldest ones?

2. What natural (man-made) materials are used for construction nowadays?

3. Is brick a newly produced or an ancient building material?

4. In what countries are there (many, few) growing forests?

5. What countries are rich (poor) in raw materials?

6. What properties of brick should be taken into account when choos­ing material for building purposes?

Types of Brick


clay brick глиняный кирпич
ceramic b. керамический к.
lime and sand b. известково-песчаный к.
common b. красный к.
porous b. пористый к.
solid b. полнотелый к.
air b. пустотелый к.
wall b. стеновой к.
shaped b. фасонный к.
cellular b. ячеистый к.
pressed b. прессованный к.

Прочитайте данные в таблице выше. Переведите их a) с английского языка на русский язык; b) с русского языка на английский язык (работа в парах).

Переведите предложения письменно.

1. Bricks are divided into several grades.

2. In what way should bricks as a building material be transported?

3. Don't load bricks in bulk!

4. Don't use pale bricks or overturned bricks.


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It is a well-known fact that there exist many types of bricks. Some of I hem are highly usable in construction while others are not popular because of their poor properties. Between these types there lie various types that are used for specific purposes. To them belong, for example, ceramic tiles.

Ceramic tiles is a burned-clay product. It is mainly used for decorative and sanitary purposes.

A ceramic tile consists of a clay body (корпус) covered with decorative glaze. Ceramic tiles are usually flat in form. They are extremely various. They vary in size from about 1/2 in square to more than 6 in. Their shapes are widely variable: squares, rectangles, hexagones, and others. Ceramic tiles are produced from clays of different colours. But — strange as it is — their colours do not depend on the colours of clays they are made of. Tiles are glazed, as a rule, and their colour depends on the colour of the glaze they are covered with. It is quite natural that ceramic tiles in practice exist in wide variety of colours: from pure whites to deep darks and blacks. Ceramic tiles are applied to the covered surface by means of a mortar or some adhesive substance. They are usually applied with the thinnest mortar joint.


2. Составьте диалог, используя вопросы (ролевая игра).

1. Is the body of a ceramic tile covered with some substance? What substance is it covered with?

2. What spheres are ceramic tiles used in?

3. Do they differ in forms, colours, and shapes?

4. What are their colours and sizes?

5. By what means are ceramic tiles applied to the surfaces? Are they applied with a thick or thin adhesive joint?


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Terracotta belongs to decorative types of brick. They are produced of burned clay. Their structural properties being similar to the properties of brick, they are often used in a manner similar to brick. Terracotta also exists in a wide variety of colours from pure whites to blacks. Their colour depends on the colour of the glaze they are covered with. Different adhesive substances are used for the application of terracotta to the surfaces being decorated with them.


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