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Вспомните значение следующих английских слов и подберите к ним эквиваленты из правого столбца. Дайте русский перевод данных синонимов (работа в парах).

1. structural material 2. since the earliest times 3. famous 4. erect 5. structure 6. durable 7. largely 8. exceptionally hard a) Building b) strong c) very hard d) construct, build e) since ancient times f) well known g) building material h) chiefly

6.Закончите следующие предложения, используя английские эквиваленты из текста в соответствии с текстом. Полученные предложения переведите на русский язык (работа в парах).

2. Stone has been used as a structural material since (древних времен).

3. The art of making any structure in stone is called (каменная кладка).

4. Granite is used particularly for (фундаментов, колонн, ступеней и т.д.)

5. Sandstone is composed of (зерен песка и кварца).

6. Sandstone is an excellent material for (заполнителя бетона)

7. Sandstones form one of the most (ценных материалов)

8. Limestones are used extensively for (строительных целей).

9. Marbles are chiefly used for (декоративных целей)

7. Используя слова и предложения из текста докажите что (ролевая игра):

1.Stone has been used as a structural material since the earliest times.

2.Stone was widely used because …



3. Stone is one of the most valuable materials.

Закончите предложения в соответствии с текстом (работа в парах).

1. Stones used for masonry work are …

2. Granite is used for…

3. Sandstones are used as… and for …

4. Marble is used for … and for …

Напишите пересказ следующего текста на английском языке, используя лексику изученных уроков.

Одним из наиболее древних строительных материалов является камень. Каменные конструкции просты в изготовлении, обладают долговечностью, и огнестойкостью. Для сооружения каменных конструкций применяют искусственные и природные камни.

Природные камни тяжелых пород – известняки, песчаники, граниты -используют для облицовки стен, возведения фундаментов. Природные камни легких пород в южных районах используют для возведения стен.

К искусственным камням относят кирпич различных видов, камни из бетона.


Почитайте текст и найдите соответствующую половину предложения.

Stone walls are one of the oldest construction methods known to mankind. The first stone walls were made laying up stones without any mortar. With this method stones are held together by gravity. These walls are usually larger at the base. In Ireland and north-eastern UK counties this kind of wall was made by farmers to create fences. It was quite a long and labour-intensive method, but with no costs. When cement appeared, the first mortared stone walls were created, where cement paste fills the gaps between the stones. The first cements were made using burnt gypsum or lime, mixed with water. Concrete includes Portland cement mixed with sand, gravel and water, which makes it resistant to cracking. To make it even more resistant, steel reinforcing bars can be added. Most stone walls today are made using this method, because it is fast and cheap.


1 The first stone walls were made …  2 When cement appeared … 3 The first cements were created using….  4 Concrete is Portland cement….  5 Steel reinforcing bars can be added ….   a. burnt gypsum or lime, mixed with water. b. to make concrete even more resistant. -  c. first mortared stone walls were created. d. without any mortar. e. mixed with sand, gravel and water.  



Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Text 1. BRICK

Brick, stone, and timber are known to be the oldest building materials. Bricks belong to artificial (man-made) materials. Their production started in prehistoric times. Since then they have been produced and tested in all types of climate and in many countries. Thousands of years ago the builders in Egypt already knew the advantages of bricks and used them for construction. In those days the production of bricks was quite different from the modern one: bricks wore produced not by burning but by drying in the sun, there being much sunshine in Egypt all the year round. Brick work was also popular in Rome, there being very few growing forests and as a result little timber there.

In modern times bricks can be made of concrete, mortar, of burnt clay and of a combination of some other substances. For example, different types of clay and shale can be used as raw materials. Accordingly, bricks produced nowadays have different sizes, shapes, colours, and textures. Bricks also vary with the method of fabrication and temperatures of burning. It should be noted that some types of brick, such as, for example, salmon bricks are underburnt and highly porous. Naturally, their strength is extremely poor. This property of salmon brick should be taken into account when choosing brick material for construction. But there exist many other types of brick that are extremely strong and almost glass hard. Between these extremes there lie some other types of brick with different properties. Brick properties are of great importance and should be taken into account while choosing material for construction purposes.

2. Выберете и запишите правильный вариант.


1. Shale and clay belong to (natural, man-made) materials.

2. (Metal and glass, clay and mortar) ___________ are used

for fabricating bricks.

3. In (prehistoric, modern) __________ times bricks (are, were)

________ made by {drying in the sun, burning) _.

4. Russia is extremely (rich, poor) _____ in raw materials.

5. There were (many, few) ___ growing forests in Rome in pre­historic times.

6. Bricks (are extremely different, do not differ) ______ in size,

colour, and texture.


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