IX. Give the characteristic of Ukraine’s industry using 

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IX. Give the characteristic of Ukraine’s industry using

the following words and word-combinations:


heavy industry; steel, food and light industries; service industry; mineral deposits; machine-building and coal industries; major industrial base; with bias towards; national industrial output; ferrous metallurgy; to satisfy the consumers’ wants; raw material; to yield; the world process of economic, technological and scientific progress; progressive techniques and approaches; economic reforms; outdated and worn-out production equipment; market economy.


1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

a) stress the first syllable:

fertile, soil, temperately, climate, farming, breadbasket, animal, practice, crop, growing, harvesting, grain, meadow, fruit, vegetable, raising, cereal, flax, rye, oat, barley, sugar beet, sunflower, cabbage, cucumber, carrot, onion, garlic, melon, wheat, maize, legume, husbandry, widespread, dairy, province, chicken, duck, goose, turkey, cattle, poultry, mechanize, wages, profit, agriculture;

b) stress the second syllable:

productive, collective, intensive, potato, tomato, control, increase, apply, include, industrial, technology.

Text D

Ukraine has very favourable conditions for the development of agricultural production: fertile soils, temperately warm climate, a well- developed industry processing agricultural raw materials. Ukraine is one of the world’s most productive farming regions and is known as the breadbasket of Europe.

There are two main branches of agricultural production in Ukraine: crop production1 and animal husbandry2. Crop production is the practice of growing and harvesting crops. It includes: grain and industrial crops3, meadow culture, fruit and vegetable raising. Almost half of the cropping area is occupied by cereals4 such as winter wheat, maize and legumes, rye, oats and barley. Among the industrial crops such as sugar beet, sunflower, flax the leading position is occupied by sugar beet. Close to 40 types of vegetable crops are grown in Ukraine: potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, red beets, carrots, onions, garlic, etc. Melon-growing is practised mainly in the south.

Animal husbandry is the practice of breeding of farm animals and their use. The most widespread branches of animal husbandry are: dairy and beef cattle breeding5, pig raising6, sheep farming7 and bee-keeping8. The poultry industry9 is spread through all the provinces. Birds farmed include chicken, duck, goose, turkey. There are large mechanized poultry farms to produce eggs and meat.

Most farms in Ukraine are owned and controlled by the government. They include state farms10 and collective farms11. State farms are managed entirely by the government, which pays wages to farmworkers. Collective farms are owned and managed in part by the workers, who receive wages as well as a share in the farm’s profits. State farms are larger and have more mechanical farm equipment than collective farms. In order to increase crop yields and animal products collective and state farms apply widely intensive technologies.


1. crop production — рослинництво

2. animal husbandry — тваринництво

3. grain and industrial crops — зерновi та технічні культури

4. cereals — хлiбнi злаки

5. dairy and beef cattle breeding — розведення молочної та м’ясної худоби

6. pig raising — свинарство

7. sheep farming — вiвчарство

8. bee-keeping — бджiльництво

9. poultry industry — птахiвництво

10. state farms — державні підприємства

11. collective farms — колективні підприємства


I. Define the parts of speech of the following words:

favourable, production, agricultural, temperately, productive, vegetable, warm, mainly, cultivate, equipment, widely, collective, entirely, receive, almost.

II. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and

word-combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own:

favourable conditions; agricultural production; fertile soils; agricultural raw material; crop production; animal husbandry; grain crops; industrial crops; temperately warm climate; dairy and beef cattle breeding; poultry industry; state and collective farms.

III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary:

1. Ukraine has very favourable conditions... the development... agricultural production. 2. Almost half... the cropping area is occupied... cereals. 3. Among the industrial crops the leading position is occupied... sugar beet. 4. Melon-growing is practised mainly... the south. 5. The poultry industry is spread... all the provinces. 6. Most... farms... Ukraine are owned and controlled... the government.


IV. Translate the sentences paying attention to the italicized words:

1. Most of the farms in our region are animal breeding farms. 2. There are some plants that are used only in medicine. 3. Intensification of agricultural production is the most important problem now. 4. In our country there are some plants producing chemical fertilizers. 5. Our farm plants some of the crops in autumn. 6. Many people go to the country in summer. 7. That bird has a large crop. 8. Grain crops are widely grown by farmers.
9. Animal husbandry is more important on this farm than crop production.

V. Memorize the meanings of the word «agriculture» and its derivatives. Translate the sentences paying attention

to the italicized words:

agriculture — сiльське господарство; землеробство; aгрономiя;

agricultural — ciльськогосподарський; землеробський;

agriculturist — агроном; сiльський трудiвник; землевласник.

1. This farm has different agricultural machines. 2. Cooperation with other countries is favourable to agriculture of Ukraine. 3. The agriculturist of today wants to have better and higher-yielding crops which can produce more food of good quality.

VI. Complete the following sentences:

1. Ukraine has very favourable conditions.... 2. There are two main branches of agricultural production in Ukraine.... 3. Crop production is...
4. It includes.... 5. Almost half of the cropping area is occupied by cereals such as.... 6. Close to 40 types of vegetable crops are grown in Ukraine:.... 7. Animal husbandry is.... 8. Birds farmed include.... 9. In order to increase crop yields and animal products collective and state farms apply....

VII. Answer the following questions:

1. Does Ukraine have favourable conditions for the development of agri-cultural production? 2. What are the main branches of agricultural production in Ukraine? 3. What is crop production? 4. What does crop production include? 5. What cereals occupy half of the cropping area?
6. What vegetable crops are grown in Ukraine? 7. What is animal husbandry?
8. What are the most wide-spread branches of animal husbandry? 9. Where is the poultry industry spread? 10. What birds are farmed in Ukraine?
11. What forms of farm enterprises do you know? 12. What is the difference between state and collective farms?


VIII. Translate into English:

1. Україна має дуже сприятливi умови для розвитку сiльсько­господарського виробництва. 2. Є двi головнi галузi сiльськогоспо­дарського виробництва в Українi: рослинництво та тваринництво. 3. Рос­линництво — це вирощування та збирання сiльськогосподарських культур. 4. Рослинництво включає вирощування зернових та технiчних культур, лукiвництво, плодiвництво та овочiвництво. 5. Майже поло­вину посiвної площi країни займають хлiбнi злаки. 6. Найважливiшою технiчною культурою в Українi є цукровий буряк. 7. Тваринництво — це розведення сiльськогосподарських тварин та їх використання.
8. Розведення молочної та м’ясної худоби, свинарство, вiвчарство, бджiль­ництво та птахiвництво — найпоширенiшi галузi тваринництва в Українi. 9. Бiльшiсть сiльськогосподарських пiдприємств в Українi кон­тролюється урядом.




1. Speak about the tasks facing Ukraine’s people in the building-up the economy.

2. You discuss the problems to be solved in the course of new economic reforms.

3. Make a report in your class: «Industry — the most important area in Ukraine’s economy».

4. You have an exam. Your question is: «Ukraine as an industrial country».

5. You are at the conference. The theme of your report is: «The development of agricultural production in Ukraine».



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