IX. Complete the following sentences using the words 

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IX. Complete the following sentences using the words

from the right-hand column:

1. My father’s wife is my... mother

2. My parents’ son is my... aunt

3. My parents’ daughter is my... cousin

4. My mother’s husband is my... father

5. My mother’s father is my... brother

6. My father’s sister is my... sister

7. My mother’s brother is my... grandfather

8. My father’s mother is my... uncle

9. My mother’s sister is my... niece

10. My uncle’s son is my... grandmother

11. My brother’s son is my... nephew

12.My sister’s daughter is my...

X. Use the italicized noun or noun phrase in the first sentence
as a modifier in the second sentence:

1. My garden has flowers in it. It is a flower garden. 2. Their house has nine rooms. It is _________. 3. That handbook is for students. It is ________. 4. Their baby is ten months old. They have ______. 5. Our trip lasted for three days. We took _______. 6. She is a psychologist for children. She is ______. 7. I wrote a check for fifty dollars. I wrote _____. 8. I will get three credits for that course. It is _________. 9. That food is for dogs. It is _______. 10. That room is for guests. It is _________. 11. I have a sister who is ten years old and a brother who is twelve years old. I have _______. 12. The building has offices in it. It is an _________.

XI. Translate into English:

а) мiй брат — студент; дверi кiмнати зачинено; дайте цей словник студенту; напишiть листа батькам; я випив склянку молока; вiн переклав текст; вправи, виконанi студентами; лист, пiдписаний дирек­тором; я не люблю писати авторучкою; вони говорять про новий фiльм;

б) вступні іспити; спецiальностi студентiв; студентський гурто­житок; бакалаврськi програми; книга нашого викладача; книги нашого викладача; книга наших викладачiв; книги наших викладачiв; cпор­тивний центр; фонд лiтератури; деканат; прiзвища студентiв; дипломна робота; іспитова сесiя; промені сонця; пропозиції уряду; зарплата за минулий тиждень.

The Article

XII. Insert a, an or the if necessary:

1. I ate... sandwich and... apple yesterday. 2. My sister is... doctor.
3. It is... very difficult question. 4. Ukraine is... agricultural country. 5. It is... rainy day today. 6. I had... shower this morning. 7. They are... friends.
8. We often go to... cinema. 9. Who invented... telephone? 10. I have... hour and... half for... lunch. 11. I have... headache and... sore throat.
I think I’ve got... cold. 12. What... strange man! 13. Do you play... guitar?

XIII. Explain the use of the article:

1. This is a pencil. It is a red pencil. The red pencil is on the table.
2. I am a teacher. I am at home now. This is my room. The room is large and clean. 3. The Black Sea is in the South of Ukraine. 4. Open your books at page fifteen. 5. The dean of our faculty spoke at the meeting yesterday.
A lot of students of our group attended the meeting. 6. Yesterday I met my friend with a young girl. The girl lives on the second floor in the house not far from our University. 7. Summer is the most beautiful season of the year. The sky is blue and the sun shines brightly in summer.

XIV. Insert the article where necessary. Retell the passage:

I study at... Kyiv National Economic University. I am... first-year student of... day-time department. My friend is... second-year student of... marketing faculty. My father works at... factory. He is... economist. My mother is... book-keeper. My friend and I have... lot of... common interests.... lessons at... University begin at... 8.30. When... lectures are over we go to... library or to... reading-hall. When I come home I have... rest. If... weather is very cold I stay at... home and listen to... radio or watch... television. But if... weather is fine I go to... Dnipro for... walk.

XV. Translate into English:

1. Який чудовий день! Їдьмо за мiсто. 2. Молоко надто холодне, не пий його. 3. Вода й повiтря необхiднi для життя. 4. Який смачний обiд! Ви чудовий кухар. 5. Мiй брат спить 9 годин на добу. 6. Вовк — дика тварина. 7. Сосна — вiчнозелене дерево. 8. Це добре вино. 9. Вiн попросив склянку води. 10. Покажи менi статтю, яку ти написав. 11. Це дуже просте питання. Школяр може на нього відповісти. 12. Ви добре відпочили за містом? — Так, була чудова погода і ми здебільшого перебували на повітрі. 13. Яка добра порада! 14. На жаль, я не можу пообiдати з вами.

The Verb «to be» in the Present Indefinite Tense

XVI. Answer the following questions:

1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What are you?
4. Where are you from? 5. What is your favourite occupation? 6. How many are you in the family? 7. What are your parents? 8. Where are they now?
9. What is your friend? 10. What is his/her name? 11. How old is he/she?
12. Where is he/she now? 13. What’s the date? 14. What day of the week is it? 15. What is the weather like today?

XVII. Give short answers in the affirmative or negative:

Pattern: Are you ready? — Yes, I am/No, I am not.

1. Are you a student? 2. Are you a second-year student? 3. Is your friend a student? 4. Is your name Taras? 5. Are you eighteen? 6. Are you from Kyiv? 7. Is your friend from Lviv? 8. Are your parents managers?
9. Are they at home now? 10. Is it Sunday today? 11. Is it cold today?
12. Are you happy?

XVIII. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

Pattern: My friend is here.

Is my friend here?

My friend isn’t /is not/ here.

1. I am right. 2. They are second-year students. 3. They are very busy at that time. 4. Their favourite subject is English. 5. Our teacher is from Kharkiv. 6. Mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects. 7. The weather is very rainy in May. 8. They are in the classroom now. 9. It is the end of the term. 10. They are teachers. 11. This exercise is easy. 12. The days are fine in August. 13. Her parents are in London now.

XIX. Fill in the blanks with am, is or are:

1. Taras ____ a student. Who ___ a student? Taras ____. 2. ____ you a student? Yes, I ____. 3. ____ Nina a student? No, she ____ not. What ____ she? She ____ an economist. 4. ____ they managers? Yes, they ____. 5. ____ you a financier? No, I ____ not. What ____ you? I ____ a student. 6. ____ they teachers? No, they ____ not. What ____ they? They ____ businessmen. 7. ____ Peter a businessman? No, he ____ not. What he? He ____ an engineer. 8. Where ____ your friend? He ____ in the library.
9. Where ____ the students? They ____ in the classroom.

XX. Complete the disjunctive questions:

Pattern: It is far from Lviv,...? — It is far from Lviv, isn’t it?

It isn’t cold,...? — It isn’t cold, is it?

a) 1. You are a student,...? 2. You are tired,...? 3. They are on holiday,...? 4. She is in her office today,...? 5. He is angry,...? 6. Those are your gloves,...? 7. It’s very expensive,...? 8. These are Susan’s glasses,...? 9. That is Mike’s dictionary,...? 10. Mary is intelligent,...?

b) 1. Ann isn’t at home,...? 2. You aren’t afraid of snakes,...? 3. She is never late for class,...? 4. The children aren’t surprised,...? 5. Your sister isn’t married,...? 6. That isn’t Tom,...? 7. I am not fat,...? 8. English Grammar isn’t easy,...? 9. These books aren’t yours,...? 10. Nothing is wrong,...?

The Verb «to have» in the Present Indefinite Tense

XXI. Answer the following questions:

1. Have you a large family? 2. Have you a friend? 3. At what time do you usually have breakfast? 4. Do you usually have a big breakfast? 5. Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast? 6. How many times a day do you have tea? 7. Do you have a walk before going to bed?

XXII. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

Pattern: He has a lot of relatives in Poltava.

Has he a lot of relatives in Poltava?

He hasn’t /has not/ a lot of relatives in Poltava.

They have lunch at eleven.

Do they have lunch at eleven?

They don’t have /do not have/ lunch at eleven.

1. I have dinner at home. 2. The students have an examination session at the end of each term. 3. We have an hour to discuss this question. 4. We have too much snow this winter. 5. Susan has a high temperature. 6. Our University has sport camps and holiday homes at the seaside.

XXIII. Fill in the blanks with have or has:

1. I... a sister. She... a very interesting profession. 2. Hurry up! We... no time for tea. 3. Do you... a rest after lunch? No, I... not. 4. John and Mary... a baby. 5.... you got a grammar book? Yes I.... It... twelve chapters. 6. My friend... a brother. He... a Bachelor’s degree. 7.... the students many lectures and seminars during the week? Yes, they....

XXIV. Complete the disjunctive questions:

Pattern: You have time to do it,...?

You have time to do it, haven’t you?

He hasn’t much money,...?

He hasn’t much money, has he?

He has breakfast at 8 o’clock...?

He has breakfast at 8 o’clock, doesn’t he?

1. His wife has headaches quite often,...? 2. She has got lovely blue eyes,...? 3. The Smiths have a big house,...? 4. You have difficulty in getting a job,...? 5. You haven’t got a computer,...? 6. Bill hasn’t got a car,...? 7. She has a heart attack,...? 8. He has a good memory,...?

XXV. Translate into English:

1. У мене є друг. У нього блакитнi очi й темне волосся. У нього завжди дуже багато роботи i в нього нiколи немає вiльного часу. 2. Ви обiдаєте вдома чи в їдальнi? — Iнодi я обiдаю дома, а iнодi — у кафе.
Я нiколи не обiдаю в ресторанi. — О котрiй годинi ви звичайно обiдаєте? — Як правило, я обiдаю о другiй годинi. 3. У тебе є англій­сько-український словник? — Нi. У мене його немає, але я дуже хотiла б його мати. — У тебе є грошi? — Так. У мене є досить грошей, щоб купити його. 4. У мене є трикiмнатна квартира в центрi мiста. Вона має всi сучаснi вигоди.

The Construction «there + to be»

XXVI. Make the following interrogative and negative:

Pattern: There is too much salt in the soup.

Is there too much salt in the soup?

There isn’t /is not/ too much salt in the soup.

or: There is no too much salt in the soup.

There are several bookshops in this street.

Are there several bookshops in this street?

There aren’t /are not/ several bookshops in this street.

1. There is a telephone in this room. 2. There are fifteen students in our group. 3. There are some interesting articles in this newspaper. 4. There is somebody in the room. 5. There is something on the table. 6. There is a lot of fish in this river. 7. There is too much snow on the roof of the house.
8. There is too much water in the lake in spring.

XXVII. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. There is a man at the bus-stop. There are two men at the bus-stop. There is a man and a woman at the bus-stop. 2. There isn’t any sugar in my tea. 3. There is only one bridge across the river in this place. 4. There is no time to visit the museum. 5. There are several bookshops in this street.
6. There is a lot of coal in the Donbas. 7. There is no oil in our country.
8. There are few offices in this part of the town.

XXVIII. Ask questions using how many:

Pattern: chapters in this book.

How many chapters are there in this book?

1. English books in your library. 2. continents in the world. 3. people in your family. 4. states in the United States of America. 5. floors in this building. 6. letters in the English alphabet. 7. students in your group. 8. windows in this room. 9. desks in your classroom. 10. rooms in your flat.

XXIX. Complete the disjunctive questions:

1. There are a lot of people here,...? 2. There is a better way to solve this problem,...? 3. There aren’t any problems,...? 4. There is a meeting tonight,...? 5. There isn’t a test tomorrow,...? 6. There is nobody at home,...? 7. There isn’t a lot to do,...? 8. There isn’t a lot of noise,...? 9. There are some English books on the shelf,...? 10. There are some spelling mistakes in your composition,...?

XXX. Complete the questions in your own way:

1. Is there much...? 2. Are there many...? 3. Is there little...? 4. Is there a lot of...? 5. Is there a large number of...? 6. Is there any...?
7. Are there any...? 8. Are there a few...?

XXXI. Memorize the following proverbs:

1. There are spots even on the sun. 2. There are more ways to the wood than one. 3. Where there is a will, there is a way. 4. There is no rose without a thorn. 5. There is a place for everything, and everything in its place. 6. There is more than one way to kill a cat. 7. There is no fire without smoke. 8. There is no place like home. 9. When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow. 10. There is no royal road to learning.

XXXII. Translate into English:

1. У Києві є багато мальовничих вулиць. 2. На вашiй вулицi є кiнотеатр? — Так, бiля мого будинку є великий кiнотеатр. 3. Чи є в гле­чику молоко? 4. Там багато снігу? Якщо багато, ми підемо кататися на лижах. 5. У нашій бібліотеці є читальні зали. 6. Скiльки студентiв у вашiй групi? — У нашiй групi п’ятнадцять студентiв. — Чи є дiвчата у вашiй групi? — Так, у нашiй групi п’ять дiвчат i десять хлопцiв. Вони дуже дружнi. 7. Чи є цiкавi статтi в цьому журналi? — Так, у цьому журналi є цiкавi статтi з економіки. 8. Я не можу їсти цього супу. У ньому забагато солi та картоплi, але зовсiм немає м’яса. 9. Скільки слів у цьому словнику? 10. У твоїй бiблiотецi є твори англiйських чи амери­канських письменникiв? — Так, у моїй бiблiотецi є кiлька творів англiй­ських письменникiв, але немає жодного твору американських авторiв.



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