Видо-временные формы глагола 

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Видо-временные формы глагола

Времена глаголов действительного залога

Употребление Образование
Indefinite (Simple) показывает действие как факт (обычное, повторяемое) Present Past Future глагол в личной форме
Continuous (Progressive) показывает действие как процесс Present Past Future to be + ing
Perfect показывает действие, законченное до определённого момента в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем Present Past Future to have + причастие II
Perfect Continuous показывает действие, начатое некоторое время назад и все ещё продолжающееся или только что закончившееся Present Past Future to have been + ing

Времена группы Indefinite (Simple)

Indefinite Present I, we you, they he, she, it ask asks usually, sometimes, every day, often, seldom
Past +ed или II форма неправ. глагола asked wrote yesterday, last year, 3 years ago
Future I, we, you, they, he, she, it will (shall) ask tomorrow, next year, in 3 years

The Present Indefinite (Simple) Tense



Обозначает постоянное повторяющееся, обычное действие, какой-либо факт или общеизвестную истину.

We live in St.Petersburg. Мы живем в Санкт-Петербурге. The Earth rotates round its axis. Земля вращается вокруг своей оси. I leave home at 8 a. m. every day. Я ухожу из дома в 8 часов утра каждый день.


Present Indefinite no форме совпадает с инфинитивом глагола (без частицы to) во всех лицах, кроме 3-го лица ед. ч., принимающего окончание -s (-es).

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
I play I do not play Do I play?
He She it plays He She it does not play Does he (she, it) play?
we you they play we you they do not play Do we (you, they) play?

do not = don't
does not = doesn't


Упражнение 1. Объясните употребление Present Indefinite в следующих предложениях:

1. Rivers flow towards the sea. 2. A student buys a lot of books at the beginning of each term. 3. Music makes me forget my problems. 4. Mr. Hill lectures Philosophy at the University. 5. Don't shout. We hear you well. 6. I see that you understand us. 7. The teacher asks us a lot of questions in class every day. 8. There are four seasons in the year. Each season lasts three months and brings changes in the weather. 9. This large house belongs to Mr. Rich. 10. If Paul calls us, we shall invite him to dinner. 11. When spring comes they will go to Venice. 12. My brother works as an accountant in the firm. 13. The ship sails every Friday. 14. Every weekend she gets into her car, drives to her country house, and works in her garden. 15. The next bus leaves at exactly two o'clock.


Упражнение 2. Выполните упражнение по образцу:

Образец: The rivers freeze in winter. (This river) This river freezes in winter.

1.You watch TV too much. (The boy). 2. These shops close at 6 p.m. (this shop). 3. We realize the danger of doing it. (He). 4. The children hurry to the cinema after school (The child). 5. We arrange everything for the New Year party. (Bill). 6. I always help them. (She). 7. They look very well (Jane). 8. They worry too much about their children. (This woman). 9. I agree with you. (My mother). 10. Trams pass our house every ten minutes. (A tram).


Упражнение3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, употребляйте Present Indefinite:

1. What do you usually do from the time you get up until 8 a.m.? What are the things you sometimes do in the morning? 2. What do you usually have for breakfast? 3. What do you always do from 8 a.m. to 12.30? 4. Do you often go to the students’canteen to have lunch? 5. What do you often do in the afternoon? 6. What do you sometimes do in the evening? 7. Do you watch TV or listen to the radio in the evening? 8. What do you do from 7 p.m. until you go to bed? 9. How do you spend your weekends? 10. Do you stay in town or do you go somewhere? 11. What do you like to do on holidays?


Упражнение 4. Составьте предложения, используя данные фразы из таблицы:

I usually go to a dance
you normally use their car
he regularly gives us a lot of homework
she occasionally comes late for classes
we sometimes use the underground
they at times takes a shower
our friends often get up very late
my parents seldom buy tickets in advance
roommate hardly go to the country
passengers never makes mistakes in translation
young girls frequently rains here on Sundays
her brother from time to time eat meat or fish at supper
old people once a week go to a restaurant
our teacher once in a while write letters to us
it always sends her flowers

Упражнение 5. Опишите ваши ежедневные дела, используя наречия usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never:

Образец: eat breakfast;

Maria: I usually eat breakfast.

Helen: I never eat breakfast.

Nick: Maria usually eats breakfast. Helen never eats breakfast.


1. drink coffee in the morning 2. put sugar in my coffee 3. drink more than two cups of coffee in the morning 4. drink tea in the morning 5. eat cornflakes for breakfast 6. drink tomato juice in the morning 7. drink milk two times a day 8. have a sandwich for lunch 9. eat dinner at around six o'clock 10. get to class on time 11. walk to the Institute 12. take a taxi to go to the office 13. drive to work 14. ride a bike to school 15. study in the library 16. do my homework.


Упражнение 6. Употребите подходящую форму вспомогательных глаголов: do, does, don't, doesn’t:


1. Where... Sam live? 2. I'm sorry, I... know his telephone number. 3.... you like music? — Yes, I.... I have many records. 4.... you mother work? No, she.... She is a housewife. 5.... your brother speak French? — Oh yes, he.... 6. Why... their parents want to move to another city?

Упражнение 7. Составьте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения по образцу:

Образец: I like bananas. — I do not like bananas. Do you like bananas?


1.I write letters regularly. I... not... letters regularly. … you... letters regularly? 2. I drive a car. I... not... a car.... you... a car? 3. You sing well. You... not...well.... you... well? 4. They live in London. 4. They... not... in London. … they... in London?

Образец:He likes coffee. — He does not like coffee. Does he like coffee?


1. She watches TV every day. She... not... TV every day.... she... TV every day? 2. He often gives her flowers. He... not often... her flowers.... he often... her flowers? 3. She helps her mother about the house. She... not... her mother about the house.... she... her mother about the house? 4. He likes classical music. He... not... classical music.... he... classical music?


Упражнение 8. Поставьте разделительные вопросы и дайте краткие ответы:

Образец: He works here. – He works here, doesn’t he? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

He doesn't work here. – He doesn't work here, does he? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.


1.You know her. 2. She often writes letters to her parents. 3. She doesn't come home late. 4. Your sister doesn't speak Japanese. 5. She takes a shower every morning. 6. I like to read English books. 7. She sings well. 8. She doesn't read newspapers. 9. It is cold today. 10. He often walks in the park. 11. We sometimes have lunch in the cafe opposite our office. 12. They spend their holidays in Spain. 13. You don't have breakfast in the kitchen. 14. The doctor examines her teeth twice a year. 15. She doesn't meet him every day. 16. He never smokes. 17. She laughs a lot. 18. He lives with his brother. 19. His daughter doesn't work. 20. It looks like rain.


Упражнение 9. Задайте специальные вопросы к предложениям, используя вопросительные местоимения, данные в скобках:


1. He always smokes before lunch. (When?) 2. The Pearsons like to work in the garden. (Where?) 3. Amanda always wears too much make-up. (Who?) 4. Kate works at a nursery school. (Where?) 5. Charles goes to the disco every Saturday. (How often?) 6. I sometimes spend the weekend in the country. (Why?) 7. Mary arrives home at 6 o'clock. (What time?) 8. Mr. Fraser travels to work by train. (How?)

Упражнение 10. Ответьте на вопросы, используя фразы, данные в скобках:

1. What does a singer do? 2. What does a shoemaker do? 3. What does a housewife do? 4. What does an artist do? 5. What does a doctor do? 6. What does a hairdresser do? 7. What does a broker do? 8. What does a law student do? 9. What does a laundress do? 10. What does a sportsman do? 11. What does a baker do?


(to go in for sports, to study law, to cut and dress the hair, to paint pictures, to mend boots and shoes, to sing songs, to do the housework, to practise medicine, to buy and sell shares, to wash linen, to make bread)

Упражнение 11. Исправьте предложения. Напиши­те два правильных по смыслу предложения в отри­цательной и утвердительной форме, используя модель:


The American President lives in Rome. The American President doesn't live in Rome. The American President lives in Washington.

1. Insects catch birds............. 2. Elephants eat animals........ 3. The River Volga flows into the Baltic Sea.............. 4. The Sun sets in the East........... 5. Dentists look after nose.............

Упражнение 12. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в правильную форму:

1. The swimming bath (open) at 9.00 and (close) at 18.30 every day. 2. Nick (speak) four languages. 3. Water (boil) at 100 degrees centigrade. 4. My parents (come from) Ireland. 5. The earth (go) round the sun. 6. My little nephew (do) his morning exercises every day. 7. In winter it always (snow) in Moscow. 8. In summer I (wear) light dresses. 9. Nurses (look after) patients in hospitals. 10. In spring Tom usually (play) tennis twice a week.

Упражнение 13. Составьте предложения из данных слов:


1. go, to the theatre, once a month, we. 2. writes, a letter, once a week, he, to his parents. 3. does, use, a telephone, constantly, she? 3. gets, a newspaper, sometimes, he, for us. 4. do, ski, well, my sister, my brother, not. ski, well. 5. likes coffee, I, he, like tea, sometimes. 6. write compositions, twice a month, we. 7. usually, go, to the country, my parents, for the weekend. 8. tells, us, never, about, her childhood, she. 9. worries, sometimes, he, about, his exams. 10. hate, we, such, questions. 11. rain, in autumn, does, it? 12. does, teach, only, she, French? 13. have a rest, at the seashore, every summer, they. 14. does, not believe, women, he? 15. smiles, when, she, see, him, usually. 16. laughs, he, always, at her. 17. take a bus, we, never, when, we, go to the University.

Упражнение 14. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму и прочитайте рассказ:

Kate Fox (to get up) at 6.45. She (to work) at an employment agency in the city of London. But she (to live) in Surrey. Kate (to have breakfast) at 7.10. She (to leave) the house at 7.30. She (to travel) to work every day by train. It (to take) her about half an hour. She (to start) her work at 8.15. Kate (to see) a lot of young people every day and she (to help) them to find a job. She (to tell) her friends that she (to be) a very happy girl.

Упражнение 15. Дополните вопросы и дайте ответы по тексту упражнения 14. Расскажите о Kate Fox:

1. Where...Kate work? 2. Where....she live? 3. At what time..... get up? 4. How.... she get to work? 5. How long.... it take her? 6. What.... she do at work? 7. What.... she help the young people to do? 8..... Kate a happy girl?

Упражнение 16. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в правильную форму:


1. Her brothers always tell the truth, she sometimes (to lie). 2. They always gossip, she never (to do) it. 3. They laugh a lot, she (to cry) a lot. 4. We eat much, she (to eat) little. 5. They smoke cigars, he never (to smoke). 6. They often get angry, she never (to get) angry. 7. I like meat, she (to like) fish. 8. We go to the disco three times a week, he never (to go) there. 9. They never ask questions, my little sister (to ask) a lot of questions. 10. We always help our mother with the housework, he never (to help) her. 11. I always give her good advice, she never (to follow) it. 12. You like ballet, she (to like) opera. 13. My friends often visit me, she never (to visit) me. 14. We always get up early, she always (to get) up late. 15. We are from Moscow, she (to be) from Canada. 16. They make friends easily, she hardly (to make) friends. 17. They look very happy, she (to look) unhappy. 18. My friends go to the Crimea every summer, she (to go) to the Caucasus every summer. 19. We drive slowly, she (to drive) fast. 20. They speak Spanish and Italian, she (to speak) English.

Упражнение 17.

A: спросите своего друга (подругу), используя данные подсказки:

Образец: – Do you usually get up early in the morning?

– Do you often have breakfast at home?

1. get up early in the morning; 2. have breakfast at home? 3. go shopping once in a week; 4. look through newspapers at breakfast; 5. sometimes walk to the University; 6. stay in the library till closing time; 7. spend his/her free time with his/her friends; 8. watch TV every evening; 9. have a dog and a cat; 10. play tennis on Saturdays; 11. never quarrel with his/her sister; 12. like horror films; 13. speak Greek; 14. ever go abroad; 15. often go to the theatre; 16. be always on time; 17. be sometimes careless.

B: скажите что-то о себе и о своем друге, используйте те же подсказки:

Образец: I am never late, I come always on time but my friend is often late.

My friend likes horror films but I don’t, I like adventure films.


Упражнение 19. Найдите эквиваленты следующих пословиц и поговорок в русском языке. Составьте ситуации с некоторыми пословицами:


1. A good beginning makes a good ending. 2. A good dog deserves a good bone. 3. A great ship asks deep waters. 4. A new broom sweeps clean. 5. After rain comes fair weather. 6. All is well that ends well. 7. All roads lead to Rome. 8. Bad news has wings. 9. Every bird likes its own nest. 10. He laughs best who laughs last. 11. Might goes before right. 12. One good turn deserves another. 13. One lie makes many. 14. Tastes differ. 15. The end crowns the work. 16. Time cures all things. 17. When at Rome, do as the Romans do. 18. Who breaks, pays. 19. What the heart thinks the tongue speaks.


Упражнение 20. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:


1. Информация правит (to rule) миром. 2. Каж­дый вечер он выходит на прогулку в парк. 3. Я люблю читать английские журналы, а мой брат лю­бит решать кроссворды. 4. Растения хорошо рас­тут в теплом климате. 5. Никто не знает, где он живет. 6. Этот профессор говорит на пяти языках. 7. У кого есть что-нибудь поесть? 8. В Лондоне ча­сто идет дождь. 9. Мистер Паркер владеет этой фир­мой. 10. Когда у вас обычно бывают каникулы? 11. Во вре­мя лекции у нас нет перерыва. 12. Ваш сын всегда обедает в институте, не так ли? 13. Зимой в России идет снег. 14. Любовь творит чудеса. 15. - У вас есть соседи? - Нет, у меня частный дом. 16. - Ты меня понимаешь, не так ли? - Да, я вижу, что ты прав. 17. Почему ты так сердита на меня? 18. - Он всегда опаз­дывает на занятия? - Да, он никогда не приходит вовремя. 19. Она никогда с тобой не соглашается, не так ли? 20. Он работает с утра до ночи и получает удовольствие от своей работы.


Упражнение 21. Прочитайте текст «Christmas», поставив глаголы в форму Present Indefinite. Перескажите текст:



Christmas is the main public holiday in Britain and the USA when people (to spend) time with their families, (to eat) special food, and (to drink) a lot. Christmas is a Christian festival to remember the birth of Jesus. Every year people (to look forward) to this holiday.

Because people (to give) each other presents, in the days and weeks before Christmas the shops (to become) very busy and everybody often (to spend) a lot of money. People also (to buy) and (to send) Christmas cards to their friends, usually containing the message «Merry Christmas». The cards often (to show) pictures of Nativity /the birth of Christ/, Santa Claus, Christmas trees, Robins. People usually (to decorate) their houses and many people (to have) a Christmas tree in their house which they also (to decorate). Children (to believe) that Santa Claus (to bring) them presents if they (to behave) well. Children sometimes (to write) a letter to Santa Claus and (to tell) him what presents they would like for Christmas. They (to hang up) a stocking /really a sock/ on Christmas Eve because they (to believe) that Santa Claus (to come) down the chimney in the night and (to fill) it with presents. December 24th, the day before Christmas Day, is called Christmas Eve. Some people (to go) to a special church service called Midnight Mass /in BrE, Christmas Eve service in AmE/ at 12 o'clock at night. The most important meal is Christmas dinner. The typical meal (to consist) of roast turkey with potatoes and other vegetables. In Britain they (to eat) Christmas pudding. Americans (to bake) special biscuits called Christmas cookies which they (to eat) over the Christmas season. At the start of the meal, British people often (to pull) a cracker, which (to contain) a small toy, a paper hat, and a joke. Twelve days after Christmas /Twelfth Night/ is the time when people (to take) down their decorations and (to remove) their Christmas trees.


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