Предлоги и союзы (Prepositions and Conjunctions) 

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Предлоги и союзы (Prepositions and Conjunctions)

Предлоги – служебные слова, которые указывают на связь существительных (или местоимений) с другими словами в предложении. Ввиду того, что в английском языке почти полностью отсутствуют падежные окончания, порядок слов и предлоги играют особенно важную роль.

По своей структуре предлоги могут быть отдельными словами (in, for, under), сложными словами (inside, throughout), словосочетаниями (thanks to, because of, on account of, in accordance with). Предлоги выражают разнообразные отношения (пространственные, временные, причинные и др.), которые в русском языке передаются падежными окончаниями. Так, предлог of часто соответствует русскому родительному падежу, to – дательному, by и with – творительному (by обозначает действующее лицо, а with обозначает предмет, с помощью которого производится действие). Например:
It's a good map of the town. Это хорошая карта города. The book is written by my friend. Книга написана моим другом. I cut my finger with a knife. Я порезал свой палец ножом.

Многие предлоги имеют не одно, а несколько значений. Часто употребление предлога в предложении зависит от предшествующего слова – глагола, прилагательного или существительного. Так, например, глагол to depend требует после себя предлога on, to laugh – предлога at и т.д.:

My decision depends on you. Моё решение зависит от тебя.
The book belongs to me. Книга принадлежит мне.

Особенностью английского языка является сохранение предлога в конце предложения после глагола или после дополнения.
What are you looking at?
На что ты смотришь?
The doctor was sent for.
За доктором послали.
This is the house he lives in.
Это дом, в котором он живёт.

Союзы – служебные слова, которые устанавливают связь между словами, словосочетаниями и частями речи.

По своей структуре союзы могут быть отдельными словами (and, but, after, as, while, if и др.), словосочетаниями (in case, as soon as, as if и др.), а также соотносительными парами (both... and, either... or, not only... but also и др.).

У союзов есть своё лексическое значение, согласно которому они подразделяются на соединительные и подчинительные.


соединительные подчинительные
and – и (объединение) but – но (противопоставление) or – или (выбор) either... or – или... или neither...nor – ни... ни both... and – как... так и as well as – также как not only...but – не только... но и when – когда while – пока after – после того как that – что as – то время как before – прежде чем since – с тех пор как if – если

Соединительные союзы связывают слова, словосочетания и части предложения, которые не зависят друг от друга, например:

Her hair was dark and long. Волосы у неё были тёмные и длинные. It's fine but cold. Ясно, но холодно.

Tea or coffee? Чай или кофе?

Подчинительные союзы связывают придаточные предложения с главным, уточняя подчинительный характер отношений между ними, например:
When she read the letter, she locked it in her desk.
Когда она прочла письмо, она заперла его в своём столе.
She knew that I should go with him if he asked me to.
Он знал, что я пойду с ним, если он меня пригласит.


Предлоги в английском языке подразделяются на предлоги места, направления и времени.

Предлоги места

on – на on the desk, on the wall

in – в, на in the room, in the street

at – у, в, на at the window, at the meeting

near – около near the door, near the wall

over – над over the table, over the sofa

under – под under the table, under the bed

between – между between two chairs, between the doors

among – среди among the students, among them

behind – за behind the house, behind the tree

across – вдоль, через across the street, across the river

in front of – перед in front of the house, in front of the column

through – через, сквозь through the window, through the glass


Предлоги направления

to – к, на, в to the library, to the South, to the park

towards – в направлении, к towards the forest, towards the house

from – от, из, с from the table, from work

into – в (внутрь) into the room, into the box

out of – из (изнутри) out of the house, out of the drawer

off – с (со), от off the table, off the wall


Предлоги времени

on – в on Sunday, on the tenth of February

in – в, через in two days, in September

at – в, у at 7 o’clock, at noon

by – к by 3 o’clock, by noon

from…till – от (с)…до from early morning till late at night

since – с since 5 o’clock, since midnight

for – в течение for an hour, for ages

during – во время during the lecture, during the break

before – до (перед) before the bell, before winter

after – после after the break, after classes

till (until) – до till May, till the end of the year

until - до until last week, until then

between – между between one and two o’clock

Примечание: от перечисленныхвыше предлогов следует отличать случаи фиксированного употребления предлогов в определенных словосочетаниях: on duty – дежурный, on foot – пешком, by train поездом, и т. д. Кроме того, в английском языке широко употребляются послелоги, т.е. установленные предлоги, oбязательные для ряда глаголов: to look at, to listen to, to be interested in и др. Такие словосочетания с предлогами следует запоминать.



Упражнение 1. Употребите предлоги времени at, on, in:

1. … 6 June. 12. … winter.
2. … 8 o’clock. 13. … the evening.
3. … Wednesday. 14. … the morning.
4. … 12.30 a.m. 15. … Monday morning.
5. … 1977. 16. … Saturday night.
6. …September. 17. … night.
7. … 24 September. 18. … Christmas.
8. … Friday. 19. … the weekend.
9. … 1984. 20. … Tuesday afternoon
10. … half past two. 21. … the end of the holiday.
11. … Christmas Day.  


Упражнение 2. Употребите подходящие предлоги времени at, on, in:

1. Goodbye! See you … Friday. 11. I’m starting my new job … 3 June.
2. Where were you … 28 February? 12. We often go to the beach … summer.
3. I got up…8 o’clock this morning. 13. George isn’t here … the moment.
4. I like getting up early … in the morning. 14. Julia’s birthday is … January.
5. My sister got married … May. 15. Do you work … Saturday?
6. Diane and I first met … 1999. 16. I’ll send you the money … the end of this month.
7. Did you go out … Friday? 17. … autumn, the leaves fall down the trees.
8. Did you go out … Friday evening? 18. The company started … 2000.
9. Do often go out … the evening? 19. I often go away … the weekend.
10. Let’s meet … 7.30 tomorrow evening. 20. I like looking at the stars in the sky … night.



Упражнение3. Употребите предлоги времени in, on, at:


1. I’m leaving … Saturday. 7. Can you play tennis … next Sunday?
2. I’m leaving … next Saturday. 8. I’m afraid I can’t come to the party … Saturday.
3. I always feel tired … the evening. 9. I don’t like going alone … night.
4. Will you be at home … this evening? 10. I won’t be out very long. I’ll be back … ten minutes.
5. We went to Scotland … last summer. 11. He phones me … every Tuesday.
6. What do you usually do … the weekend?  


Упражнение 4. Вспомните, что предлоги in, on, at указывают на местонахождение предмета. Закончите предложения. Употребите предлоги in, on, at и подходящие фразы из предложенного списка:

the front row the back of the class
the third floor New York
my way to work the back of the envelope
the right the front page of the newspaper
the west coast the window
the Swiss Alps  


1. The headquarters of the United States is ……………

2. In most countries people drive ………………………

3. I usually buy a newspaper ……………………………

2. Last year we had a lovely skiing holiday………………

3. San Francisco is ……………of the United States.

4. She spends all day sitting ………and watching what is happening outside.

5. I have to walk up a lot of stairs every day. My flat is ……… and there is no lift.

6. I read about the accident. There was a report ……………

7. We went to the theatre last night. We had seats ………………

10. I couldn’t hear the teacher very well. She had a quiet voice and I was sitting …………………………

11. When you send a letter, it is a good idea to write your name and address …………………………………


Упражнение 5. Употребите пропущенные предлоги in, on, at:


1. It can be dangerous when children play football … the street.

2. I’ll meet you … the corner (of the street) at 10 o’clock.

3. We got stuck in a traffic jam … the way to the airport.

4. There was an accident … the crossroads this morning.

5. Look at these beautiful horses … that field!

6. I can’t find Tom … this photograph. Is he … it?

7. …………the end of the street there is a path leading to the river.

8. I wouldn’t like an office job. I couldn’t spend the whole day sitting … a desk.

9. Do you take paper … your office?

10. Ann’s brother lives… a small village … the south coast of England.

11. You’ll find the sports results … the back page of the newspaper.

12. Sue and Dave got married … Manchester four years ago.

13. Paris is … the river Seine.

14. Mr Boyle’s office is … the first floor. When you come out of the lift, it’s the third door …your left.

15. We normally use the front entrance to the building but there’s another entrance … the back.

16. If you want to get away from modern life, you should go and live … a small island in the middle of the ocean.

17. The man the police are looking for has a scar … his right cheek.

18. I wasn’t sure whether I had come to the right flat because there was no name … the door.


Упражнение 6. Употребите пропущенные предлоги to, into, on, by:

1. I’m tired. I’m …bed.

2. What time are you going … home?

3. I decided not to go … car. I went … my bike instead.

4. We went … a very good party last night.

5. I saw Jane this morning. She was … a bus which passed me.

6. Sorry I’m late. I missed the bus, so I had to come … foot.

7. The easiest way to get round London is … Underground.

8. I must go … the bank today to change some money.

9. I had lost my key but I managed to climb … the house through a window.

10. Marcel has just returned … France after two years in England.

11. I didn’t feel like walking, so I came home … a taxi.


Упражнение 7. Переведите на русский язык:


1. He usually gets to work at 9 o’clock.

2. She usually has an apple for lunch.

3. Let’s meet at the usual time.

4. As usual, it rained on my birthday.

5. The train was traveling at 50 miles an hour.

6. She’s not at home. She’s at work. Let’s meet her at the corner of the street.

7. The plane arrives in London at 4 o’clock.

8. We arrived at the theater after the film had started.

9. I’m going to the market for some fruit.

10.Water is essential to life.


Упражнение 8. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Как вы добрались сюда? – Мы приехали поездом. 2. Вы хотели бы пойти со мной на концерт? 3. Мои родители придут к нам, чтобы пообедать вместе с нами. 4. Положи книги на стол. 5. Он поставил молоко в холодильник. 6. Он летел из Лондона в Нью-Йорк. 7. Поезд из Оксфорда прибывает в 9 часов. 8. Вот письмо от Тома. 9. Дети играют в саду. 10. Том живет в маленькой деревушке в горах. 11. Вы прочитали эту статью в газете? 12. Наша квартира находится на втором этаже.


Упражнение 9. Вспомните, что некоторые существительные употребляются с определенными предлогами. Прочитайте предложения и закончите высказывание:

Образец: What caused the explosion? What was the cause of the explosion?

1. We’re trying to solve the problem. We’re trying to find the solution ………………

2. Ann gets on well with her brother. Ann has a good relationship ………………

3. Prices have increased a lot. There has been a big increase …………

4. I don’t know how to answer your question. I can’t think of an answer …………………

5. Nobody wants to buy shoes like these any more. There is no demand …………………

6. I think that being married has some advantages. I think that there are some advantages ……………………………………

7. The number of people without jobs has fallen this year. There has been a fall ……………………………………………

8. I don’t think that a new road is necessary. I don’t think that there is any need …………………………………………………


Упражнение 10. Заполните пропуски подходящими предлогами:


1. I’ve just received an invitation … a wedding next week. 2. The cause … the fire in the hotel last night is still unknown. 3. Ann showed me a photograph … the hotel where she stayed during her holiday. 4. Money isn’t the solution … every problem. 5. The company has rejected the worker’s demands … an increase … pay. 6. The two companies are completely independent. There is no connection … them. 7. When I opened the envelope, I was delighted to find a cheque …₤500. 8. Have you ever seen the picture … the town as it looked 100 years ago? 9. Sorry I haven’t written to you for so long. The reason … this is that I’ve been ill recently. 10. The advantage … having a car is that you don’t have to rely on public transport. 11. There are many advantages … being able to speak a foreign language. 12. There has been a sharp rise … the cost of living in the past few years. 13. The front door is locked. Have you got the key … the back door? 14. Bill and I used to be good friends but I don’t much contact … him now. 15. It wasn’t a serious accident. The damage … the car was only slight. 16. Tom’s reaction … my suggestion was not very enthusiastic. 17. When he left home, his attitude … his parents seemed to change.


Упражнение 11. Некоторые прилагательные употребляются с определенными предлогами. Закончите предложения. Употребите подходящие слова из предложенного списка и необходимые предлоги from,of, to, for, in, by:


different full sorry responsible interested
short similar tired capable impressed


1. I don’t feel … George. All his problems are entirely his own fault.

2. I can’t stop to talk to you now. I’m a bit … time.

3. “Do you want to watch the football match on TV?” “No, thanks. I’m not … football.”

4. Your shoes are … mine but they’re not exactly the same.

5. My new job is a completely new experience for me. It’s quite … what I did before.

6. Man is now … destroying the whole world with the nuclear weapons.

7. We’ve got plenty of things to cat. The fridge is … food.

8. I wasn’t very … the service in the restaurant. We had to wait ages before getting our food.

9. Can’t we have something different to eat for change? I’m … having the same thing day after day.

10. The editor is … what appears in his newspaper.

Упражнение 12. Заполните пропуски подходящими предлогами:


1. I’d rather not to go to an Indian restaurant. I’m not very keen … Indian food.

2. Ann is very fond … her younger brother.

3. This part of town is always very lively at night. It’s usually crowded … people.

4. In the cupboard I found a box full… old letters.

5. I felt sorry… the situation but then there was nothing he could do.

6. Britain certainly isn’t famous … its food.

7. They looked bored. I don’t think they were interested … what I was saying.

8. That man’s very honest. He isn’t capable … telling a lie.

9. Travelling is great at first but you get tired … it after a while.

10. The police is responsible … maintaining law and order.


Упражнение 13. Некоторые глаголы также употребляются с определенными предлогами. Bспомните их. Заполните пропуски подходящими предлогами:


1. He loves complaining. He complains … everything.

2. Our neighbours complained … us … the noise we made last night.

3. She hasn’t got a job. She depends … her parents for money.

4. You were very rude to Tom. Don’t think you should apologise … him?

5. He decided to give up sport in order to concentrate … his studies.

6. I don’t believe … working hard. It’s not worth it.

7. A football team consists … 11 players.

8. There was an awful noise as the car crashed … the tree.

9. Do you belong … political party?

10. I don’t know whether I’ll go out tonight. It depends … how I feel.

11. Are you hungry? Would you care … something to eat?

12. He doesn’t care … the examination. He is not worried whether he passes or fails.

13. I don’t care … money. It’s not important to me.

14. Don’t listen … what he says. He’s stupid.

15. What happened … the picture that used to be on that wall?

16. I dreamed … Ann last night. We were dancing together at a party when she suddenly hit me. then I woke up.

17. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay … the damage.

18. I didn’t have enough money to pay … the bill.

19. You know that you can always rely … me if you need any help.

20. I don’t want to go out yet. I’m waiting … the post to arrive.

21. We passed Tom as we were driving along. I shouted … him but he didn’t hear.

22. Ann doesn’t write … her parents very often but she phones … them at least once a week.

23. Can I speak … you at the moment? There’s something I want to ask you.

24. She’s a bit lonely. She needs someone to talk …

25. You’re always asking me … money. Why don’t you ask someone else for a change?

26. I’ve been invited … the wedding but unfortunately I can’t go.

27. When I saw Dave, I congratulated him … passing his driving test.

28. The driver of the car was taken to the police station and later charged … dangerous driving.

29. It’s a very large house. It’s divided … four flats.



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