Active Infinitive   Passive infinitive 

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Active Infinitive   Passive infinitive

To write                                                 To be written

  I am glad to help you                                I am glad to be helped

(Рад помочь).                                            (Рад, что мне помогают).

Ex.7. Translate the sentences, paying attention on Active Infinitive and Passive Infinitive.

1) To play chess was his greatest pleasure.

2) The child didn’t like to be washed.

3) Isn’t it natural that we like to be praised and don’t like to be scolded?

4) Which is more pleasant to give or to be given the presents?

5) To improve your pronunciation you should record yourself and analyze your speech.

6) This is the book to be read during the summer holidays.

7) To be instructed by such a very experienced specialist was a very great advantage.

8) He is very forgetful, but he doesn’t like to be reminded of his duties.

Запомните следующие устойчивые словосочетания с инфинитивом:

To cut a long story short – короче говоря. To tell (you) the truth – сказать Вам по правде. To say nothing of – не говоря уже о. To put it mildly – мягко выражаясь. To say the least of it – по меньшей мере. To begin with – начнём с того, что.

Запомните следующие предложения:

The book leaves a lot to be desired – Книга оставляет желать лучшего. He is difficult to deal with – с ним трудно иметь дело. He is hard to please – ему трудно угодить. She is pleasant to look at – на неё приятно смотреть.

Ex. 8. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the set phrases with Infinitive.

1. Для начала она открыла все окна.

2. С моим соседом трудно иметь дело.

3. По правде говоря, я очень устал.

4. Его поведение оставляет желать лучшего.

5. На этих детей приятно посмотреть.

6. Вашей сестре трудно угодить.

7. Это очень странно, по меньшей мере.

8. Мягко выражаясь, она была невежлива.

9. Сказать по правде, я не люблю химию.

10. Короче говоря, он не сдал экзамен.


Cancer is a type of disease or disorder related to malignant tumors. Cancer begins in your cells, which are the building blocks of your body. Normally, your body forms new cells as you need them, replacing old cells that die. Sometimes this process goes wrong. New cells grow even when you don't need them, and old cells don't die when they should. These extra cells can form a mass called a tumor. Tumors can be benign or malignant. Cancerous cells (cells that have cancer in them) split themselves, copy themselves, and make new cells that are copies of themselves - meaning that the new cells that were created are also cancerous.

These cells are able to go into other tissues by growing into them. They can also get into other tissues by putting themselves into faraway places in the body by metastasis. Metastasis is a process in which cancer cells move through the bloodstream or lymphatic system. When this happens, a person's cancer can be spread throughout his body (this is called "metastasizing" - the cancer has spread through metastasis).

Cancer can affect anybody at any age. Most types of cancer are more likely to affect people as they get older. This is because as a person's DNA gets older, their DNA may become damaged, or damage that happened in the past may get worse. One type of cancer that is more common in young men, rather than older people, is testicular cancer (cancer of the testicles).

Cancer is one of the biggest and most researched causes of death in developed countries.

Different types of cancer have different causes. For example, using tobacco can cause many types of cancers, such as lung, mouth, tongue, and throat cancers. Other things that are known to be able to cause cancer - or make a person more likely to get cancer - include: radiation (sunlight and X-rays in large or many doses, and exposure to radiation in a nuclear power plant); chemicals and materials used in building and manufacturing (for example, asbestos and benzene); high-fat or low-fiber diets; air and water pollution; eating very little fruits and vegetables; obesity; not enough physical activity; drinking too much alcohol. Some cancers can also be caused by viruses. Many people who are exposed to these things do not get cancer - but some do.

There are many different kinds of cancers. Some of the most common are breast cancer, brain cancer, leukemia (a blood cancer), testicular cancer, mesothelioma, and lung cancer.

Treatment of cancer

There is no sure cure for cancer. It can only be cured if all of the cancerous cells are cut out or killed in place. This means that the earlier the cancer is treated, the better the chances are for a cure. There are a few different types of treatments that are used to try to kill cancer cells. These treatments are radiotherapy or radiation therapy (which uses radiation to kill cancer cells); chemotherapy (which uses strong medications to kill cancer cells); and immunotherapy (also called biological therapy). In some cases, at least a part of the tumor can be taken out through surgery. But this is not the end of treatment. After surgery, patients may need radiotherapy or chemotherapy to keep the tumor from growing again.

One big problem in treating cancer is that most things that kill cancer cells also kill normal, healthy cells. This is why people who are getting chemotherapy often lose their hair and throw up a lot - their chemotherapy kills the cells in the hair, causing the hair to fall out, and the chemotherapy also kills cells in the lining of the stomach, causing nausea and vomiting. Another problem is that the body's immune system usually will not attack cancer cells, even though they could easily kill the body. This is because the cancer has actually become a part of the body by invading cells and tissues. So the immune system sees the cancer as part of the body it is trying to protect, not as a threat to be attacked. A third major problem is that there are many different types of cancer, and each type has its own symptoms and causes.

I. Vocabulary

Malignant [mǝ’lignǝnt] (a) – 1. Cancerous – злокачественный;

2. зловредный, пагубный

Tumor [‘tju:mǝ] (n) – 1. Neoplasm – опухоль;

2. новообразование

Cell [sel] (n) – 1. Cellule – клетка, ячейка;

2. камера, отсек, секция

Block [blɑk] (n) – 1. Блок;

2. чурбан, колода

To replace [ri’pleis] (v) – 1. To surrogate – заменять, замещать;

2. ставить, класть обратно

Wrong [rɑɳ] (a) – 1. Abnormal – неправильный;

2. порочный, аморальный, несправедливый

To grow [grǝʋ] (v) – 1. To increase – расти, увеличиваться;

2. расти, вырастать

To die [dai] (v) – 1. To perish – умирать;

2. останавливаться, глохнуть

Benign [bi’nain] (a) – 1. Доброкачественный;

2. добрый, милостивый

To split [split] (v) – 1. To fission – расщепляться, раскалываться;

2. разбивать(ся), разрушать

To mean [mi:n] (v) – 1. To signify – означать, иметь в виду;

2. подразумевать

Tissue [‘tiʃu:] (n) – 1. Ткань;

2. паутина, сеть

Able [‘eibǝl] (a) – 1. Capable – способный, умелый;

2. умеющий что-либо делать, компетентный

Faraway [‘fɑ:rǝwei] (a) – 1. Farther – дальний, отдалённый;

2. отсутствующий, рассеянный

Damage [‘dæmidʒ] (n) – 1. Harm – вред, повреждение;

2. убыток, ущерб

Testicle [‘testikǝl] (n) – Яичко, семенник

Research [ri’sɛ:tʃ] (n) – 1. Study – исследование;

2. исследовательский

Exposure [ik’spǝʋʒǝ] (n) – 1. Подвергание внешнему воздействию;

2. подверженность

To take out – удалять

Nuclear power plant – атомная электростанция

II. Comprehension

Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

1) What is cancer?

2) How can tumor appear?

3) What is metastasis?

4) What are the main causes of the cancer?

5) What kinds of cancers do you know?

6) How do you think what kind of cancer is very widespread in our region?

7) Is there treatment against cancer?

8) What problems can you call in the treatment of cancer?

Ex. 2. Find in the text the next words and expressions and translate them.

Злокачественная опухоль; клетка; строительные блоки; заменять; доброкачественный; расщепляться; создавать; ткани; метастазы; дальние места; распространяться по всему телу; рак яичков; исследовательский; подвергание; атомная электростанция; диета с высоким содержанием жиров; рак головного мозга; убивать раковые клетки; радиотерапия; химиотерапия; удалять; здоровые клетки; тошнота и рвота.

III. Word study

Ex. 3. Match the words in column A with the words in column B to form phrases. You will guess the encrypted word.

       A                                                                              B

1. Malignant                                                       a. system (m)

2. Cancerous                                                       b. power plant (t)

3. Faraway                                                         с. out (y)

4. Lymphatic                                                      d. tumors (c)

5. Testicular                                                        e. countries (s)

6. Developed                                                      f. places (e)

7. Nuclear                                                           g. therapy (r)

8. Radiation                                                        h. cancer (i)

9. Cut                                                                 i. cells (h)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Ex. 4. Translate the words in brackets.

1) (Рак) is a type of (заболевание) related to the (злокачественная) or benign (опухоль).

2) Cancerous (клетки) split themselves, (копируют себя), and make new (клетки).

3) Metastasis is a (процесс) in which (раковые клетки) move through the (кровоток) or (лимфатическую) system.

4) (Рак) is one of the (большой) and the most researched (причины) of death in (развитые страны).

5) Tobacco can (причинить) many types of (рак), such as (лёгкие, рот) tongue and (горло).

6) The (лечение) of cancer include (радиотерапию), (химиотерапию) and (иммунотерапию).

Ex. 5. Complete the table.

The name of the disease The types of the cancer The causes Treatment (the kinds of treatment) The problems in recovery


IV. Speech practice

Ex. 6. Retell the text according to the following plan using the words and expressions given below.

Cancer; malignant tumors; to form new cells; to go wrong; a mass called tumor; benign; different causes; tobacco; lung; mouth; radiation; air pollution; alcohol; different kinds; brain; breast; treatment; radiotherapy; chemotherapy; immunotherapy; problems; healthy cells; immune system; to attack; to protect.

                                         V. Grammar review


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