The protection of the environment 

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The protection of the environment


Our planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but nowadays it's the only place where we can live.

People always polluted their surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem. People lived in rural areas and did not produce such amount of pollute that would cause a dangerous situation in global scale.

With the development of civilization man's interference in nature grows up. It leads to different negative factors are: the pollution of water, air, soil and the destruction of the ozone layer. This problem must be solved if we want to preserve life on our planet.

Fortunately, it's not too late to solve these problems. We have the time, the money and even the technology to make our planet a better, cleaner and safer place. I would like to dwell on practical measures which must be taken in order to improve the ecological situation: the factories and plants must be removed from cities; green zones must be created; pollution control systems must be introduced; purifying systems for cleaning and trapping harmful substances must be widely used; almost everything is recyclable today – recycling is a great way to reduce waste. We need clean air to breathe and pure water to drink. We need also food that is safe to eat and housing to shelter us. We can't get all these things by ourselves. We live in community so we can solve our problems only working together. We also have a Red Book where rare and dying out plants, birds, animals are registered.

Russia is co-operating in the field of environmental protection with the USA, Canada, Norway, Finland and other countries. A lot of public organizations have been established. One of them is Green Peace which was formed in 1971 with its Head-quarters in Amsterdam. The area of operation is 25 countries world-wide. Its objectives are to protect wild life and atmosphere, to prevent disposal of toxic waste and nuclear tests. If we gather we will help to the nature.

I. Vocabulary

Surroundings [sǝ’raʋndiɳz] (n) – 1. Окрестности;

2. среда, окружение

Scale [skeil] (n) – 1. Масштаб, размер;

2. уровень, положение, место

Interference [intǝ’fiǝrǝns] (n) – 1. Intervention – вмешательство;

2. препятствие, помеха

Layer [‘leiǝ] (n) – 1. Stratum – слой, пласт, наслоение;

2. укладчик

To solve [sɑlv] (v) – 1. To decide – решать, разрешать;

2. растворять

To preserve [pri’zɜ:v] (v) – 1. To save – сохранять, оберегать;

2. хранить, поддерживать

To dwell on [dwel] (v) – 1. Подробно останавливаться, задерживаться на чём-либо;

2. жить, обитать

To remove [ri’mu:v] (v) – 1. To move – передвигать, убирать, уносить.

2. снимать

To create [kri’eit] (v) – 1. To establish – творить, создавать;

2. вызывать

To introduce [intrǝ’dju:s] (v) – To input – вводить, вставлять;

2. вносить на рассмотрение

To purify [‘pjʋǝrifai] (v) – 1. To clean – очищать

Recycling [ri’saikliɳ] (n) – 1. Переработка отходов

Shelter [‘ʃeltǝ] (n) – 1. Приют, кров, убежище;

2. защита, покровительство

Rare [‘reǝ] (a) – 1. Редкий;

2. необычный, необыкновенный

Field [fi:ld] (n) – 1. Область, сфера деятельности;

2. поле, луг

II. Comprehension

Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

1. To what has the development of civilization lead?

2. Can we solve the problems with the pollution?

3. What measures on protection can you call?

4. What does a Red Book contain?

5. What does Russia do to protect the environment?

6. What do you do personally to make nature clean?

Ex. 2. Translate the words and phrases.

Окружающая среда; сельская местность; глобальный масштаб; вмешательство людей; озоновый слой; решать проблемы; меры; улучшать; перемещать; создавать; вводить; очистительный; переработка отходов; редкие растения; главное управление.

III. Word study

Ex. 3. Match the words in column A with the words in column B to form phrases.

       A                                                                              B

1. Rural                                                              a. animals

2. Global                                                             b. substances

3. Ozone                                                             с. test

4. Practical                                                          d. measures

5. Purifying                                                         e. areas

6. Rare                                                                f. Peace

7. Green                                                              g. problems

8. Nuclear                                                           h. layer

9. Solve                                                              i. scale

10. Harmful                                                        j. system

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ex. 4. Put the missing words given below, using the correct tense form.

Create; improve; solve;protection;preserve; recycling; dwell on; measures; task; rural areas.

1) I can’t ____ this task. It is very difficult.

2) Your son doesn’t want to study. You must take some ____.

3) We must _____our environment from the pollution.

4) Green Peace was ____ in 1971.

5) I want to ____ on my project concerning the protection of the environment.

6) People living in the_____ can afford themselves the natural products.

7) ___ is a great way to reduce waste.

8) The modern_____ will help our planet to be cleaner and better.

9) There is a plan to ____ the ecological situation in our country.

10) ____ is a very important and necessary task for people.

Ex. 5. Write down what people must and what mustn’t do to protect the environment.

1. Throw the litter into the special trash can. 1. Throw away the litter on the roads.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.


Ex. 5. Write down what people must and what mustn’t do to protect the environment.

IV. Speech practice

Ex. 6. Retell the text according to the following plan using the words and expressions given below.

A serious problem; man’s interference; negative factors; to solve problems; practical measures; factories; to remove; to create; to introduce; purifying system; co-operating; Green Peace; nuclear tests.

V. Grammar


Ex. 7. Add the positive, comparative or superlative forms to these adjectives.

Positive Comparative Superlative
    (the) bittest
    (the) most amusing
    (the) loudest

Ex. 8. Form the adjectives from the words, using the suffixes given below. Translate them into the Russian.

-ible                   -ous     -ful

-ent                    -less        

-ant                    -ive         

-ary                    -y

-al                       -able

Element; response; form; zoology; home; rain; construct; help; differ; fame; ambition; please; center; eat; use.

Раздел 5 Заболевания 21века


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