Match photos A-J to the words from the box. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Match photos A-J to the words from the box.


Answer the questions about the hospital jobs:

1. Which hospital jobs are the most stressful? Which are the least stressful?

2. Which hospital jobs let you have a work-life balance?

3. Which hospital jobs are the best-paid? Which are the worst-paid?

4. Which hospital jobs are the most monotonous (the most demanding the most rewarding)?

5. Which hospital jobs are in high demand nowadays? And which jobs have future perspectives?



Underline the correct options in bold.



Read the descriptions and guess the correct hospital job from the box.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.


VOCABULARY An admission

Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

1. call an ambulance a) измерять давление
2.  discharge b) иметь сильную головную боль
3. break an arm c) упасть
4. have a fall d) вызвать скорую
5. use a bedpan e) сломать руку
6. have a horrible headache f) делать рентген снимки
7. take X-rays g) иметь высокое давление
8. have high blood pressure h) использовать судно
9. prescribe antibiotics i) прописать курс антибиотиков
10. measure blood pressure j) выписывать пациента из больницы


Complete the story with the correct words from the box.

VOCABULARY A job interview

Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

1. full-time job/part-time job a) заочный курс
2. look for a new job b) подавать заявление о приеме на работу
3. part-time course c) дневная/ночная смена
4. day/night shift d) искать новую работу
5. apply for a job e) работа на полную/неполную занятость
6. assist the surgeon f) благодарный
7. rewarding g) помогать хирургу


Complete the story with the correct words from the box.

GRAMMAR Present Simple or Present Continuous?


Read the interviews and underline the correct verb forms.

Look at the pictures in Ex.1 (p. 7) and say what these people usually do at their work and what they are doing at the moment.


Complete the conversation putting the verbs into the Present Continuous or Present Simple.

Write the questions to the words in italics.


Translate the sentences from Russian into English.


SPEAKING An interview for a volunteer project

Work in pairs and discuss the questions.

1. What is a volunteer project? Why do people volunteer?

2. Have you ever done any volunteer work? Would you like to work as a volunteer?

3. Would you volunteer to help people outside your city/town or outside your country?

4. Do you know any volunteer organizations? Have you ever heard about any medical volunteer programs or organizations?



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