GRAMMAR Present Simple or Present Continuous? 

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GRAMMAR Present Simple or Present Continuous?


Read the interview and underline the correct verb forms.

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct verb form.

GRAMMAR Prepositions of place and movement

Rearrange the words to make sentences.


VOCABULARY Alphabet quiz

Work in pairs. Complete the sentences with words or phrases from Units 1-2. The first letter of each word or phrase is given.

A. An             provides anesthesia for all types of surgery.   N. A                   is for testing for sensation in nerves.
B.  A                     is used for fixing a broken bone.   O. A surgeon performs             in the operating theatre.
C. A                           is a male nurse equivalent to a sister.   P. I'm doing a             course and work at the same time.
D. If you feel better next week, the doctor will             you.   R. A paramedic gives first aid and               to emergencies.
E. The                  is used for looking inside the stomach, larynx, trachea, etc.   S. Porters transport patients by                or wheelchairs.
F. Porters do more than just push                      around the hospital.   T. An otolaryngologist uses a                  for oral examination.
G. The                  is for determining the concentration of glucose in the blood.   U.                                 are for detecting problems in the liver, heart, stomach and other internal organs.
H. A                           wheelchair can perform different functions.   W. There are 20 two-bed and 10 one-bed        in this department.
L. A                            examines samples and tissues under a microscope.   X. Radiologists take        and other images.
M. Porters remove dead bodies to the                .    

VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs

Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.


Match the halves of the sentences.

1. Nursing officers 2. Triage nurses 3. A surgeon 4. Auxiliary nurses 5. Health visitors 6. Midwives 7. A scrub nurse 8. Porters a. visit patients in their own homes b. perform operations on patients c. assists surgeons in the operating theatres d. work in Casualty e. deliver babies f. are usually administrators g. are on the bottom grade h. transport patients around the hospital.


Work in pairs. Prepare a conversation on one the topics below.


· at the school reunion (Imagine that you are at the school reunion. Ask each other about your jobs, your families and your interests)

· at the medical conference (Imagine that you are attending a medical conference. Talk to each other about your jobs, the conference and the city the conference is organized in)

· at the hospital reception (Imagine that one of you is the receptionist and the other is the patient. The patient asks the receptionist how to get Cardiology).


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