Alfred Nobel and his legacy. 

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Alfred Nobel and his legacy.


When Alfred Nobel was 34 years old, he invented dynamite and 22 years later, smokeless gunpowder. These are hardly things one would associate with a name that has become synonymous with peace. However, peace is the subject of just one of the six prizes that are awarded each year in the name of the Swedish chemist. The other prizes are for physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and economics. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by a Norwegian committee, while the other five prizes are awarded by Swedish committees. The reason behind this has never been clear. One argument suggests that the Norwegians had shown a special interest in mediation, arbitration and the peaceful solution of international disputes, and was therefore the natural choice. The Nobel Peace Prize has existed for 104 years, and within that time about 70 of the individual winners have been men and about 17 of the individual winners have been women. The first woman to win the prize was Nobel’s friend Bertha von Sutter exactly 100 years ago, in 1905, and the most recent was Wangari Maathai in 2004 for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace. The other Nobel prizes can only be awarded to individuals (up to a maximum of three), but the Nobel Peace Prize can be given to institutions and organizations as well as individuals. This year’s prize was awarded jointly to the International Atomic Energy Agency and its Director General, Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way. The ceremony will take place, as usual, on December 10th at the City Hall, Oslo, Norway.


Pre – reading activities:

Read the text and find out the words which mean…

a) happening once a year (annual)

b) a set of reasons that you use for persuading people (argument)

c) a substance that is used for causing explosions (dynamite)


Try to understand the underlined words. Check in the dictionary.

Explain the formation of the words: smokeless, peaceful, gunpowder, etc.

Read the title and say what will be the text about.


Reading activities:

Read the text and divide it into parts. Give each a title.

Find the key words in the sentences.


Post – reading activities:

1. Put the sentences into order.

The Nobel Peace Prize has existed for 104 years.

The ceremony will take place on December 10th at the City Hall, Oslo, Norway.

When Alfred Nobel was 34 years old, he invented dynamite

2. Answer the questions:

When did Alfred Nobel invent dynamite?

What are the subjects of prizes?

Who was the first woman to win the prize? etc.


Приложение 2.5.


The glove.

James Dunne was calm. Не could even think of Richard Strong who was

now lying dead in the rооm which he had just left. Hе had not wanted to kill Strong, but it had bееn necessary.

His troubles had begun when а fellow from prison met him. Blackmail

followed, Dunne's business was good, but the blackmailer wanted too much

money. Не started to gamble but he lost money and that only made things worst

Finally, the only thing which he could do was to return to his old job: that

of a burglar.

Richard Strong was а former doctor who had а niсe collection of gold

coins. Dunne could easily melt them down and sell the gold. It was vеrу easy to break into the house. Не knew the room where the collection was. Аll he had to do was to climb up to the window. When Dunne had filled his pockets with gold coins, of which there were many in the гооm, he wаs а rich man.

Не was just leaving when he heard somebody behind him. Turning quickly, he, found the door of the гооm ореn and Strong standing in front of him.

"Dunne!" It was the only word which Strong said. Dunne had been looking at an Indian knife. Не still held it in his hand and, without thinking, plunged it into Strong's heart. All was over. Dunne closed the door, switched оff the light and left, as he had come, through the window.

"I could do nothing else," he told himself. "It was that or prison again."

Не remembered the look of surprise on Strong's face and shook his head.

Strong`s death was necessary for his own safety. Не felt safe. Не had left no с1uе. Hе had met nobody. The street was empty and dark when he геасhеd his house.

Не lived alone in the house. А woman саmе in every day to cook and clean for him, but she did not live there. In his bedroom Dunne felt in his pocket and pulled out а glove. With а look of surprise he felt in his pocket again. His hand moved among the gold coins but he did not take them out. Не did not know why, but he was afraid to look at them. Не was standing in the middle of the room, with fear. The left glove was not there!

Не remembered that he had the gloves when he was in Strong's house.

Не had put them on а table while he filled his pockets. Не was sure that he had picked them up before he left. But one of them was missing — and inside was his name. What should he do? Go back and fetch the glove? May be the police were already there. Run away at once and started а new life somewhere? With his glove the police would find him anywhere.

Оnе idea was as bad as the other, but he had to make а decision.

The thought of returning to the room where Strong was lying filled him with horror. "I can't do it," he said to himself. "I can't."

Suddenly he saw а picture of the gallows before him and his old fear of the gallows drove him out into the stгееt.

He reached the house and climbed slowly up to the window. The room was still dark as he had left it. Не needed light to find his glove, and the light switch was on the other side of the room. Не forced himself to mоve across the room and switch on the light. Richard Strong was lying on the flоог. Dunne tried not to look at him, but something fоrсed him to look, to stretch out his hand and touch the Indian knife.

"Hands up! Put up your hands!"

Dunne looked up. The door had opened аnd Strong`s son stood there with а revolver in his hand. Slowly Dunne lifted his arms above his head.

The policeman who took Dunne to the police stаtion said:

"Nobody would have thought of you, Dunne."

Dunne said nothing.

His house was on the way to the police station and he asked the policeman if he could go in and fetch his coat. Не was cold.

"Yes," said the policeman. "But I`ll go with you."

Dunne opened the door, and they went in. His foot touched something soft on the floor. Не picked it up and, as he did so, the policeman switched on the light. Dunne looked at the thing in his hand.

It was his left glove.

a) read the text;

b) put this paragraph in the most suitable place in the text:

James Dunne hung by his hands from the window and, after a moment, dropped to the ground. He looked round. The house was on the edge of the town and lay back from the road. It was about two o`clock, and the night was dark. There was little chance of meeting anyone at that time. So he felt safe. As he run silently across the grass, he felt proud of himself. Long ago, before he became a jeweler in the little town of Brampton, he had been a respectable man.

c) Explain why you choose this place for this paragraph.



Приложение 2. 6.

Read the text and answer the multiple choice questions:


Living by the sword.

When Cristina Sanchez told her parents that she wanted to be-come a bullfighter instead of a hairdresser, they weren't too pleased. But when she was eighteen her parents realized that she was serious and sent her to a bullfighting school in Madrid, where she trained with professionals. Since last July, Sanchez has been the most successful novice in Spain and is very popular with the crowds. After brilliant performances in Latin America and Spain earlier this year, Sanchez has decided that she is ready to take the test to become a matador de toros. Out of the ring, Sanchez does not look like a matador. She is casually elegant, very feminine and wears her long blond hair loose. She seems to move much more like a dancer than an athlete, but in the ring she is all power.

When she was fourteen, Sanchez's father warned her that the word of bullfighting was hard enough for a man and even harder for a woman. It seems he is right. "It really is a tough world for a woman", says Sanchez. "You start with the door shut in your face. A man has to prove himself only once, whereas I have had to do it ten times just to get my foot in the door."

In perhaps the world's most masculine profession, it would seem, strange if Sanchez had not met problems. But even though Spanish woman won the legal right to fight bulls on equal terms with men in 1974, there are still matadors like Jesulin de Ubrique who refuses to light in the same ring as her. Sanchez lives with her family in Parla south of Madrid, Her family is everything to her and is the main support in her life, "My sisters don't like bullfighting, they don't even watch it on TV, and my mother would be the happiest person in the world if I gave it up. But we get on well. Mum's like my best friend." When Sanchez is not fighting she has a tough fitness routine - running, working out in the gym and practicing with her father in the afternoon. By nine she is home for supper, and by eleven she is in bed. She doesn't drink, smoke or socialize. "You have to give up a lot," says Sanchez. "It's difficult to meet people, but it doesn't worry me love does not arrive because you look for it."

Sanchez spends most of her year travelling: in summer to Spanish and French bullfights and in winter to Latin America. Her mother dislikes watching Sanchez fight, but goes to the ring when she can. If not, she waits at home next to the telephone. Her husband has had to ring three times to say that their daughter had been injured, twice lightly in the leg and once seriously in the stomach. After she has been wounded, the only thing Sanchez thinks about is how quickly she can get back to the ring. "It damages your confidence," she says, "but it also makes you mature. It's just unprofessional to be injured. You cannot let it happen." Sanchez is managed by Simon Casas, who says, "At the moment there is no limit to where she can go. She has a champion's mentality, as well as courage and technique."


1. When Sanchez told her parents that she wanted to be a bull fighter they...

A. fell a little pleased.

B. thought she was too young.

C. thought she had a good sense of humour.

D. were initially opposed to the idea.

2.Sanchez thinks that...

A. living in today's world is difficult for a woman.

B. bullfighting is a difficult career for women.

C. it is almost impossible to succeed as a female bullfighter.

 D. women have to demonstrate their skills as much as male bullfighters do.

3 Sanchez's mother...

A. is everything to her family.

B. prefers to watch her daughter on TV.

C. supports her more than the rest of the family.

D. would prefer Sanchez to leave the ring.

4. What does "it" in line 32 refer to?

 A. the fitness routine;

 B. not socializing;

 C. giving up;

 D. smoking.

5. Sanchez doesn't socialize often because...

A. she doesn't like cigarettes and alcohol.

B. her work takes up most of her time.

С. she is worried about meeting people.

D. it' s too difficult to look for friends.

6. What does Sanches think about after being injured? 

A. her next chance to fight bulls.

B. her abilities.

С. her development.

D. her skills.


Приложение 2.7.

Read the text below and look carefully at every line. Some of the lines are correct and some have a word that shouldn't there. If the line is correct put a tick (V) by the number on separate answer sheet. If a line has a word which should not be here, write the word on the separate answer sheet. There two examples at the beginning.


Being an air-hostess.


0. Ever since I was at school, I've wanted to be V

00. an air-hostess. It sounded so many glamorous and    many

1. exciting, flying all over in the world to exotic places

2. and meeting the interesting people from different

3. countries. At school I studied French and Italian in order

4. that to achieve my ambition. Finally, when I was 18,1

5. have had an interview with Air-France, who accepted me.

6. I had to attend a three-month training course, which it

7. included waitressing, swimming and first-aid. We also

8. had to learn how to put on a make-up and do our hair

9. so that as to be smart at all times. Learning mouth-to-mouth

10. resuscitation it was the most difficult thing – we

11. practiced on plastic dolls and then on each other one.

12. Eventually, the day I had been looking forward to for

13. so much long arrived. Before the plane took off I showed

14. the whole passengers the emergency exits. One hour later

15. than we landed in Paris. A perfect start to my dream job!



Приложение № 2. 8.

The class is divided into two groups: pessimists and optimists or dreamers and realists. Discuss the plot of the story in the groups and then share your opinions as a pessimist or a realist or an optimist.

The advertisement.


Bill was thirty when his wife died, and little Minna was four. Bill was a cabinet-maker, and his shop was in the yard of his house. So he thought that he could do the housekeeping for Minna and, himself. All day while he worked, Minna played in the yard with her doll, and when he had to go away for a few hours, the woman in the next house looked after her. Bill could cook a little – coffee, fried potatoes with bacon, pancakes- and he found bananas and sardines and biscuits useful. When the woman in the next house said that this was not the right food for a four-year-old child, he asked her to teach him how to cook vegetables and porridge. He always burnt the food, but he did not give up cooking. He swept all the rooms, dusted the furniture and cleaned the windows. He washed little Minna's clothes and mended her doll. He even found a kitten for her so that she wouldn't be lonely. In the evening he put her to bed. They both knelt down in the middle of the room and said a prayer. He used to pray: “ Lord, make me do things right with her if you see me doing wrong.” When Minna was old enough to go to nursery school. Bill took her there. Once he put on his best suit and went to visit the school. "Her mother would have gone there, I think," he explained.

Minna was six when Bill fell ill. On a May afternoon he went to a doctor. When he came home he sat in his shop for a long time and did nothing. The sun was shining through the window. He was not going to recover. Maybe he had six months....He could hear Minna singing to her doll.

When she came to kiss him that night, he made an excuse, for he wasn't allowed to kiss her any longer. He held her away from him, looked in her eyes and said: "Minna is a big girl now. She doesn't want Daddy to kiss her." She sadly turned her head, and the next day Bill went to another doctor. The new doctor told him the same.

Bill tried to think what to do. He had to find someone who would look after Minna when he was no longer there. But who? He had a brother in the city, but he did not like children. Otherwise there was nobody. What could he do?

One whole night he thought and thought. Then he put an advertisement in the city newspaper: “A men with a few month to live would like nice people to adopt his little girl, six, blue eyes, curl. References required.”

They came in a big car, as he had hoped. They wore nice clothes, as he had hoped. They had with them a little girl who cried. “ Is this my little sister?” The woman in an expensive dress answered sharply: "Do as your Mummy tells you and keep out of this, or we'll leave you here and take this girl with us.”

Bill looked at the woman and said that he had other plans for his little girl. He watched the big blue car drive away. Other cars came, and Bill let them go.

The man and the woman who walked into Bill's shop one morning had lost their own child. The man was also a cabinet-maker. After a while Bill said to them, "You're the right ones." When they asked him when they could have the child, he said, "Tomorrow."

He spent that day in the shop. It was summer and Minna was playing in the yard. He could hear her singing. He cooked their supper and while she ate he watched her. When he had wrapped her in her blanket, he stood in the dark, hearing her breathing. "I'm a little girl tonight—kiss me," she said, but he shook his head. "A big girl, a big girl," he told her.

When they came to take her with them the next morning, he had her ready, and her little clothes were ready, washed and mended, and he had mended her doll.

"Minna has never been away from home," he told her. "Today she's going on a visit." And when she ran towards him, he said, "A big girl, a big girl."

He stood at the door and watched the man and the woman walking down the street with Minna between them. They had brought her a little parasol to make it easier for her to go with them. Minna held her parasol above her head, and she was so busy looking up at the blue silk that she forgot to turn.



Приложение 2. 9.

You are a journalist. Tomorrow you`ll have an interview with one of the main character of this story. Prepare your questions.

A race against death.

The sea was high. А heavy storm was blowing. Waves as high as а house crashed against the ship which was crossing the Atlantic on its way to Europe. There were many Americans on board. Among them there was а mother with her two children. She was taking them to see their father who was an officer in Germany. Little Peter, who was three years old, could not remember his father and was looking forward to seeing him. But he did not feel well. Не had а temperature. Was he seasick? Or was it the different climate? His mother did not know. The ship`s doctor watched the little patient carefully and treated him as well as he could. But the boy steadily got worse. Suddenly the fever rose and the boy could not breathe properly. No medicine could help him. His face went blue and he was in danger of suffocating.

"I don' t know what he has got," said the ship`s doctor. "But I know that

there is only one hope: аn oxygen apparatus – but there isn' t one on board."

The captain looked at his map.

"The ship will take а whole day at least to геасh the British coast," he said.

"If we have to wait for a whole day, the boy will die," replied the doctor.

"Аге you sure that an oxygen apparatus will save him?" “I hope sо."

Тhe сарtan rang up the radio operator. A radio message was sent to all

British hагbours: Urgent – send plane at once with oxygen apparatus stop child`s life in danger stop

A few minutes later a helicopter with an oxygen apparatus on the board was ready to take off. The pilot did not know whether he could land the helicopter on the ship in the storm, but he took off. After a few hours` flight he and his radio operator saw the ship below them. It was going up and down on the high waves. The pilot saw that it was nearly impossible to land on the ship. But on board that ship there was а little boy fighting for life.

The helicopter flew round the ship. On deck the pilot could see some waiting men: the captain and men of the crew.

The pilot flew lower and tried the landing. The captain felt very anxious

when he saw the helicopter coming so near and sent this radio message:

"Impossible to lаnd on bоаrd. It's too dangerous. Г`m sorry." The pilot knew that it was no use trying again. Не told the radio operator to inform the crew of the ship that they were going to return to the coast.

But the radio operator did not send the message. Не looked at the wild sea and thought of his wife and his little son Bob.

"No," he thought, "I can't let the boy die. Help is so near, and we must give him that help."

"What's wrong?" asked the pilot.

"Nothing. But I'll go down."

"What are you going to do?"

"I`m going down."

“You are crazy.”

The radio operator did not answer. Не took the горе-ladder and began

to let it down.

At first the pilot wanted to stop him. He was responsible for the helicop-

ter, and what the radio operator was going to do was very dangerous. But

could he stop him while a child was dying below them?

"Do you really know what уои are doing?" he asked the operator.

"Of соurse, I do."               

"You know that you are risking уоur life?"

"I know. I also know that the little boy below us is sure to die while I`m only risking mу life. There is а good chance that I shan'1 lose it."

"All right. Go down. Let`s prepare your landing."

First the pilot had to find out the right height. The radio operator had to jump from the ladder at the right moment and to land on the front part of the deck. It was difficult to get into the right position because of the storm.

They flew five times over the ship. Then the radio operator with the oxygen apparatus on his back climbed down the rоре-ladder. The crew of the ship didn't believe their eyes. They got ready to catch him.

When he was on the last step of the ladder he looked up at the pilot to show him that he was ready. The pilot understood. Не flew carefully over the front part of the ship, but he was too high, Не tried again. This time the operator had to jump. Не knew how dangerous it was. Не thought of his little boy and his wife. What were they doing now?

Then the big ship appeared below him, going цр and down. The pilot followed its movements. Now they were over the bridge, now over the free deck in front. The operator jumped. Strong arms held him. Не and the oxygen apparatus had landed safely.

The pilot took his helicopter higher and flew оnce mоrе round the ship to thank them all. From below dozens of arms waved to thank him.

Some minutes later little Peter was breathing oxygen from the apparatus.

His blue cheeks began to become pink again. His tired eyes were on the strange man who was standing near his mother.

Приложение 2. 10.

You are going to read a newspaper article about bodyguards. Seven paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs (A-H) the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is an example at the beginning (0).


The bodyguard business.

At 5.30 in the morning a couple were sitting in a car having an innocent talk about tomato plants. Suddenly, two men jumped in front of the car, pointing guns at them.


0 G


No, this wasn't the kidnapping of a famous film star or politician. It was the first morning of a week-long training course to learn how to become a bodyguard. Nowadays, becoming a bodyguard is big business. This is not because of a sudden rise in violent crime? but because having a bodyguard is the ultimate decoration for the rich and famous. Just as you or 1 would use jewellery, clothes or shoes to be fashionable, these people use bodyguards or - "minders" - to make them selves look good. Moreover, bodyguards trained in Eng land are thought to be the most fashionable lo have, rather like having an English butler. It is easy to imagine that bodyguards are al ways huge men built like Mr. Universe, but according to the founder of one training company, this is not the case.




Many important men who want protection for their wives don't want a handsome young man around, and important women often feel more at ease with a bodyguard who is a woman as well. There are some stars who prefer a large bodyguard, but it has been suggested that they arc chosen to match the celebrity's huge ago rather than a result of the bodyguard's ability to do the job.




Not many people would sec a pretty woman with a famous rock star as a threat. Nor would anyone take any notice if she reached into her handbag for a lipstick - that is, until she pulled out a gun instead. Sharon Stone's female bodyguard knocked four people to the ground in the space of one month after they had threatened her employer. It is hardly a job for someone who is not properly trained. But in Eng land, less than one per cent of bodyguard trainees arc women.




One of the reasons for this is that the first weapon of a bodyguard is the brain, and the trainers often find that women are more willing to accept this message than men. The trainers try to stop would-be Rambos from becoming bodyguards as their idea of the job seems to be based on the Kevin Costlier film, The Bodyguard.



But the reality of the job is far more boring. Hours can be spent waiting outside hotel rooms, or standing outdoors in the cold and rain. If the Rambo types applying for training expect sessions of karate or kick-boxing, they will be disappointed. They will find them selves being taught about being neat and tidy, how to speak to a diplomat and so on.



Those that do, however, can look forward to a career which can earn them between $300 and $1000 per day, depending on who the client is of course. Many of the trainees admit that it was the money which made them want to become bodyguards.



Information can include the personality and life-style of the person. For example, who is likely to threaten their lives or just bother them? The business of being a bodyguard in this day and age has gone beyond the abilities of the Rambo types. It now takes brains as well as muscle to succeed.


A In Scandinavia, however, the number of female students is five per cent and rising. This is a trend which those in the business find promising and are trying to encourage
B It is only after these basic lessons have been taught that they are allowed some Costner action. Many of them don't last the course, though.
C Lurking terrorists turned out to be trees, and the trees turned out to be another team pretending to be terrorists. It was all very confusing.
D After the release of this box office hit, the number of people applying to be trained soared at least fifty per cent.Glossy magazines and TV shows started giving the job a glamorous image.
E "Size and muscle are not important. Surprisingly, women are now in demand from many companies to train as bodyguards, and their clients often demand women as well."
F But their money is not just earned by standing around 1оoking after a film star. Hours are spent preparing files on the people they are guarding.
G The doors were pulled open and the couple were dragged from the car. They lay with their faces in pools of rainwater, wonder ing if their choice of career had been wise.
H One job of the properly trained bodyguard is to be seen or no ticed as little as possible. This is where women have the advan tage over men in the business of being a bodyguard


1. Skim-read the text.

2. Decide on the structure. (Is it chronological, cause and effect etc.?)        

3. Read the example paragraph and the corresponding sentence, cross it out.

4. List the part of the text just before and after the first gap. What kind of information is missing?

5. Continue like this. Which sentence best fills the gap, refers to the same period of the time, events, etc.?

6. Underline in the text words that relate to each other (e.g. both... and...).

7. Make sure you mark each answer in the correct box.



Приложение 2. 11.

Read the text and fill in the chart below. Find out what ca­reer plans the young people have. What character traits and skills do they have to realize their career plans?


The gate way to grown-up life.

(abridged from "The Copper Beech" by Maeve Binchy)


By the school house stands a copper beech. The names and dreams of the pupils who have grown up under its branches are writ­ten on its bark. This tree is the gate-way to their grown-up life. Seven children once carved their names on the trunk of that tree...

No one had asked Maura what she wanted to do when she left school. She wouldn't be going to the convent in the town like Leo Murphy and Nessa Rayan.

There were no plans for her to go into technical school. She wasn't smart enough to be taken on as a trainee in one of the shops, or the hairdressing salon. Maura was going to work as a maid. She would like a job in a lovely big house.

Eileen was going to University if she got a lot of honours in her Leaving Certificate. She would be an architect. The nuns said she had all the brains in the world.

And Sheila wanted to do nursing so she was already sending out applications to the better training hospitals in Dublin.

It was understood that her brother Declan would do. medicine. He would be coming back to help his father in practice and take over. But he decided against it. Declan would like to join an auc­tioneering firm. It was the kind of thing that appealed to Declan -looking at places, showing them to customers. He was good at talk­ing to people.

Niall Hayes was going to Dublin setting up his plans to study law. Niall seemed to be enjoying University and studying hard. Foxy Dunne was in England on the building site.

There was no question of University for Nessa Rayan, no plan for a career, nothing, except the usual refuge of those who could not think what to do – the secretarial course in the town. Nessa began her course in shorthand and typing. When she finished her course! college she would work full-time for her mother and father at the hotel. From time to time Nessa served behind the bar to know what the customers wanted.

Since his childhood Eddie was good at pressing flower. Nessa had always thought they were so nice that he could do it for a living. He was dreaming of setting up a craft centre with small shops to sell everyone's work there.


Name Career plan Character traits Skills
Niall Hayes      
Foxy Dunne          
Nessa Rayan         


1. Bark/trunk - ствол.

2. Carve - вырезать.

3. Convent - монастырь (женский); go to convent - (здеcь)-идти в школу при монастыре.

4. Nun - монахиня.

5. Had all the brains - was very clever.

6. Auctioneering firm - фирма, продающая недвижимость.

7. Customer - посетитель, покупатель.

8. Refuge - прибежище, убежище.

9. Press flowers - засушивать цветы.



Приложение 2.12.

Japan centenarians at record high.

The number of Japanese people hitting the landmark age of 100 has reached record levels.There are now 36,276 centenarians in the country – a rise of 4,000 on last year's figure, a report by the Health and Welfare Ministry found.

Women make up the vast majority of those who are living past 100.

Japan has one of the world's longest life expectancies, but there are concerns about the burden this is placing on society. Both the country's pension system and social services are under pressure from its burgeoning greying population.

Active lives

According to the latest figures, almost 20,000 people were set to turn 100 this year alone – receiving a congratulatory silver cup and letter from the prime minister. While the number of Japan's centenarians has been rising for the last 40 years, the figures have accelerated in the past decade. UN projections suggest there will be nearly one million people over 100 years of age in Japan in 2050.

Of the country's current centenarians, a staggering 86% are women. The ministry, which released its annual report ahead of Japan's Respect For the Aged Day on 15 September, said its elderly population were living more active lives than ever.

Japan's oldest woman is 113 and lives on the southern island of Okinawa, the ministry said. The oldest man is 112-year-old Tomoji Tanabe from the southern prefecture of Miyazaki. He rises early, reads his morning newspaper, has milk in the afternoon and writes his diary in the evening. Matsu Yamazaki is 103 years old but still works in her family's grocery shop in Tokyo, looks after her home and does puzzles to keep her mind agile.

"Even if I go on living, I just don't want to lose my mind," she told the BBC in July.

"I know lots of people who've lost their memory. They go out and wander around town and can't find their way home."

The key to Japanese longevity has long been put down to a number of factors, including healthy diets, strong communities and excellent medical care.



Приложение 2.13.

Предтекстовый этап.

Возможные задания.

1. Найти, выписать и перевести предложения с определенными словами.

2. Найти пары: слово и его дефиниция. Учащимся даны 2 колонки, их задача соединить пары стрелочками.

3. Выбрать антоним слова из предлагаемых.

4. Выбрать синоним слова из предлагаемой группы.

5. Объяснить слово или фразу, не переводя ее.

6. Соединить пары слов по смыслу.

7. Работа над однокоренными словами.

8. Работа с предлогами.

9. Выписать и перевести предложения с определенной грамматической структурой: пассивным залогом, инфинитивом, косвенной речью и т.д.

10. Перефразировать предложения, используя определенную грамматическую структуру.

11. Перефразировать предложения, заменив выделенное слово или выражение на синоним, использованный в тексте.

12. Составить предложения с определенными словами, чтобы стало ясным их значение.

13. Перевести на английский слова и выражения, используя лексику текста.

14. Частичный перевод предложения, где учащимся остается перевести на английский только одно слово, данное в скобках.


Текстовый этап.

Контроль понимания общего содержания.

1. Озаглавить главные смысловые части текста.

2. Найти (выписать) предложения, выражающие главную мысль отдельных частей текста.

3. Прочитать (выписать) те фрагменты из текста, которые характеризуют того или иного героя.

4. Найти (выписать) предложения, подтверждающие или отрицающие определенное мнение.

5. Перечислить последовательно всех действующих лиц.

6. Назвать по порядку все места действий, названные в тексте.

7. Продолжить (окончить) рассказ одной-двумя фразами на иностранном языке.

8. Ответить на вопросы, ответы на которые учащиеся могут найти в тексте.

9. Угадать и описать ситуации, в которых автор употребляет ту или иную лексическую единицу, сочетания слов или целое предложение.

10. Согласиться или не согласиться с высказываниями в соответствии с содержанием.

11. Пересказать текст, сокращая его и выбирая главное. Возможен пересказ по плану или по ключевым словам.

12. Написать вопросы, ответы на которые послужат пересказом текста.

13. Перевести отрывок на русский язык.

Послетекстовый этап.

Контроль понимания важных деталей текста и его оценка.

1. Передать содержание отдельных эпизодов из текста. Желательно брать отрывки без диалогов.

2. Рассказать, как действовал герой повествования в сложившейся ситуации.

3. Инсценировать поведение (поступок) тех или иных героев.

4. Охарактеризовать того или иного героя повествования: внешность и характер.

5. Охарактеризовать время, место и обстоятельства действия.

6. Объяснить намерения автора.

7. Ответить на вопросы с изложением в ответе собственной точки зрения по затронутому вопросу.

8. Прокомментировать, событие, эпизод или поступок, содержащиеся в тексте.

9. Организовать беседу-дискуссию в связи с оценкой событий или поступков героев текста.

10. Дать развернутую оценку поступкам героев, изложенным в тексте.

11. Выразить главную идею текста одним предложением.

12. Рассказать о своих впечатлениях о тексте, оценить его.

13. Сказать, что понравилось, что нет и почему.


Виды упражнений: 

Task 1. Read the texts and match the numbers and the letters.


What job would you apply for if you...

1....are a qualified scientist?

2....are looking for a teaching post?

3....are experienced in cooking Italian food?

4....want to manage a group of people?

5....have worked with teenagers and children?

A. MCU CORF is looking for a Lead Mechanical Engineer for a large project. Responsibilities will include management of mechanical team. Good communication skills are essential. Must be experienced with fixed and rotating equipment, compressors, pumps, and piping. Need twelve or more years' experience as a Lead Mechanical Engineer. Send resume to

B. Sherton Pharmaceuticals Company seeks lab technician for research department. Candidate must have at least five years experience in the pharmaceutical sector and in depth knowledge of all up-to-date laboratory equipment. Must have a BSc in Biochemistry. Great salary and full benefits offered. Fax resume to: 814-251-9865.

C. NEWIS Language School seeks English teachers for full and part time positions. The teaching posts available are for the upper-intermediate and proficiency levels. All applicants must have a Bachelor of Education degree. Native speakers preferred. Call 623-854-7415 to arrange an interview.

D. Antonio's Restaurant seeks certified Italian chef with at least

five years' experience in Italian cuisine specializing in pastas and pizzas. Only a full time position is offered. Excellent working environment. Competitive salary and benefits package. Call Antonio on: 680-422-1653.

E. PSY private practice seeks licensed psychologist. Experience with children and adolescents preferred. Cognitive – behaviour and problem-focused orientation desirable. Therapy and evaluations. No managed care. Supervision provided. Fax resume to: 908-526-3139.

F. Housekeeper wanted, for family with two children in Lincoln area. Five days a week, four hours per day shift. The housekeeper's responsibilities are: cleaning-up after children, cleaning kitchen/washing dishes, vacuuming, laundry, ironing, grocery, shop-ping, cooking two meals a week and occasional babysitting. Call Mrs. Smith on: 617-439-8140.

Task 2. Read the text and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is аn example the beginning (0).



Getting (0) to work can be (1)............. a very expensive and tiring business. Around 40 per cent of the total miles travelled in the United Kingdom are covered just (2)......... going backwards and forwards to work. If only 15 per cent of the British workforce took (3)……..... telecommuting - connecting to the office from home through the telephone and the Internet - as (4).......... as 2 billion pounds (5)............ be saved in full costs. What is more, telecom-muting could (6)...... help reduce air pollution as cars wouldn't be (7)……… as much.

Telecommuting means that you no (8)....... need to live near of work or even leave the comfort of your home. For (9)………, your office could be based in London but you might live (10)……… Scottish island. Telecommuting also provides a convenient way to work for people (11)........after young children and for people with disabilities. Moreover, it would also help cut (12).......on stress, time and money needed for commuting to work. Telecommuting is (13)........the start of a process that will see. Many people doing their job (14)....... ever actually leaving their homes and (15) work.

Task 3. Read the text. Think what parts can be derived to make a test.




From early age children like to dream about their future profession.

Вoys often want to be soldiers or car race drivers, girls – to be ballet

В or singers... But growing older they learn more about other professions,, begin to understand the role of money in life. (__1_____)

Some people don't think of this problem much. They choose security-a job that brings money. They work for the rest of their lives in a sphere which is boring and irritating to them. They don't get any satisfaction

out of their work, they only spend time there. (__2____)


On the other hand, a person can't be satisfied if he got an interesting job which brings him money only for buying cheap food second-hand clothes, paying rent for the flat (if he has one) and nothing more.(_ 3___)


We know many examples from life and literature when рrofessionals get what they deserve (remember Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes or Maugham's Julia Lambert from "Theatre", etc.)

However, we know other examples when people live Just on bread and water, live in a small, uncomfortable attic and work "for love". They don't even notice their lives are hard (a great number or scientists, men of art; from literature we can remember Maughams Charles Strickland from The Moon and Sixpence). (_4___)

It all depends on one's personality. (___5___)

At least if the person hasn't got any satisfaction from his work, he can get a hobby (collecting something or going in for sport). At the same time, if you are unable to earn enough money for life, you can always find another additional job or another way out. (_6___)

Believe in yourself and everything will be OK!


A Sometimes these people have problems with their health and family relationships.

В There are over 2000 different professions in the world.

С A difficult question appears: how to find a job that is interesting and the same time profitable.

D Looking for a job, for life and love you should only have a sire for it.

E I think one could find something attractive in every job.

F Sometimes people's interests and profit coincide.

G Many of them sacrifice their family life and the joys of ordinaly people for their work.


Task 4. Here are three young school-leavers speaking about themselves:

A. Joan Berwick

I'm still at school but I finish next month. So I'm looking for job. I've got my own PC and I can use a word processor. I can use a switchboard because my sister is a receptionist and she showed me what to do, but I haven't got any experience. I'm going to take a secretarial course. I want an office job but 1 don't want to work for a large firm.

B. Alan McGee

I left school two months ago. I haven't got any work experience I haven't done any examinations and I haven't got any qualifications. I don't like sitting at a desk and doing paper work. I spent my child hood at my grandfather's farm and I like to be in the open air. I used to help my grandfather with his work. So I know something of gardening and I can operate simple farm machinery.

C. Hamish Griffiths

I'm going to leave school in two months' time. I'd like to find some job right off. My teacher says I'm a good student and accurate in my work. I can type but I don't know anything about word processors. I like my schoolmates and often help them with their home work. I like to be with people and learn from them.


Now decide which job each of them can apply for and get. Explain why.


1 2 3


Творческие задания.

1. Попытаться представить поведение героев в изменившихся обстоятельствах, например, несколько лет спустя или спросить, чтобы стало с героями, если бы что-то не произошло.

2. Пересказать текст от лица различных персонажей. Здесь учащимся можно даже пофантазировать, ведь в тексте не может содержаться вся информация о поведении и местоположении того или иного героя.

3. Предложить картину-иллюстрацию к тексту, не рисуя ее, а просто описать, что там будет.

4. Написать свои вопросы к персонажам, если бы была возможность оказаться там.

5. Рассмотрев иллюстрацию к тексту, написать сочинение на тему «Что чувствует герой (героиня) в данный момент».

6. Написать рекламную брошюру какого-либо места из текста или заведения. Написать краткую аннотацию к книге, которая могла бы послужить вступлением.

7. Написать письмо герою или героине книги, предупреждая его (ее) о том, что может случиться.

8. Дать совет герою (героине).

9. Написать сочинение о своем любимом персонаже.

10. Сравнить персонажей книги, которые там явно противопоставлены друг другу или с персонажем ранее прочитанной книги.

11. Взяв за основу ситуацию текста, написать собственный текст в другом жанре.

12. Подобрать / отобрать пословицы, которые наиболее точно подходят по смыслу к данной ситуации и наиболее точно передают идею.



Приложение 2.14.



Задание №1.


Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.


1. Flying dragons 5. Dragons in the 20th century
2. Asian dragons 6. Dragons in cartography
3. European legends 7. Dragons’ appearance
4. The origin of the name 8. Greek mythology


A. Animals with a body like a huge lizard or a snake with two pairs of lizard-type legs emitting fire from their mouths are known as dragons in modern times. The European dragon has bat-type wings growing from its back. A dragon-like creature with no front legs is known as a wyvern. Following discovery of how pterosaurs walked on the ground, some dragons have been portrayed without front legs and using the wings as front legs pterosaur-fashion when on the ground. They are sometimes portrayed as having especially large eyes or watching treasure very diligently, a feature that is the origin of the word dragon (Greek drakein meaning “to see clearly”).

B. The word dragon entered the English language in the early 13th century from Old French dragon, which in turn comes from Latin draconem (nominative draco) meaning “huge serpent, dragon” from the Greek word бракwv, drakon (genitive drakontos,) “serpent, giant seafish”, which is believed to have come from an earlier stem drak -, a stem of derkesthai, “to see clearly,” from Proto-Indo-European derk – “to see” or “the one with the (deadly) glance.” The Greek and Latin term referred to any great serpent, not necessarily mythological, and this usage was also current in English up to the 18th century.

C. The earliest depiction of the oriental dragon was the Chinese dragon with examples dating back to the 16th century BC. Archaeologist Zhou Chong – Fa believes that the Chinese word for dragon is an imitation of the sound thunder makes. The Chinese name for dragon is pronounced “long” in Mandarin Chinese or “luhng” in the Cantonese. Sometime after the 9th century AD, Japan adopted the Chinese dragon through the spread of Buddhism.

D. In Ancient Greece the first mention of a “dragon” is derived from the Iliad where Agamemnon is described as having a blue dragon motif on his sword belt and a three-headed dragon emblem on his breast plate. However, the Greek word used could also mean “snake”. In 217 A.D., Flavius Philostratus discussed dragons in India in The Life of Apollonius of Tyana. The Loeb Classical Library translation mentions that “In most respects the tusks resemble the largest swine’s, but they are slighter in build and twisted, and have a point as unabraded as sharks’ teeth.”

E. European dragons exist in folklore and mythology among the overlapping cultures of Europe. Dragons are generally depicted as living in rivers or having an underground lair or cave. They are commonly described as having hard or armoured hide, and are rarely described as flying, despite often depicted with wings. Dragons are usually depicted as malevolent though there are exceptions (such as Y DdraigGoch, the Red Dragon of Wales).

F. In the early 20th century sculpture of the Norwegian artist Gustav Vigeland, inspired by Medieval art, dragons are a frequent theme – as symbols of sin but also as a nature force, fighting against man. There are numerous examples of dragons in modern media, especially the fantasy genre. In the 1937 fantasy novels by J.R.R. Tolkien, later in the Harry Potter novels by J.K. Rowling depict dragons.

G. There is a widespread belief that earlier cartographers used the Latin phrase hic suntdracones, i.e., “the dragons are here”, or “here be dragons”, to denote dangerous or unexplored territories, in imitation of the infrequent medieval practice of putting sea serpents and other mythological creatures in blank areas of maps. However, the only known use of this phrase is in the Latin form “HC SVNT DRACONES” on the Lenox Globe.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Задание №2.


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.


The science of sound, or acoustics, as it is often called, has been made over radically within a comparatively short space of time. Not so long ago the lectures on sound in colleges and high schools dealt chiefly with the vibrations of such things as the air columns in organ pipes. Nowadays, however, thanks chiefly to a number of electronic instruments engineers can study sounds as effectively

A _______________________. The result has been a new approach to research in sound. Scientists have been able to make far-reaching discoveries in many fields of acoustics B_______________________.

Foremost among the instruments that have revolutionized the study of acoustics are electronic sound-level meters also known as sound meters and sound-intensity meters. These are effective devices that first convert sound waves into weak electric signals, then amplify the signals through electronic means

C_______________________. The intensity of a sound is measured in units called decibels. “Zero” sound is the faintest sound D _______________________. The decibel measures the ratio of the intensity of a given sound to the standard “zero” sound. The decibel scale ranges from 0 to 130. An intensity of 130 decibels is perceived not only as a sound, but also E_______________________. The normal range of painlessly audible sounds for the average human ear is about 120 decibels.

For forms of life other than ourselves, the range can be quite different.

The ordinary sound meter measures the intensity of a given sound, rather than its actual loudness. Under most conditions, however, it is a quite good indicator of loudness. Probably the loudest known noise ever heard by human ears was that of the explosive eruption in August, 1883, of the volcano of Krakatoa in the East Indies. No electronic sound meters, of course, were in existence then, but physicists estimate that the sound at its source must have had an intensity of 190 decibels, F _______________________.


1. and finally measure them.

2. since it was heard 3,000 miles away.

3. and they have been able to put many of these discoveries to practical use.

4. since a loud sound is of high intensity.

5. as they study mechanical forces.

6. as a painful sensation in the ear.

7. that the unaided human ear can detect.


1 2 3 4 5 6


Задание №3.


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.


I wanted to find my niche. I wanted to fit so badly with some group, any group in high school. Sports didn’t really work for me. In fact, I dreaded those times in PE when the captains picked teams. Fights sometimes happened between captains about who would have the misfortune of ending up with me on their team. But one day, I saw a girl I liked go into the marching band office to sign up. Okay, sure, the uniforms looked stupid and being in the band didn’t exactly give you the best reputation at school, but there was Jaclyn. I would later learn that many of the greatest musicians of our time were motivated to music by some girl whose name they most likely don’t remember anymore.

The first thing to learn was how to hold the drum and play it. Holding the drum and playing it is not as easy as it might look. I did, after several private lessons, learn the rhythm. Next, as if that weren’t difficult enough, I had to learn how to play it while not only walking, but marching. At the end of the summer, our uniforms arrived. The band uniform is a sacred attire. It is not only carefully sized to fit the individual, long-sleeved and hand sewn, acquired through a lot of fund raising activities, and cleaned after each use. It is worn with pride. It is also 100 percent wool.

I forgot to mention something. In addition to an inability to play sports, I was also not so good at marching. If you were not in step, the band director would yell in a loud and embarrassingly annoyed voice, “OUT OF STEP!” It was at that point that I began to question my decision to join the band. How do playing music and marching around in silly formations, all “in step”, go together?

The day of our first competition finally arrived. Although it didn’t start until 9 a.m., we had to meet at 6 a.m. to get our uniforms from the “band boosters” – those selfless, dedicated parents who provided comfort and assistance to the members of the band. I was not really in existence. I could walk and talk, but inside my brain was fast asleep. I was standing around waiting for my hat to be cleaned when I noticed a big container of coffee. I poured myself a cup – my first-ever cup of coffee. It tasted pretty bitter, but I had to wake up.

Finally, they lined us all up and off we went. I had had my coffee, so I marched and beat the rhythm out with all my heart. Then, suddenly all my energy drained away. I began to feel sleepy and I fell “OUT OF STEP.” No one noticed at first and I tried to skip back into step. But nothing worked. Then I saw one of the band boosters talking to another one and pointing at me. Then they motioned for me to leave the formation. I walked over to them as the band marched on. They told me what I already knew, I was “OUT OF STEP”, and would have to stay out of the formation until the band passed the judging stand.

I couldn’t believe it. Now I had to climb over the lawn chairs, popcorn and arms and legs of my fellow townspeople for the next mile to keep up with the ban


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