Модуль II . Современные технологии работы с текстом. 

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Модуль II . Современные технологии работы с текстом.

Приложение 2.1.

Quiz: the texts you read.

For each question, choose the best answer:


a) You come across an article about a film you’ve seen and you want to know if the writer enjoyed it as much as you did. How do you read it?

1. By looking for individual words and/or numbers.

2. By looking for any vocabulary that is unknown to you and checking it in a dictionary.

3. Quite quickly to get a general idea of the writer’s opinion.


b) You have just received a contract for a new job. Before you sign it, how do you read it?

1. Very thoroughly, focusing in detail on all the information in the contract.

2. Intensively, looking for spelling or punctuation mistakes.

3. By scanning to count the number of clauses in the contract.


c) A newspaper article you are interested in includes a few words you don’t know the meaning of. How do you read it?

1. Stopping and standing to look up each new word in a dictionary.

2. At a normal rate, trying to guess the meaning of the new words.

3. At a normal rate, skipping the sentences that contain difficult words.


d) You want to know what time the next train home is. How do you read your local train timetable?

1. From the beginning until you find the relevant page.

2. By flicking through the pages to locate the specific piece of information you need.

3. Quickly to find out the different places the timetable refers to.


e) You are doing some research into different viewpoints of a key historical event. You come across an article by an unknown writer. How do you read it?

1. Quite quickly to look for any facts.

2. By searching the text, looking for any difficult words.

3. Quite carefully to find out whether you can detect any political bias.

Приложение 2.2


Economy wasted.

A tourist was staying in Norway for a couple of weeks and spent all his money. He could pay his passage back to England. He thought: “ It`s only a two-days` journey and I can go to England without food.” So he went on board of a ship and bought a passage. He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell and when dinner time came he did not go to the restaurant. He shared his cabin with an Englishman and he said to him: “ I am sea- sick, I don`t feel well.” The next morning he did not have breakfast. And at lunch time he again stayed in his cabin. At dinner time he was so hungry that he said: “ I am going to eat even if they throw me overboard afterwards.”

At the dinner table he ate everything put in front of him. Then he asked for the bill.

“The bill, sir?” asked the steward.

“Yes,” answered the tourist.

“There isn`t any bill,” was the answer.

“On the ship meals are included in the passage.”


a) Divide the class into groups of 3-4 pupils.

Students quickly read the text and after it they choose two sentences which express the main idea of the paragraph.

b) Choose the best and the most correct sentences.


                                                                                     Приложение  2. 3.


Read the article about men and unemployment. Chose the most suitable heading from the list A-I for each part (1-7) of the article. The is one extra heading which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning. (0)


A University of women
B Women will make the choice
C More jobs for young people
D Men's jobs disappearing
E New jobs - wrong skills
F Schoolgirls racing ahead
G The increasing importance of learning
H Part-timers on the increase
I Changing pay and increasing power


Do Men Have A Future?

0 D


Male full time employment in Britain reached its highest level in1990.Since then the figure has fallen by about ten per cent. Among women, on the other hand, employment figures have remained more or less steady. This means that men are bearing the brunt of the 1990s recession, since traditionally "male" jobs - especially in areas such as mining and production - have been the hardest hit.




Meanwhile, the majority of new jobs created are part-time ones, which traditionally go to women in a ratio of over five to one. Although more men than ever before are being forced to look for part-time work, as there is no other choice, the majority of part-time posts still go to women.




In Britain as in other developed countries, the workplace is changing. Jobs in production industries have fallen by more than a

million in the last six years alone. The coal industry, the worst hit

area, has seen employment fall by as much as three quarters. And for these out-of-work miners there is not much to suit their skills in the new industries: hotel and catering, retail distribution, banking and insurance, cleaning, medical and health services, education and welfare.




It is clear that better-paid jobs of the future will require specialized knowledge and experience, which only training and higher standards of literacy and numeracy can bring about. Education is truly the future of the country, and here the news is not so good for men.




Ten years аgо the best exam results in schools were achieved by male pupils. Now the situation has turned around. In all subjects except maths, girls are doing better than boys by the age of seven. After that the gap becomes wider.




As a result, changes are taking place at the top end of the educational ladder. In 1984, three out of five university students were male. This year, for the first lime, girls made up the majority of the new students. Soon most new graduates will be female. So why do women still earn less and have far fewer top jobs?




In Britain, woman's salaries in equivalent jobs are as much as a fifth lower than men's, and most bosses arc still men. But today's distribution of jobs (particularly top jobs) is a result of the educational situation of the 1950s and 1960s, when three quarters of university graduates were men. The situation may change by the уеar 2020 or20300, when the idea of "jobs for the boys" could well change to "jobs for the girls."




By that time, life could be getting very unpleasant for under-skilled, under-educated males. Without suitable training, they will have little hope of finding employment. Of course it is difficult to predict the future, and it is always possible that men will continue to hold the tор position in public life. However, if men do manage to keep the top jobs, it could be only because women – who by then will have most of the university degrees and jobs - decide to let them.

Приложение 2. 4.


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