What questions will you ask your friend who has bought an expensive telephone? 

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What questions will you ask your friend who has bought an expensive telephone?


1. Where did you buy it?

2. How much does it cost?

3. What functions does it have?

4. Do you like it?

5. Can I borrow it?


What questions can you ask your friend about the best shopping places in his/ her native city (town)?


1. What are the best shopping places in your city?

2. How often do you do theshopping there?

3. What do you usually buy there?

4. Are the prices high?

5. Can we go shopping there together?




What can you advise a person who wants to buy many things (clothes, foodstuffs, etc.) but has little time?


If you want to buy many things but have little time you should go to the nearest supermarket. In the supermarket you will buy everything you need: meat, fruit, vegetables, sweets. Here you can also buy clothes, toys, furniture, electric and other goods. The prices in a supermarket are not high and you can afford to buy different things from different countries. I wish you good luck.


What can you advise a teenager who wants to buy a birthday present for his/ her friend?


Well, sometimes it’s very difficult to buy a good birthday present especially if you don’t know what a person wants or likes. So, first you should know what your friend likes. If he is fond of music, buy him a new MP3 or a CD with his favorite music. If he likes souvenirs you can buy something exotic and unusual. If he is a sport fan you should buy 2 tickets to any sport competition and go there together. Good luck.


Advise me on how to make my own budget.


Of course, having money makes us feel confident and independent. The proverb says “Money makes the world go round”. I think you should be careful making your budget. And I hope you are not a shopaholic. Don’t buy unnecessary things, don’t buy unhealthy food and, of course, you shouldn’t buy a lot of clothes. Be careful and save your money.


Foreigners like going shopping in Minsk. Advise them where to go and what to buy.


Minsk is the capital of Belarus, it’s the biggest cultural, industrial and business centre of the country. There are a lot of big shops, supermarkets and shopping centres in Minsk. For example, in “UniversamNemiga” you can buy everything you want: exotic food, fashion clothes, furniture and souvenirs.

Foreigners like Belarusian souvenirs and flax bedclothes, they also like straw things. You can buy all these souvenirs in a shop “Pavlinka”. I wish you good luck.




Parents usually give pocket money to their children. How do you usually spend your pocket money?


Some teenagers think that parents should pay them for doing their household chores. Do you share their opinion?


Parents usually give pocket money to their children. But some people think they shouldn’t do it as teenagers don’t work. What do you think about it?


Teenagers don’t earn money, but they can do it if they have a part-time job. But in general, parents give pocket money to their children. To my mind, parents shouldn’t give much money to their children as it may spoil them. Some parents even pay their children for doing their household chores. I think it’s not good because children must do their duties for free. As for me I respect my parents’ work and when they give me some pocket money I think twice before spending it. I can buy some food at school or buy presents for my relatives and friends.


Do you agree that if you have problems, money can help you to solve them? Why (not)?


I understand that nowadays a lot of people find their happiness in having a lot of money. It gives them a chance to be independent, to buy expensive things, to travel all over the world. Our modern society is called “the consumers society” and I agree with it. Modern people are influenced by material values. But I’m not a person of that kind.I think money can’t solve your problems.I try to get good education, find an interesting and well-paid job, become a professional and be useful for our society. Money is not everything in this world.


Clothes. Fashion




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