Now, let’s talk about appearance and character. Describe your close relative. (Describe a person you know well). 

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Now, let’s talk about appearance and character. Describe your close relative. (Describe a person you know well).


It’s common knowledge that our appearance is very important. Everyone wants to be good-looking. Being attractive is like being rich-it can help you find happiness.

Psychologists say that 85% of the information people accept is visual information.

We often judge people by their clothes. The clothes we wear tell a lot about us. For example, people in expensive clothes are called wealthy (rich) and beautiful. And, on the contrary, we think that people in old and dirty clothes are ugly.

There are also a lot of stereotypes connected with people’s appearance. For example, some people, especially men, say that women with long blond hair, long legs and a slim body are real beauties.

Other people practise the art of face-reading. They are sure that people with full lips are responsible, but bossy. People with a high forehead are called very clever.

In my opinion, a beautiful person is sociable and cheerful. Such people like the world around them and have their own individuality. My mother is a person of that kind. She is not very tall. My mom has an oval face, long dark hair, a small nose and brown eyes. She usually wears casual clothes because she thinks they are very comfortable. My mom is a good professional and people respect her for that. She is very sociable, cheerful and charming. I should mention that my mom is understanding, caring and loving. She gives me a good example of how beautiful a person must be.

So, this is my idea of what a beautiful person is. In conclusion, I should say that a person is beautiful only if he lives in harmony with his inner world.




What traits of character do you value most of all? Why?


What traits of character do you dislike in people? Why?


To my mind, honesty is the best quality that people may have. Honest people tell the truth, they always keep promises and never betray friends. I admire brave people who are not afraid of being criticized or punished. I absolutely agree that «honesty is the best policy». Honest and brave people are «the soul of the nation».

On the contrary, I don’t like people who tell lies. To my mind, lie becomes popular in our modern society. For example, many pop stars lie about their life; they even change their names to be famous. I think it is stupid and useless.


Do you find some type of appearance especially attractive? Why?


For some people, especially men, women with long blond hair, long legs and a slim body are real beauties. Other people, especially women, think that a lot of make-up, long nails and long eyelashes make a woman pretty. I am sure that a person is beautiful only if he lives in harmony with his inner world. I like people who have individuality, who have their own style. But the first thing I notice is person’s eyes. I like people with beautiful and open eyes because our eyes reflect our inner world. They are «the mirror of the soul».




What questions will you ask about the specific qualities of the British (Belarusian) national character?


Ask a British teenager what British people are like.


1. What are British (Belarusian) people like?

2. Are they hard-working?

3. What are the negative (positive) qualities of the British (Belarusian) national character?

4. What are the stereotypes connected with British (Belarusian) people?

5. What makes British (Belarusian) people different from Belarusian(British) people?




Your friend has got acquainted with a girl/boy and wants to know her/his character better. Give him/her a piece of advice on how he/she can do it.


If you want to know one’s character better you should spend a lot of time with this person. You can do the shopping, walk, visit other people or chat together. You will see this person in different situations. You just need to be very attentive and notice what he is saying or doing. His habits, deeds and words will tell a lot about this person’s character. I wish you good luck.



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