Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following.


          1. Nothing seemed to be able to ease the … 2. The … is healing, but it’s still painful, don’t touch it. 3. If you don’t clean the wound properly you could get an … 4. The most commonly reported … among computer users is eye-strain. 5.The most common … of this disease are a high temperature and spots all over the body. 6. The hospital specializes in treating diseases of the … 7. He was taken ill at midnight and driven to hospital in an … 8. I’ve got this … for weeks and I can’t get rid of it. 9. He’s seriously ill with … 10. On our last holiday our son was constantly … 11. Jogging helps people … 12. Brighton has a … climate. 13. I’m on a … I’ve been drinking a lot of fresh orange juice. 14. Many common … can be cured with antibiotics. 15. The leg could be broken. We’d better … it, just to make sure. 16. The … looks nasty. We’d better wash it and disinfect it immediately. 17. She asked the doctor to … her children against measles. 18. He’s very seriously ill and has been moved to the hospital’s … 19. If you bring a dog or a cat into Britain from abroad, it has to spend six months in …, just to make sure it isn’t suffering from any disease.


(ambulance; brain; cold; complaint; cut; diet; healthy; infections; inflammation; intensive care unit; keep fit; pain; pneumonia; sea-sick; symptoms; quarantine; vaccinate; wound; X-ray.)

Fill in the missing preposition or adverb where necessary.


1.... eleven o’clock I took a couple of aspirins … my tea. 2. Don’t be silly! Wrap a scarf... your neck. It’s freezing today. 3. She’s running a high temperature. You’d better call... the doctor. 4. The doctor said, “You should stay...... work”. 5. The doctor wrote... a prescription and handed it... my wife. 6. To recover quickly you should follow... all the doctor’s instructions. 7. Take care... yourself and do not overwork! 8. You must read medicine labels carefully... using the medicine. 9. You can’t buy this medicine... a doctor’s prescription. 10. I’m so sorry about your sister. Have they operated... her? 11. Children’s diseases are treated... a pediatrician. 12. His father has been... sick-leave... a week. 13. You’ve surely been... a lot of stress of late. All you need is a good holiday. 14. The boy was shivering … cold. 15. Roy complained … pains in the stomach. 16. Listen, you’ve been overworking lately and seem to be completely run … 17. My Granny suffers … insomnia and migraine headaches.


(at; away from; before; by; down; for; from; of; of; on; on; out; round; to; under; with; with; without)



10. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.


One day I found myself in 1... hospital. Nobody was quite sure why it happened, but I’d been living alone and not eating well for some time, and 2... lack of 3... food had lowered my resistance so that my organism wasn’t able to fight 4... infection.

I was in 5...ward with about four other people. They were 6... chronic arthritis sufferers who had been in and out of 7… hospital for years for 8...treatment. 9... surgeons did 10... best they could, but very few of these people could be cured. They had serious damage to their bones and joints, and most of them needed drugs to ease their pain. 

I’ll never forget 11...way your world shrinks in 12... hospital. After 13...week or so, 14... only reality is inside 15... walls of your ward. Everything outside becomes like 16... dream.

I developed 17... great admiration for 18... hospital. 19... doctors were very good, and they certainly saved my life by their prompt diagnosis and treatment. 20... nurses were overworked and underpaid, but they were amazingly cheerful and competent.


Translate into English.


1. Ребенок выглядит больным. Нужно измерить ему температуру. 2. У тебя болит голова? – Да, я думаю это потому, что я всю неделю волновалась по поводу экзаменов. Мне нужно отдохнуть. 3. Лучше тебе лечь в постель и измерить температуру. Если она высокая, я принесу тебе лекарство от жара. 4. Примите таблетку аспирина, чтобы снизить температуру. 5. Могу ли я проконсультироваться с врачом без предварительной записи? У меня острая боль. 6. Сейчас в нашем городе эпидемия гриппа. Будьте осторожны, постарайтесь избежать его. 7. Как вы себя чувствуете? – Пока (все еще) плохо. Мне больно ходить. 8. Сходите в аптеку и закажите лекарство по моему рецепту. Принимайте его три раза в день после еды. 9. В отличие от других врачей, он не прописывает много лекарств, а лечит своих пациентов травами. 10. У вас есть медицинская страховка? 11. Позвоните в скорую помощь. Больного нужно срочно отвезти в больницу. 12. Если вы будете следовать всем инструкциям врача, то скоро поправитесь. 13. В последнее время он слишком много работает. Это может привести к нервному срыву. 14. У меня сильно болит горло и больно глотать. 15. Пару дней побудьте дома. На работу не ходите, вы будете на больничном.





Continue the conversation.

A. How’s your mother these days?

B. --------­-----------------------------

A. I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the trouble?

B. -------------------------------------


2. Start the conversation.

A. -------------------------------------

B. She’s been off school for two days.

A. -------------------------------------

B. It’s food poisoning. She must have eaten something wrong.



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