Underline the correct word (word-combination) after checking with the dictionary. 

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Underline the correct word (word-combination) after checking with the dictionary.


1. A doctor who performs operations is - a general practitioner – an operator - a surgeon.

2. A doctor’s written order or direction for the making up and use of a medicine is - a prescription - a reception – a receipt – a recipe.

3. A vehicle for taking sick people to hospital is - an ambulance – a car - a delivery van.

4. A provision against sickness, death, etc in return for regular payment is called – assurance – insurance – security.

5. A painful stomach disorder caused by eating food which has gone bad is – food poisoning – heart attack - pneumonia.

6. The condition of being constantly unable to sleep is – insomnia - sore throat - ulcer.

7. A serious infectious illness that causes red spots on your skin is - constipation – indigestion – scarlet fever.

8. A very serious disease in which cells in one part of the body start to grow in a way that is not normal, often causing death is – cancer - cough – painful joints.

9. An unpleasant feeling on your skin that makes you want to rub it with your nails is – itchingrunny nose – whooping cough.

10. A medicine to cure an illness or pain that is not very serious is - a bandage– a diagnosis – a remedy.

11. To get better after an illness, accident, shock, etc is - to cure – to recover – to treat.

12. She was in terrible pain, so the nurse gave her - an injection - a vaccine – a wound.

13.If someone is seriously ill, he/she may need to go to hospital to have a filling– an operation – a plaster.

14. He didn’t feel like going to the party because he had a terrible - disease – headache – infection.



Which of the words (word-combinations) do not belong to the group?

1. measles; mumps; nausea; scarlet fever; whooping cough.

2. casualty department; emergency department; health insurance; ward.

3. drops; medicine; mixture; skin irritation; pills.

4. chemist; customer; doctor; nurse; patient; receptionist.

5. infectious; painful; sore; stiff; tender.

6. able-bodied; harmful; healthy; robust; sound.



Analyse the structure of the underlined words in the following word-combinations. State what parts of speech they are. Give the Russian equivalents for the word-combinations.

  anti viral injection; cur able disease; danger ous effects; dent al services; effecti ve treat ment; general practition er; heavy smok er; hospital observa tion; infecti ous disease; in visible bacteria; pain ful / pain less operation;  medi cal care; nerv ous system; out patient clinic; stomach dis orders; un avoidable operation; un bearable pain; un pleasant feeling; un sanitary conditions; world-famous cardiolog ist.


4. Explain the meaning of the following compounds. Give their Russian equivalents.


airsickness; backache; backbone; bloodstream; chickenpox; earache; eardrops; eyeglasses; eyesight; eyewash; healthcare; heartburn; homesickness; lung-fever; nosebleed; pain-killer; seasickness; side-effect; stomach-ache; sunburn; wheelchair.



Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Put it in the correct grammar form where necessary.

Ache (n/v) / hurt(v) / pain(n)

Mind: ache (n) – a continuous pain that is not sharp              (a headache, toothache, earache, backache, etc);

     ache (v) – to suffer a dull, persistent pain; 

    hurt (v) – to cause bodily or mental pain or injury;

    pain (n) – suffering of body or mind (a sharp/dull pain in a particular part of your body).



1. “You won’t feel any...” the dentist said. 2. “I’m going to give you an injection. Don’t worry it won’t...” 3. She has stomach... because she has been eating too much. 4. Children usually cry when they are in... 5. It... the eye to look at the sun. 6. It’s hard to say if your crying baby is just upset or something really is causing him... 7. My foot.... (me) when I walk. 8. I woke up in the night with a terrible... in my chest. 9. Doctor, my leg gives me much … and I can’t ease it. 10. This won’t …. Just sit still and I’ll remove the dressing. 11. I’ve got this terrible … in my neck from sleeping. 12. My back … from sitting at that computer all day. 13. There is a long running argument over whether animals feel … in the way people do.



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