Translate from Russian into English using the vocabulary from the text. 

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Translate from Russian into English using the vocabulary from the text.


1. Я должна была встретиться с подругой в универмаге, на первом этаже. 2. Мы часа два походили по торговому центру, но так ничего и  не купили. 3. Она была одета в замшевые брюки и изысканную шелковую блузку. 4. Стоимость такой куртки эквивалентна моей зарплате за месяц. 5. Она – наш постоянный покупатель, поэтому имеет право на скидку в 5%. 6. Зал был заполнен нарядно одетыми женщинами. 7. Я никогда не понимала,  почему мужчины считают, что женщины так любят тратить деньги. 8. Я не люблю ходить по магазинам. 9. В этом платье я чувствую себя какой-то неуклюжей и безобразной. 10. К сожалению, у вас неходовой размер. 11. В такой одежде вы всегда будете выглядеть на высоте. 12. Вы уже примерили плащ? Он вам подошел? 13. Как это вот у той девушки может быть такая тонкая талия? 14. Одна из самых привлекательных особенностей нашего салона – возможность купить любую одежду в кредит. 



               SPEAK UP

Speak about the visit to the couturier.

a) in the person of Maxine. Start with the following: ‘I daringly decided to try on a couple of things.’


b) in the person of Judy. Start with the following: ‘To my relief I was ignored by the saleswoman. What a nuisance it is to go to expensive shops with no intention of buying anything!’


Answer the following questions.


1. Are you fond of shopping (window-shopping)? Why or why not? 2. What kind of shop-assistant would you like to deal with - the one who smiles at you, who listens to you, who helps you to choose something, who allows you to try on things, who tells you about the quality of a thing, who takes into consideration your age and appearance? 3. What kind of clothes do you think people should wear in summer / winter? What is beautiful / not beautiful / comfortable / uncomfortable / cheap / expensive / profitable / unprofitable? 4. What does a young girl (a young boy, a businessman, a teacher) wear nowadays? 5. What do you think can be bought for a woman for her birthday? What can be bought for an old man, for an old woman, for a child? 6. What do you think can be bought for a house / a family in case you don't have much money?



3. Read the text below and talk about your own attitude toward money.


Are you a miser, a spendthrift or both? A spendthrift is a person who likes to spend money. She always buys things without regard to cost. All her spending gives her pleasure, so she indulges herself with shopping sprees. (зд. покупать все подряд, безудержно тратить деньги на покупки). She is both warmhearted and generous. She has a lot of friends because she often treats everybody to drinks and meals. She would even give or lend money to her worst enemy! Some people can accept a spendthrift’s habits very easily. They consider such a person immature, but they enjoy being with her, nevertheless.

Are you a little like the person just described? If you are one of big spenders of the world, you will always have debts, but you may have a lot of fun, too.


4. This is a list of proverbs and idioms characterizing people’s attitude toward money. Which of them are used to talk about a) big spenders; b) thrifty people c) dishonest people?


1. to marry money

2. Money doesn’t grow on trees.

3. Money has no smell.

4. Money lent is money spent.

5. A penny saved is a penny earned.

6. to spend money like water.

7. to throw good money after bad



5. ‘Advertise you product.’ Suppose, you are advertising agent and you want to advertise something. The goods to be advertised are

A fur coat, a personal computer,  a guitar, a refrigerator, a (TV) set, skis, a video-camera, a yacht, etc.

Come with sample suggestions of ads and slogans.


Slogan is a quick, catchy phrase that helps the name of the product get fixed in the consumer’s mind. These are a few examples.



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