Answer the following questions. 2. What kind of goods do department stores offer? 

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Answer the following questions. 2. What kind of goods do department stores offer?


1. What is a corner shop? What do corner shops sell? When are they open? Who does shopping in corner shops nowadays?

2. What kind of goods do department stores offer? Why did the customers like them better than corner shops? What is the High Street? Why do the High Streets look almost the same?

3. What do they sell in charity shops? What is the best known   chain of charity shops in Britain?

4. What can be found in a shopping complex? In what way is it different from other kinds of shops?

5. Why don’t they close shops at lunchtime in Britain?

6. What are the main shopping districts in London?

7. Why do you think some people prefer street markets? Are they both fun and cheap? What do they specialize in?

8. Why don’t the British expect or welcome bargaining?

9. Why is shopping a kind of ‘profession’ for many Americans?

10. What is the Fifth Avenue in New York famous for? What is the best time to shop there? Why?

11. What do they sell in drug-stores? What is a shopping mall?





Types of Trade Types of Shops Shop Building
commerce retail state wholesale chain store charity shop department store second-hand shop shopping centre supermarket cash-desk counter display shelves shop-window storehouse tracks
People in the Shop What They Do Types of Shoppers
shop-keeper   manager shop-assistant     cashier   shopper buyer customer keep a shop set up a shop advertise offer (quality) goods sell reduce the price give a discount refund exchange wrap up smth give the change   make a shopping list window - shop look at price tags look for a bargain try on smth ask for a discount get ready cash make a deposit make a purchase get one’s money refunded buy smth second-hand go to a sale do the last minute shopping economical extravagant rational reasonable thrifty wary
               Departments        Types of Goods
Men’s Clothes Women’s Clothes Footwear Gifts and Souvenirs Haberdashery Textiles bathrobe, blazer, coat, flannels, jacket, jeans, jumper, pyjamas, pullover, raincoat, shirt (coloured, striped, open-necked), suit, trousers, vest. blouse, dress, dressing-gown, night-gown, skirt, tights.     boots, rubber boots, sandals, shoes (high-heeled, flat-heeled, patent, suede), slippers, sport shoes, walking shoes. bracelet, beads, brooch, ear-rings, necklace, pendant, ring, string of pearls. gloves, kerchief, purse, umbrella, wallet. cotton, flannel, linen, print, satin, silk, stockinet, synthetics, velvet, (pure) wool.  


Additional Vocabulary: to afford smth; to buy smth a bargain; to be a stock size; to queue (BrE) / to stand in a line (AmE); to wear well;

casual wear; closing time; a fitting room; a popular brand; ready-made clothes; a reasonable price.


Mind the preposition: to buy from someone; to buy smth at some price; to be beyond one’s means; to be free of charge; to be of good quality; to be of the latest fashion; to be loose on someone; to be tight on someone; to dress in good (bad) taste; to go out of fashion; to pay at the cashier’s desk; to pay by credit card; to pay in cash; to show smth at its best; to waste money on smth.  


Conversation Clichés


1. What have you got of the Что у Вас есть из последних

latest designs (styles)?  моделей (фасонов)?

2. Here’s the best quality. Вот лучшее качество.

3. This seems to be poor stuff. Это, пожалуй, плохого качества.

4. What size do you wear? Какой размер вы носите?

5. May I try it on?                      Это можно примерить?

6. It’s a good (bad) fit.      Это хорошо (плохо) сидит.

7. This is in general wear now.   Это все сейчас носят.

8. It wears well and it keeps Это хорошо носится и

shape.                            хорошо сохраняет форму.

9. You haven’t given me the Вы неправильно сдали сдачу.

right change.

10. Shoes (jeans, etc) feel Туфли (джинсы …) удобны.






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