The causes of the bad appetite 

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The causes of the bad appetite


The reasons for refusing to eat can be lot and they aren’t always associated with the antipathy to a particular dish. The bad appetite must be a consequence of the diseases existing in the child, the malnutrition, the absence of the regime or the availability all sorts of the fears in your baby. Let us consider these causes listed below in more detail.

The parents quite often come to the office of the doctor or the psychologist one and complain that their kid does not eat well, whereas from behind the back of the adult the well-fed child looks out. During the interview about the amount of the food making up the single portion of the baby, it turns out that it would be enough for an adult. This isn’t surprisingly the kid reject the food in this case. And if you still managed to break the baby’s resistance, this can affect both his psyche and his physical health unfavorably. On the one hand, he’ll be forced to accept the clear injustice which can lead to his complete rejection of the various difficulties and the lack of the initiative in the future. On the other hand, pretty soon you will have to fight with already another problem that’s the overweight of your baby. In a word, everything should be a measure. The kids themselves, as a rule, determine the amount of the food perfectly they need, so when the child refuses to eat up the portion to the end, don’t make him do it.

The parents always must remember that their kid’s smaller than an adult in several times, therefore he needs less food. The childrens portions shall be small for all kiddos, but at the same time include all the proteins, the fats and the carbohydrates, and as well as the vitamins that necessary for the normal functioning of the baby’s body.

At times the child’s bad appetite arises not only because of the malnutrition but also due to the absence of the regime. He is fed not strictly at the appointed time but when it’s necessary, actually for this reason it is difficult to navigate about the time and tune into the meal to him. For example, the kid was playing out or getting up after sleeping, and he’s called to the table. The opposite situation is the baby wanted to eat, and still nothing was ready. The children are forced to eat not according to the regime, become nervous, depressed, sleep badly at this time because of the fact that they are hungry, so pretty soon the parents turn to the specialists believing that their kiddo is sick, while it is enough only to lead and maintain the certain daily routine in the family and in a short time for the next meal, the child will feel hungry and, accordingly, he will have the appetite.


One day the parents have contacted me who claimed that their baby eats almost nothing at the table. During the conversation I understood that in this family there’s always accepted a vase with the different sweets that is the cookies, the candies and the halva on the table. The fact’s that the father was a terrible sweet tooth, and by the nature of his professional activity, he could work at home, accordingly, in this case his favourite delicacy was necessarily in a prominent place. At home, there was the kid who’s being looked after his grandmother. It turns out that the child imitated his father constantly chewing something sweet during a day and thus he was killing his appetite. Moreover, the good grandmother frequently gives the chocolate, the candy to his favourite. That’s why he almost touched nothing at the lunch or the dinner.

I advised these parents giving the sweets to the kiddo only in strictly defined hours regarding the children’s regime, and the vase with the cookies and the sweets to hide away. Of course, for the sake of the baby’s health, his father had to sacrifice the habits, but the parents decided strictly follow my recommendations. The adults talked to the grandmother and took her words that she’d treat her grandson only at the breakfast or the lunch, and the sweets would be removed in a locked cupboard. In the early days, the parents had to withstand the real attack on the part of their kiddo who was capricious and demanded the treats. Where the kindness and where the strictness the parents tried to convince their baby that he’d get his part of the candies and the cookies only after the main meal. Soon the child’s appetite returned to normal which had a positive impact on his physical health and the mood.

My advice had a positive effect on the baby’s father. Since he was no longer free to eat in front of the child, he began to do it secretly and in much smaller quantities. This could not help affecting his figure, as he had to abandon from the lion’s part of the sweet and the flour products.


The bad appetite quite often appears too impressionable kids under the influence they heard any different scary stories from their peers or from some adults.


So, in my practice, there’s the case when the five-year-old girl was brought to me who never had any problems with her appetite, and suddenly she began to eat badly. Any attempts of the parents to influence the girl, making to eat ended, as a rule, the fact that she began to choke on the food. We played with the girl in the various games, and in the process of the interaction with her, I found out that some days ago in her presence, a neighbour told her mother how a woman choked on a fish bone and died. The story’s likely fictitious, because it was clearly showed the exaggerations and allocated the details frilly. No wonder that the sensitive child began feeling the fear at first in front of a single glance of the fish, and then the food in general. As a result, the parents and I had to work hard to restore the girl’s former appetite.


Try to protect yourself from such situations in advance. Don’t allow anyone, like yourself, to tell the scary stories associated with any food and the meals to the kiddos because the consequences can be very unpredictable.


This also happens that the baby begins grizzling at the table after attending the kindergarten. In the most cases, this’s because of his natural tendency to imitate the other kids and some adults from his environment. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that in the voice of your child you hear the unusual notes completely.


So, for example, some time I lived with the daughter of my friends that urgently left for a month on the business trip. She ate perfectly during the first days of living with me, but one day at the dinner, instead of eating her portion, she began picking with a fork at her plate.

When I said, “What is it?”– the girl said, imitating someone from the group obviously that she wouldn’t eat the garnish, so be it, swallow the cutlet, and also she would take the sweets. Without thinking twice, I escorted her from the table, saying that I needed some time to make her a new menu, which would include the candies, the ice cream, the cakes, and she would be hungry for two days, because I cannot cope with her order before.

My guest was pondering for ten minutes what I’ve said, then sat down silently and ate all her dinner without the rest. Apparently, the girl made the decision that the weekends were coming, and she didn’t want to spend them on the starvation diet because of it was no great for her, all the more that at all not clear when this new menu would be ready. We did not have any more problems with the nutrition about the girl.


In other words, if you see that the kid refuses to eat not because of the bad health or any serious reasons, and only from the imitation of someone from the group, don’t be afraid of leaving him without the lunch or the dinner. Surely, your baby will understand his mistake quickly and try to fix it.

Everything is much more serious if the reluctance to eat’s associated with the bad health of your baby. This’s due to the decrease or the lack of the appetite which is often the first sign of the disease. If you have noticed before such a feature for the kid, by no means do force to eat the baby at these moments. It’s known that at the very beginning of the disease the body is struggling hard with it, so all the forces should be directed only to this fight. The digestion, in turn, also requires the certain costs of the energy, so the less the child will take the food, the faster the body will cope with the disease. In such the situation, give him as much liquid as possible, which will help to remove all the toxins from the body.

During the disease itself, the kid’s appetite is reduced or absent at all. Of course, in this period the baby requires the food, but don’t try to feed him by all means. The portions have to not be large, and the food – fat and indigestible. In addition, when the baby feels better, probably he’ll ask himself for something to eat from you.

It should be mentioned about such the digestive disorders related to the appetite directly, such as anorexia, the perversion of the appetite and rumination.

The nervous anorexia’s characterized with the complete refusal to eat by the child. Any attempt of the parents to feed him ends with the violent protests, and even vomiting. More often this disease manifests in adolescent girls, but can occur at a younger age. In process the disease’s development, you can notice that the kid loses the weight catastrophically. And how would you not convince him that still necessary to eat, this does not lead anything. The child can even pretend to eat heavily, while after eating he causes vomiting to get rid of eaten.

After all that the only thought about the food becomes unbearable for him, and the mention about it often causes vomiting. As a result, such the changes can occur in the organism, and weight loss will become so significant that the meal will be impossible not only for the psychological reasons, but also for the physiological ones that’s the volume of the stomach decreases, the digestion slows down, and the attacks of the hunger disappear completely.



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