Sometimes the baby , on the contrary, is capricious because he wants to sleep, but cannot sleep. Pamper him, caress him, make a relaxing massage. Stay with him and try to set the sleep ing to him. 

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Sometimes the baby , on the contrary, is capricious because he wants to sleep, but cannot sleep. Pamper him, caress him, make a relaxing massage. Stay with him and try to set the sleep ing to him.


If the child refuses to eat, do not force-feed him, do not shout at him. Please, be patient. Say to your kid that he must eat to grow up large and healthy, for example as his father; put a toy on the table and “feed” its together with the child, alternating one spoon for the doll, another one for the baby; ask the child to eat the spoon for each of the members of the family that is for the father, for the mother and for the grandmother…

Your baby does not like and does not want to swim. What to do in such the situation? Try to explain to him what this is doing for. Tell how it is important to keep the body clean to your child. Remember the fairy tale “Moidodyr” about the boy, from whom all the clothes ran away, because he was dirty. While bathing, put the toys in the bath that can be washed. Especially interesting the clockwork waterfowl toys for the child. Blow the bubbles with your baby. The most important thing is you should be close, by no means leave the baby alone in the bathroom, because he can be afraid of the water, but also choke.

Sometimes the reluctance to bathe is due to the fact that the child experienced the unpleasant sensations once from the contact of some soap or some shampoo with  his eyes. He retains the event in the memory, so he begins to cry when he is taken to the bathroom. Use special detergents for the children, which will not cause the irritation in the case of the contact with the eyes.

The baby is stubborn and does not want to dress, starts getting nervous, cry, throw the clothes. Find out why he is protesting. Maybe he wants to wear his favorite thing, let him do it, if this is possible make him a choice for himself. Or, by showing the thing, interest him in some pattern, say that the blouse or the pants are beautiful, warm and comfortable.


Sometimes the baby does not like his clothes, because it is uncomfortable in it, but he cannot e xpress it in the words. If you go for a walk, and the child objects to the warm jacket, explain that it is cold outside, show that you also dress warmly. But in no case do not go to the cry, do not dress the child by force. This will negatively affect your future relationship s.


The baby grows, develops, learns, acquires some skills. When he has something that does not work, he can cry, scatter the objects and the toys. He calls you to help by the crying in this case, because he cannot cope. Find out what he wants. Do not shout at the child, help him, but not silently, saying: “Let me help you. I will show you how to do it, and you will repeat” or “Let us do it together ”. So you will establish the close contact with the baby. Helping the child, do only what he can not do himself.

The child does not want to go to the nursery or the kindergarten. Explain to him why this is necessary. Try to suggest that you give the child to the kindergarten not to get rid of him, not because you are weary from the kid, you are tired or you have more important things to do, but to help him to spend more interesting and vivid the time.


In order the baby adapt faster, you need the effort and be patience. In no case you cannot force to bring the child to the kindergarten, shout at him and scare him that you will not take him home if he does not stop crying. Try, the stay ing in the kindergarten did not become a psychological trauma for him, but, on the contrary, it turned out to be the joyful event. the baby should be prepared in the kindergarten f or i t.


Coming to the kindergarten, he must be able to wash, dress and sit on the baby spotty. Therefore, in advance instill in him the necessary household skills, so that he has not the offensive problems associated with the inability to do something on his own.

Tell more about the kindergarten, about what he will do there to him. Be sure to say that he is already big and you are proud of him, because he can go to the kindergarten now, as you – to work. Try to convince the child that the kindergarten will not hurt him. Let him take his favorite toy with him, so that he can feel more at ease, since a piece of the home and all that he is accustomed to is with him. Do not leave immediately as you bring the baby. Undress him slowly and take his hand to spend in the group, interest him in something that he wanted to stay.

There are the children who cannot get used to kindergarten for a long time, are afraid to go there, resist and cry. In the group, they huddle in a corner with no one to play and avoid the educators. Talk to your child to determine the cause what is happening that is maybe the caregivers treat badly or other children hurt him.

As you know, the children love the outdoor games, so often fall and get dirty. The parents do not have to punish for this them because the physical activities are necessary for the full development of the children. Imagine, what happens to a child if he will sit quietly on a chair depriving of the usual mobility? The muscle weakness can be developed, he will often get sick, lag from the peers.


If the baby fell down, tore his knees hard, do not shout at him, he is already scared. Try to calm him, distract and gently treat the wounds. Explain that all this is not so terrible and will heal soon.


It is difficult to assimilate a large amount of the information for the baby. Therefore, when the impressions overwhelm him, he begins to cry and capricious. In such the situation, it is desirable to talk to the child about what he learned or saw to find out what he did not like and what interested him. If something remains unclear a little, you should explain it in the accessible form and understandable one.

In no case, you cannot scare the child. The shock caused by the fright can adversely affect his psyche he can begin to stutter, twitch; he will be afraid of the darkness, the loud sounds and the room in which no one is. If the baby is naughty, cries, by no means, do scare him with the wolves, the witches and other scary characters because this can lead to the development of the mental illness.

Sometimes the baby can cry because he is bored. Try to cheer him up. Offer him something to do, do something with him, look at a book with the pictures, play, in the end just talk. Do not dismiss the child motivating it with your fatigue or the employment otherwise you risk losing his trust. He can lock himself in and hold a grudge.

As this is noted above there are the children who cry clearly more than others and as it seems at first glance for no reason at all. The parents feel for them the constant anxiety. How to help such the children?

Of course, there is no any universal recipe. However, it is safe to say that the sensitivity and the vulnerability are the signs of the mental constitution of the child and his nervous system. It is impossible to change these innate features at will. Not help but rather bring a negative result and such the means of the educational influence as the persuasion, the reproaches, the punishment and the ridicule. Any violent measures will cause the increase of the tension and the excitement will further weaken the nervous system and deprive of the strength and the confidence of the child.


Even the most loving parents will not be able to protect their child from the life’s troubles; you cannot always keep the child under a glass cap. Therefore, the easiest tactic in dealing with such the baby is not to irritate by hearing his crying. Moreover, the best way to calm him down is to be with him. Let him feel that you are always ready to come to his aid.

More often say the child that he is dear, need and important to you. You can convey this not only with words but also with a gentle look, a gesture and the touch. The famous psychologist Virginia Satyr recommended hugging the child several times a day. In her opinion, four hugs are necessary for everyone to survive.

In a word, the most important thing that is required from the parents is the patience. Do not forget that the high emotional sensitivity closely related to the responsiveness, the kindness, the cordiality, the willingness to help, stand up for the weak, and these are very valuable human qualities! So as strange this sound, you should listen to the childlike crying, understand its meaning and do not try as quickly as possible to interrupt it, to dry the child’s tears. The crying and the tears are the language of the childhood communication so not to be deaf to it just because you have forgotten how to speak it yourself.

If a child is afraid of the strangers, he expresses it with the tears. The world of the child is mainly limited with the walls of the house, the courtyard or the kindergarten, so the appearance of an unfamiliar face causes the baby’s alertness. If the stranger behaves innocuously from his point of view, for example does not touch his toys, are not enough in an armful of his parents, the wariness gradually passes. Otherwise, it can develop into the panic fear and even the persistent phobia. If the baby is afraid of the strangers, he especially sharply needs your support and the protection. The calm, friendly family atmosphere will help the child to cope with his fear.

If your baby cries, do not rush to call a doctor or stuff him with the pills and the potions. Just stroke him on the head. The warm soft hands of his mother work the miracles, they stroked the child’s back, the tummy, the breast, a little longer on the forehead, and the baby calmed down. The stunning effect, is it right? However, this is unusual. Since the ancient times it is well known that massage has a calming effect especially if the mother does it. This is as if she passes her warm, calm to your baby, and he stops crying and capricious. By showing maximum the patience and the attention, in the future you will reward for the health and well-being of your child.


a MOTHER + a baby is THE friendship


How to win the trust of the child? How to call him to frankness? Parents often ask themselves this question, but sometimes, unfortunately, it is too late, when it is difficult to regain lost trust, respect and authority. How to win the trust of the child? How to call him to frankness? Parents often ask themselves this question, but sometimes, unfortunately, it is too late, when it is difficult to regain lost trust, respect and authority.

First, do not lose this trust. After all, from the first days of its existence, the baby sees in you his protection. So do not rush to break the physical and emotional unity between you and the child. Smile, talk to the baby, it is very important for him to communicate with him; the intonation with which you pronounce the words is of great importance.

You will get rid of many problems if you become for him not only a mother, but also a friend.

The child is able to feel and understand whether they love him, whether they rejoice in him, whether they treat him with respect or not. Therefore, it is not enough to tell him that the mother loves him; he must find this confirmation, so that it does not happen that you tell him about your love, but in fact, he feels lonely.


By no means, do deceive the child. The deception leads to the fact that the child gradually loses the confidence in the adults. For example, if the mother went to the store, and the father says that she will soon return and bring something sweet, the baby begins to run from the window to the window in the anticipation. Moreover, when the mother finally comes and brings the sweets promised by the father, the child is disappointed, and he cries from the resentment. If this happens repeatedly, the baby will cease to trust his parents.


The communication with the peers is the great importance for the child. In addition, if the kid is shy to go to contact with the other children, he needs help. The baby should be introduced to the children by the name, ask what they are playing in and will not accept another participant. Usually among the people there is always someone who will take the newcomer under his protection, will help him get used to the company.

Nevertheless, sometimes this happens that the peers can offend the baby, come up with a nickname for him. After such the incidents, he withdraws into himself, preferring the solitude.

Perhaps, that unsociable he was made with own misdemeanor, causing a strong emotional stress. Playing with the children, the kid could inadvertently push his friend or hit him with a snowball... The sight of the blood and the inconsolable sobs of the victim could produce a strong impact on the psyche of the child. As a result, he refuses the usual games, does not communicate with the friends and does not go out, sitting at home for hours, and responds to all the persuasions with a flood of the tears. In this case, you cannot persuade or swear him. You need to help him restore his peace of mind by talking to him and explaining the situation so that he lost the guilt complex.

The employment of the modern adults is one of the signs of our time. The parents deal with their problems that are the career, the finances, the personal life, leaving the child to himself and limiting the relationships with him exclusively the care issues. The lack of the parental love and the attention leads to the fact that the baby closes in himself, becomes lonely next to loved ones. In addition, children’s loneliness is a very terrible thing. Moreover, if the single mother brings up the child, the question of the full development of the baby is even more acute.

The decision to have a child is associated with the acceptance of the adult responsibility for his fate.

In order to understand your child, to change his behavior, to make contact or to regain the lost trust, you must first change yourself. Open your eyes. After all, you are used to everything forbid him and demand the unconditional submission. It is convenient for you. However, try to understand that the child has his “I”, own affairs, the aspirations, the needs. Realizing this, you will be able soberly assess your relationships with him.

Analyze your behavior, your attitude to the baby, every gesture, the word, the action, put yourself in his place, and this will allow you to establish a relationship with the child. It is important to understand that the education is the cooperation, the interaction, the mutual influence, the mutual enrichment (emotional, moral, spiritual and intellectual).


In order to achieve success in the upbringing a child, the parents must necessarily adjust their behavior, do not set the bad examples. If you want to achieve the unquestioning fulfillment of your requirements from your baby, which at the same time you do not follow yourself, this is possible only through the coercive measures that is the child will fulfill the requirements formally because of the fear of the punishment. This fear will engender the deception, the hypocrisy and the cunning in the end.

Do we understand our children? To understand a person is to see some reasons of his actions, the motives that induced him to the action in a certain way. In order to learn to understand a child, it is necessarynot to make the excessive demands on him, which he is simply not able to fulfill.

In order to explain the behavior of the child the parents can analyze in what conditions he develops. If on the baby constantly yelling, apply the physical punishment, he has rather arises need for the shocks and, consequently, emerge such the negative traits as the skittishness, the mistrust, the falsehood and the aggressiveness.

If the baby is not accustomed to work, all the adults do everything for him, he becomes lazy, weak-willed, avoids any affairs and for the purpose he pretends, tricks, deceives.

If a child is excessively pampered, buy the expensive things and the toys, nothing to refuse him, he can have the exorbitant claims but at the same time and the inability to protect any things, to appreciate the work invested in them.

If you did not read any books, communicate with him a little, he will develop the intelligence, the thinking, the ability to empathize feebly. The intellectual inclinations find in the childhood, so instill the love to any books in the child, but do not force him to read forcibly that is you can get the opposite negative effect.

From the early age, develop the attention, the observation, the imagination in the children. Teach to describe the various objects and tell about their purpose for it.

Sometimes the parents are very zealously engaged in the education of the child that is hire any tutors, give them in the prestigious kindergartens and the educational institutions with the special inclinations, for example the music schools and the dance ones, etc. However, for some reason they forget to get the consent of the baby. Meanwhile, the adults need to remember that only some children are engaged in the singing, the dancing and the music with pleasure.



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