A fundamentally new, intelligible theory is needed, and .It was 22. created in 2013 on 300 pages of a slim text, by brainstorming, by the Russian researcher Kolchanov LM. 

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A fundamentally new, intelligible theory is needed, and .It was 22. created in 2013 on 300 pages of a slim text, by brainstorming, by the Russian researcher Kolchanov LM.

Thanks to the theory of dynamic ether, we succeeded:

1. It was possible to unravel the work of the "magic square" from the Carolingian Bible.


2. Denote the graphite anagram (derived by thermally expanded graphite on a powder printer), as an ether, a dynamic generator of a multi-step biological form (ICF –generator).


3. Theoretically expand with you our naive idea of ​​the air surrounding us from all sides, like a swimmer is surrounded by water, while swimming in the sea.



4. Increase, but only geometrically, the quantitative characteristics of the ICF-generator on the declared area, both on paper and in transparent media.



5. To do the work of several hundred ICF generators of the observable, due to the torsion of space, and with it the weak, stationary radiation of the photon type, often coming from the harmful generation of monitors.


6. Test evidence with the help of devices, this evidence base in the form of visual, author's R & D.


7. To create a line of protective devices from radiating gadgets and from relic radiation from space, in the sphere of our activity, harmful to the health of geostationary radiation from the surface of our mother earth.


The archaeological artifact of the stratagem is not a linear construction of the relict space: at the level of the atom, the Universe and the quantum level of perception of the structure of space, in all its beauty and evidential base, which has come down to us through the centuries.

Next in the picture: the main starting point for the expansion of our Universe by Boyarintsev V.I., in parallel with the principle of operation of the ICF- generator, academician Alkuin.

 Quantum level of structural work with the relict space of a graphite-type MBF -generator of academician Alkuin

Universe level of non linearity of space



Already expanding, according to non-linear,

from the original point on professor Boyarintsev V.I., our Universe, uniformly scattering acording to the law of the "pioneer of distant stars" - Edwin Hubble,

With his secondary mathematical calculations



Next in the picture: Isaak Newton's experiments on nonlinear gravity with balls.

For I. Newton, gravity still remained of a linear character. He did not catch up why the balls do not fall like an apple down? The whole thing was in the ratio of the mass of the ball to its non-linear surface "recognizing" non-linear space.               


Experiments with a hollow iron ball in a magnetic field confirming the non-linear nature of space .                                                                                




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