What is non linearity of space? one.   17. 

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What is non linearity of space? one.   17.

(Not a shameful question from a university student to the author of the theory of ether dynamics)

The answer is ready, just do not be lazy to read it.

Three conceivable levels of non-linear, spiral-like laws of the right of centric, relic torsion of space: atomic, ecumenical and quantum all their beauty and striking similarity due to the classical stratagem of non-linearity of space.

(explanatory chapter on the construction of non linearity of the relict space of our Universe for inquisitive minds of Russia)

The farmers came up with linearity and then mastered its geometers in ancient Greece, which became an axiom and allegedly was not subject to dispute due to the obviousness and clarity of the question, and. And that would all stop if it were not for a mathematics teacher from the city of Kazan, in 1867 year professor V.I. Lobachevsky. Many of his peers, the teacher, laughed at his not linear mathematical constructions, but in vain, oh, in vain! Now they are no longer laughing, but at the linearity hochunks, from the past. The mathematical calculations of V.I. Lobachevsky were based on non-linear, geometric calculations, taken from the 18th century by him from the Austrian thinker ZA.Schweikart and the Hungarian scientist János Bojay.

In 1912, the Russian thinker PD. Uspensky constructed a new model of our Universe, where he raised the question of studying time in the spatial expressions of natural phenomena and in living organisms. absorbing time Well, to them, all the forerunners of not linearity,     In parallel Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky in 1923 in his monograph only strengthened the positions of all three thinkers of the past about non-linearity of being.

And in 1935, Swiss A.Rimman only developed thoughts on paper these four thinkers standing on their shoulders, and.and made their thoughts visual stratagems in the form of their monographic axioms. But compilation should be 18. remembered, it is an organizational work of an independent thinking scientist, it is not discussed, but only welcomed. In 2005, Professor MEPI –V.I. Boyarintsev mathematically questions the course of modern scientific thought and recommends developing the theory of a dynamic, not justly forgotten, ether and does so unexpectedly. But peering into his calculations and his call to return to the beginning, or rather to the primary point of formation of the Universe and expand it for cognitive analysis, Russian biophysics L. Kolchanov in 2013 had to sweat considerably to master the quantum level of thinking and master the situation for analysis studying the non linearity of the relict space and the time tied to it. Time, as a real, rather than conditional physical constant of our mother nature. And in this situation, where the time parameters encoded in spatial expressions had to be addressed to natural organoids, in particular, the somatic cell of the human body, and. And based on the hidden constructions of her work, discover new, unknown laws related to the space-time continuum. It turned out that the somatic cell nucleus is designed so that it is a magnetoreceptor or simpler compass mechanism, strictly adapted to guide the magnetic field of the planet Earth and the North – South axis, especially during the mitotic, proper cell division starting from the very core of this cell, and only then the rest of the cell body. But this was not enough, for the evidence base of time as a real, non-conventional physical constant, which every cell of our body absorbs and lives, or e absorbs and lethargy, falls into a lethargic sleep, which is seen in nature in humans. In the plant world, the plant cell lethargizes seasonally. For a living cell, lethargy, that is, not complete absorption of time, is nonsense, or simply a phenomenon.                                               True gift in his research Biophysicist Kolchanov L.M., received from analytical and laboratory work with the construction of an ICF generator developed by the school of Academician Alcuin. But the present discovery was waiting for the biophysicist Kolchanov L.M. ahead, when the construction of the MBF generator itself prompted not only the similarity of geometrical non-linear operating parameters, read in parallel, the IBF generator with a non-linear expansion trajectory of our Universe, but also the similarity of a non-linear single-span track a hydrogen atom (protium), a photo of which was obtained.

The nuclear physicist Jay Orir in 1971 in a bubble chamber.                                The non-linearity of а track, that is, a spiral shaped electron flight trajectory, not visible by the eye and ear but existing on the basis of laboratory-proven R & D, quantum, torsional vortex of an IBF generator and not linear the expansion of our universe in a spiral, striking even my imagination. The macro world, the quantum world of the MBF generator, the micromir, this is the level of the atom, turned out to be similar in that they work on a non-linear stratagem in their nature similar laws and rules — postulates.                                                                             

And of course, the crown of work and we can say a phenomenal discovery, it turned out that, working as a Swiss watch, the ICF generator of the                     school of academician Alquin has attention!, outside the temporary nature of the work. Outside the temporal nature of the work laid down in the design of the ICF generator, by definition, those designers Academician Alcuin who created it. The answer to the mechanism outside the temporary work of the ICF generator, the author of the theory of dynamic ether Kolchanov LM I found on page 237, 7 lines, highlighted in a separate font by the author of a short text, in the monograph of


Professor MEPI, V. Boyarintsev. - “AntiEinstein”, “ Yauza” Publishing House, 2005,

where it is said in black and white that "The answer must be sought in the root cause of the starting point of the non-linear expansion of our Universe."

The professor Boyarintsev V.I. as a forerunner and a scientist, only prompts us, intrigues us, ignorant people, what we should pay attention to, but he does not expand the circle of knowledge about the beginning of the mechanism for expanding our Universe, it looks like he lacks knowledge in his baggage, and this is obvious from - for its not agreements. Professor Boyarintsev V.I. It also does an analysis of unsuccessful mathematical calculations in the wrong direction, in relation to A. Einstein's stratagem, assuming that the world of science is looking in the wrong direction, which should be looked at, and this can be traced clearly in his monograph.

And here it is, we can be told allegorically, not in a scientific language, but in the correct corridor of thematic thinking, lines from a book-books, the Bible.

“The corridor of thinking” of Bible will tell us a lot if we learn to hear it, not listen.

In the Bible, books, books, in the allegorical message to the people, the 20.

elder John the Theologian, in his revelation written in a creative impulse and solitude on the island of Patmos speak of what he directly swears the angel of the apocalypse: " And he swore that there would be no more time," at the end of time, or simpler than our civilization. So this, for not conditional, but real physical unit of our structural, not dead space is time, which fills it in the form of density waves as real, not conditional unit of our vital space and which every cell of our organism scans. The thinkers of antiquity seemed to have more fundamental knowledge that came to us by chance, in the form of cryptographic artifacts or archaeological finds. Another thing is that they did not have enough amount of knowledge to carry out their plans, but this is a separate topic for reflection.

“And the Spirit of God flew over water.” So the Bible describes the process of structuring dead space by time, or rather by waves of the density of time.

"And he swore that there would be no more time." So the apocalyptic angel spoke, and John the Theologian wrote down the script for the destruction of the life-giving structure of space, vital for biological systems, including man. the cross-shaped requirement of the nucleus in its division in a normal human somatic cell is a necessary condition for reduplication, that is, doubling of the chromosomes in the process of nuclear division. In fact, the spherical core of the somatic cell has the function of compass navigation during the period of cell division, and that distinguishes it fundamentally from the plant cell. First, the division of the nucleus into two, and only then the cell body in two, and only such a sequence saves information when cell division and prolongs the life of the human body. “Man is the state of cells,” Theodor Schwann said in 1839, creating a still unsurpassed, productive cellular theory.

And in 1912, the Russian thinker P.D. Uspenskyi  put the problem of the connection between space and time with an edge, concentrating the reader’s thought in his reasoning and directly hinting at the fact that “time must be highlighted in the spatial expressions of the systems we have already biologically studied.” But the clarity thinkers of the 20th century did not introduce spatial – temporal connections at the level of rational science, although no one knows what the word rational science means, but the fact that this future is a taboo for future thinkers is clear and not with an armed eye. The question remains I'm open to thinkers still lies in the plane of indirect description of this related by a thin and almost palpable a dualistic system, but in any case not in the mathematical jungle, which lead the clarity of thought to the abstract plane, away from reality. Mathematicians are deprived of the God seems like the paucity of the imagination of the object under study, and hence our movement in a circle. If you2 you cannot clearly and clearly state the essence of the phenomenon, then abstract, not connected with the inner essence of the phenomenon, abstract thought, often formulary, is included. If it is even simpler, you run along the surface of the object, and.and the internal architectonics of this object eludes you.

In 1959, E. Whitteker, in “The History of Studying the Ether and Electricity”, directly says that a person has a subconscious desire for models that can be presented easily before the mind’s eye, not abstracting and not going beyond our imagination, since most of the information comes to us visually, in the form of images. To the call of E.Witteker, the deafly scientific community is still, but.

But that non-formal, interdisciplinary science, such as cryptography and archeology, begins to come into action, which has penetrated and is now making a dent in our ignorance, in a clear understanding of what is absorbed by the “mathematical fog” of abstract formulas on chalk boards.

In 1924, the scientist-cryptographer Felix de Grosser came across without answering, a Latin anagram working like a Swiss watch, found as an artifact on the fields of the Carolingian dynasty and designed by the school of the court academician Alquín. Unfortunately, Felix de Grosser didn’t have enough knowledge to explain the work with space and time of this design, but. But the scientist-cryptographer left a scientific testament that the solution to this "magic square" lies in the plane of studying the space-time continuum. five.

In 2005, Professor M.I.P.T. –V.I. Boyarintsev, in his book “Anti-Einstein”, 2005, from “Yauza”,

directly says that it is necessary to create theoretical foundations of aether dynamics, as did the electrodynamics theorist, and M. Faraday, a “laboratory watchman,” with a confirming advanced R & D theory in his laboratory.

Even Professor of S.P.S.U. - Ivanova E.A. A theoretical mechanic by education, and then specifically designates the prospect of studying the ether within the framework of rational science. But this is a cry of despair, derived from “rational mechanics,” which has de facto stalled/

So with all due respect to EA Ivanova, within the framework of rational mechanics to explain the work of the dynamic ether, I'm sorry, it's just ridiculous.


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