Which of these words would you use to describe yourself in a work or study situation? Use a good dictionary to help you. Add any other useful words. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Which of these words would you use to describe yourself in a work or study situation? Use a good dictionary to help you. Add any other useful words.

- motivated

- confident

- reliable

- proud

- dedicated

- loyal

- determined

- charismatic

- honest

- adaptable

- resourceful

- meticulous




Printer giants RSA, while being based in Yerevan, have outlets all over the world, all serviced by computer. Because of the recent expansion of their computer department, and because of new kinds of technology which have been introduced into the world of computers, they are looking for an expert to run the computer department and provide advice on the latest kinds of hardware and software.

Because computer science courses were introduced into Armenian universities at such a late stage, all the highly qualified computer experts in Yerevan are recent graduates. None of these has the experience or maturity to run a large department. The firm has therefore been forced to look outside Armenia for the candidates. The personnel department has recently come up with an American computer expert named Jim Davies, who is at present working in Germany. The question is whether Davies can be persuaded to take the job on the terms RSA wants to offer him.

Complete the words in the right-hand column.

part of the firm separate from its central office b_______________

an agent or seller a firm uses to sell its products o______________

an increase in size e____________________________________

materials used for programming computers s__________________

the computers themselves h______________________________

a person being considered for a job c_______________________


Fill each gap in the following passage with an appropriate word.

Because of ___ recent expansion of RSA’s _____ department, and because of new ___ of technology which have been _____ into the world of computers, they ____ looking for an expert to ___ the computer department and provide ____ on the latest kinds of _____ and software. Because computer science courses ___ introduced into Armenian universities at such a late stage, all the ______ qualified computer experts in Yerevan ___ recent graduates. None of these ___ the experience or maturity___ run a large department. The ___ has therefore been forced to ___ outside Armenia for the candidates. The ____ department has recently come _____ with an American computer expert ______ Jim Davies, who is at present ______in Germany. The question is _______ Davies can be persuaded to take the job on the terms RSA wants to _____ him.


Match the expressions with the functions.

asking for information arranging a meeting interrupting hesitating Now, how do you feel in principle about…?
There are certain points that I’ll have to consider very carefully.
Excuse me for interrupting you, but…
I’ll ask him to get in touch with you.
Can you come and see us?
Are there any other points that are bothering you?


4. The firm has found a computer expert. His name is Jim Davies. The firm has come up with a computer expert named Jim Davies.


Rewrite these pairs of sentences in the same way.

RSA has invented a new printer. It is called GLTX.

Highland Wool has developed a new system. It is called Super-Spin.

Brims has written a new book. It is called English for Negotiating.

Information Sharing

You are: Karen Tanyan, personnel Manager at RSA Ltd. You have heard about Jim Davies through your contacts, and you have invited him to visit you so that you can find out more about him. You will also have to provide him with the following information:

1. The job involves managing the central computer department in Yerevan. The manager is also responsible for maintaining RSA’s computer links with their branches all over the world. This would therefore involve some travel in Armenia and possibly abroad.

2. The manager must have wide practical experience of all kinds of computer technology and computer languages, and be an expert in all types of American hardware and software.

3. As far as you are concerned, the manager may work whatever hours he wants, providing he gets the job done properly. Normally, a manager at this level has a holiday entitlement of eight weeks per year. Working conditions are very relaxed.

4. All schools in Armenia, including the international School, are free. There are plenty of hours available, which could be rented very cheaply.

5. The maximum you can offer as salary is $60,000, plus $10,000 as transfer expenses in the first year. Armenian income tax on this salary for a man with three children would be about one-third. You are not able to offer any “extras” at all.


Find out from Jim Davies all you can about the following.

- his qualifications and experience

- his present job

- when he could start

- what his expectations are (salary and conditions)

- what his family circumstances are


This is not a bargaining session.Your object is to find out and give information, and then report back to your group.



Jim Davies has visited Karen Tanyan in Yerevan. Karen Tanyan has given Claude Schmidt, Managing Director of RSA, a very good report on Davies. Schmidt is now phoning Davies in Frankfurt to arrange another meeting.

CS: Good morning Mr. Davies, this is Claude Schmidt, RSA, Yerevan.

JD: Ah yes. How are you, Mr. Schmidt?

CS: Very well, thank you. I believe you’ve been to see Karen Tanyan about coming to work with us?

JD: Yes.

CS: Well, Mr. Davies, Mr. Tanyan has a very high opinion of you. Now, how do you feel in principle about coming to RSA?

JD: Well, I’m interested, certainly. But there are certain points about it that I’ll have to consider very carefully. I was reckoning on a higher salary…

CS: Excuse me for interrupting you, Mr. Davies – Er, if you are still interested in principle, I’m sure we can iron out these details with further discussion.

JD: Well, I hope so, but I understand from Mr. Tanyan that he is limited by his budget as to the amount of salary he can offer.

CS: Well, I think we can discuss all these things together. I’m happy to know that you are basically interested in the job. Are there any other points that are bothering you?

JD: Well, there is a problem that I don’t speak any Armenian…

CS: Well, I’ve talked about that with Karen Tanyan. He says he can lay on intensive language course for you for your first month with us.

JD: Oh, I see, for a whole month?..

CS: Oh. Yes. It’s very important to us that you learn as much Armenian as possible. Most of our staff don’t speak any English, you see.

JD: Hmm… Well, we are going too fast for me at the moment, Mr. Schmidt. After all, we haven’t come to any agreement yet.

CS: Of course, of course. Well, I’m glad to hear that you are thinking about it, anyway. Can you come and see us again?

JD: Yes, I think that’d be the best.

CS: Good, I’ll ask Karen to get in touch with you.

JD: That’d be fine.

CS: Goodbye then.

JD: Goodbye. Thank you for calling. I’ll look forward to seeing you in Yerevan.



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