Herzberg's Theory of Job Satisfaction 

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Herzberg's Theory of Job Satisfaction

Frederick Irving Herzberg (1923–2000) was a management professor at the University of Utah known internationally for his work on helping companies understand how to motivate workers and increase productivity. He is known for his 'Motivation-Hygiene Theory'. According to Herzberg, five factors increase job satisfaction and staff motivation to perform:


i.e., a sense of………………1 or pride whenever a demanding task is ............................ 2out successfully.

One way managers can contribute to this is by encouraging employees to set clear, realistic professional goals for themselves.


i.e., the.............................3 of an individual's or group's efforts, or contributions.

For example, managers can highlight staff efforts and contributions in meetings. They can also give a genuinely positive performance.............................4 and devise a judicious system of.............................5, such as housing allowances or extra holidays.

Challenging Work

For work to be.............................6, there must be tasks that are challenging or motivating, just as each individual prefers some tasks more than others, each finds some tasks more challenging than others.


When staff feel responsible and......,................7 fortheir own work, and when they are somehow involved in the decision-making process, their job satisfaction increases. Managers can gradually increase staff............................. 8 and decision making as they gain expertise.

Growth and Development

Everyone needs to continue to develop personally and professionally on the job. When there are limited opportunities for.............................9 and development, motivation decreases. Employees may commit energy to other aspects of their personal lives, seek other employment, or.............................10 out. Managers can advocate educational or special training,............................11 for staff and encourage them to attend training programmes and conferences.



a) inspiration b) evaluation c) testing d) interrogation
a) perks b) autonomy c) accomplishment d) liberty
a) rise b) remuneration c) separateness d) astonishment
a) carried b) awards c) praise d) loyalty
a) satisfying b) increase c) growth d) raise
a) break b) broken c) brought d) pulled
a) reward b) fulfilled c) completed d) retaining
a) mature b) run c) fire d) burn
a) absence b) congratulation c) prize d) acknowledgement
a) examination b) accountable c) mindful d) comfortable
a) dependence b) period   d) term

Name the 5 factors increasing job satisfaction and comment on them.


10. Sum up information you’ve acquired about pays and benefits considering the following issues:

- the importance of price of labour in business;

- different kinds of pay people get (minimum wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, share options, severance packages, perks, fringe benefits);

- 5 factors for jobs satisfaction.




Chemco is a large manufacturer of chemical products, employing about 10,000 workers. The workers are nearly all members of UCW, the Union of Chemical Workers, which negotiates terms and conditions of employment on their behalf. There is normally an annual bargaining session, where pay, holidays, hours of work and other terms of employment are ironed out.

This year there has been a sudden increase in Euro’s inflation rate. Inflation in Euro usually runs at 10%, but for various reasons it has been running at 18% over the past three months. For this reason, Bob Newstein, the President of UCW, has arranged a meeting with Paul Scott, the Personnel Manager of Chemco Ltd.,in order to put the employees’ claim for a higher basic rate of pay.

Relations between the Union and the management at Chemco are good. However, at the recent union meeting the workers voted in favour of a demand for 20% pay increase. Newstein, therefore, has the responsibility to put this demand to the Chemco management.



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