Exercise 19. Explain the meaning of the following word groups. 

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Exercise 19. Explain the meaning of the following word groups.

the need to accomplish

proper tools and instructions

to implement what an executive has directed

to create the decisions

the ability to communicate

to get that title on the door


Exercise 20. Think and answer.

1. What do you think about relations between senior executives and the people they are supervising?

2. What do we mean by experience?

3. Why is experience important?

4. Do you agree with the writer’s view on the job of a manager?

Exercise 21. Discussion. How do you rate as a manager?


What position would you like to have: to manage people – manager; to work for someone else – employee; to be responsible for everything – top manager, director; to work for the state – state employee?

Do the questionnaire, then compare your answers with a partner.

How do you get on with other people?

a. I get on with almost everybody.

b. I have my own friends and I don’t really need anyone else.

c. I don’t really feel at home with other people.

Can you lead and motivate others?

a. Once someone is moving I’ll join in.

b. I’m good at giving orders when I know what to do.

c. I can persuade most people to follow me when I start something.

Can you take responsibility?

a. I like to take charge and obtain results.

b. I’ll take charge if I have to but I prefer someone else to be responsible.

c. Someone always wants to be the leader and I’m happy to let them do the job.

Are you a good organizer?

a. I tend to get confused when unexpected problems arise.

b. I like to plan exactly what I’m going to do.

c. I just like to let things happen.

How good a worker are you?

a. I’m willing to work hard for something I really want.

b. I find my home environment more stimulating than work.

c. Regular work suits me but I don’t like it to interfere with my private life.

Can you make decisions?

a. I am quite happy to execute other people’s decisions.

b. I often make very quick decisions which usually work but sometimes don’t.

c. Before making a decision, I need time to think it over.

Do you enjoy taking risks?

a. I always evaluate the exact danger of any situation.

b. I like the excitement of taking big risks.

c. For me safety is the most important thing.

Are you motivated by money?

a. For me, job satisfaction cannot be measured in money terms.

b. Although money is important to me, I value other things just as much.

c. Making money is my main motivation.

Can people believe what you say?

a. I try to be honest, but it is sometimes difficult or too complicated to explain things to other people.

b. I don’t say things I don’t mean.

c. When I think I’m right, I don’t care what anyone else thinks.

Do you delegate?

a. I prefer to delegate what I consider to be the least important task.

b. When I have a job to do I like to do everything myself.

c. Delegation is an important part of my job.


For keys to the questionnaire, see “Commentary on the Exercises”


If your score is:

Or above

You definitely have the necessary qualities to become the director or the top manager of a successful business. You have a strong sense of leadership, you can both organize and motivate and you know exactly where you and your team are going.

Between 30 and 16

Although you do have some of the essential skills for managing people, you will, probably, not be able to deal with pressures and strains than are part of the job. You should perhaps consider taking some professional training.

Below 16

Managing people is not for you. You are better suited to an environment where you are not responsible for making decisions and taking risks. To operate successfully you need to follow well defined instructions and you prefer work that is both regular and predictable.






Read and translate the text.


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