Exercise 13. Comprehension. Say if the statements are true or false. Correct the false variant. 

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Exercise 13. Comprehension. Say if the statements are true or false. Correct the false variant.

1. The effective leaders do focus their attention on the short term, the quarterly statements, and the annual report.

2. Transformational leaders appeal to followers' ideals and moral values.

3. Leaders ought to be cool, aloof and analytical – separating emotion from work.

4. A leader’s energy and enthusiasm arise from special powers.

5. Leadership comes from the position power and authority.

6. The most effective leaders care deeply about their followers.

7. Leaders direct and control others by giving orders and by issuing policies and procedures.

8. The free-rein leader keeps a tight rein on his employees.

9. Good leadership is a process ordinary managers use when they are bringing forth the best from themselves and others.


Exercise 14. Comprehension. Answer the questions.


1. How are leadership styles classified?

2. What kind of a leader is the autocratic leader? How does he or she use the position power and authority?

3. Why is the democratic leader also called participative?

4. How is the free-rein leader described?

5. What does he expect his subordinates to do? What do his followers expect from him?

6. What do you think of each leadership style?

7. Which leadership style do you use most often?

8. What are the strengths and weaknesses of that style in your specific situation?

9. Do you agree that an individual can learn to be a leader?

10. What is your viewpoint on the ability to lead?

11. Do you have any experience in this subject?

12. Do you agree that it is a fascinating subject? Why (not)?

Exercise 15. Find in the text similar meanings.


can be defined; major styles; independent; to give orders; obedience; established in his beliefs; to keep back; to impose penalty; to ask for advice or opinion; to inspire; without smb’s agreement; to create an atmosphere for independent activities; to rely on smb. to a great extent; to set individual objectives; the ways to accomplish goals; to help employees in their work; to share information; in the first place; outside world.

Exercise 16. Say what you’ve learned from the text about

a) the leadership challenge; b) three main types of leaders;

c) the roles of the leaders in each leadership style.


Exercise17. Crossword puzzle. All the terms are taken from texts A and B.


1. Someone good in conduct or character.

5. Someone given formal authority to achieve goals.

9. Charismatic and visionary leader.

10. Qualities that have intrinsic worth and will not be compromised.




1. Setting and achieving organizational goals.

2. Leader who shares authority.

3. Leader who clarifies roles and tasks.

4. A distinguishing characteristic.

6. Leader who does not share authority.

7. The desire that moves an employee to achieve goals.

8. Interpersonal influence to achieve goals.

Exercise18. Supplementary reading for further discussion.


The leader causes the creation of the lifestyle of the organization. This can happen through direct positive action or indirect negative action. Doing nothing also creates a lifestyle.

In establishing the lifestyles that produce a successful operation, things have to be arranged, established, exampled, handled and done. These are basic actions that have to be taken in order to make any management job successful.

The common entity in all operations, successful or not, is the leader.

Someone has to run everything, and that someone has the most influence over whether an effort will be successful. This is not an attempt to provide a system of leadership that always succeeds. Could such a process ever exist? If it did, all the fun would go out of the subject*!

The title and visible signs that go along with power do not produce power all by themselves *. The way the leader uses them to cause action determines their worth.

Getting people to cooperate enthusiastically – that is what leadership is all about!




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