Секретарская переписка (Secretarial) 

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Секретарская переписка (Secretarial)

В обязанности секретаря руководителя компании входит ведение переписки по следующим вопросам: назначение деловых встреч, бронирование билетов и номеров в гостиницах, составление сопроводительных писем, поздравлений, соболезнований, приглашений.




We shall be glad if you will reserve the following accommodation for two of our directors, Mr Frith and Mr Collins: 2 single rooms, if possible each with a private bathroom, from 3 May, for 3 nights.

Please be so kind as to let us have an early confirmation of this booking.


The Chairman and the Managing Director of this Company will be visiting London in September, for the Word Trade Fair, and will require a suite with two bed­rooms. A single room, on the same floor if possible, will also be needed for their secretary.

Please let me know whether you can reserve this accommodation from 10 to 15 September inclusive. I shall be glad to have a reply by return, with details of your charges.


Reply to letter no. 1

Thank you for your letter of 20 April. I have reserved the accommodation required for your directors, Mr Frith and Mr Collins: 2 single rooms, each with a private bathroom, from 3 May, as requested. I enclose a brochure for your further information.


Dear Mr Alleni

Mr Tredennick will be in Rome from 3 May, on a business visit, and hopes that you will be able to accommodate him again at your hotel. He will greatly appreciate it if you can let him have the same room as last year, or in any case a room at the back of the hotel, as the front rooms on the main street are rather noisy.

I shall be glad to have an early reply so that I can complete arrangements for Mr.Tredennick's visit.

Yours sincerely


Secretary to Mr G. Tredennick




Booking a seat on an aircraft

Our Technical Director, Mr Abu Khan, will be arriving in London next week and will then go on to Sweden and Finland. We shall therefore be obliged if you will book a seat for him on a plane leaving Britain on or about the 21st, for Stockholm. Your account for the fare and booking fee will be paid by the National Bank of India, London, who have instructions to do so on our behalf.

We thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.


Taking a car abroad

We wish to make arrangements for the transportation of a car and four passengers from France to England, and will be glad to know what your charge is for this car-ferry service, also how much notice you require for the booking. At the same time please give us an idea of possible alternative routes and the time required for the crossing in each case.


Reserving a berth on a ship

Two single, first-class cabins are required for two of our directors, who will be in London next month and travelling on to New York. The reservations are to be on the Franconia or the Queen Elizabeth II, which­ever vessel is sailing about the middle of the month.

If this accommodation is not available on either ship, please let us know what alternative you can offer.




Mr M. Peabody, our Export Manager, will be in Stockholm at the beginning of next week. He will telephone you as soon as he arrives to arrange a time for an appointment. Mr Peabody is very much looking forward to meeting you.


The Swedish firm replies to the above letter

We thank you for your letter of 3 September and note that Mr Peabody will be in Stockholm next week. We will be delighted to see him again, and are looking forward to his telephone call.


I will be visiting India early next month, and will be in Bombay from the 10th until the 13th. I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you then and renewing the pleasant contact of a year ago.


From the director of one firm to a director of another

B.A. Merriman Esq.

Managing Director

Pickles and Slocock Ltd.

Birmingham BI2 OBY

England 4 November 1998

Dear Mr Merriman

In connection with the matter of a manufacturing license, I would like to have the opportunity of meeting you in person while I am in England, and would appreciate it if you could spare me an hour or two some time during the next few days. My secretary will telephone you the day after tomorrow to see when a meeting can be arranged.

Yours sincerely


I should much appreciate the opportunity of talking things over with you personally, as I think the various points can be settled more speedily at a meet­ing. If you will suggest a time I will arrange my own appointments to fit in with yours.


I should very much like to see you on a matter that I think will interest you, and as I shall be in Manchester next week. I hope it will be convenient for you if I call, say, on Wednesday, at 10.30 a.m., or any other time that will suit you. Perhaps you will be so kind as to let me know.




We have great pleasure in introducing to you, by this letter, Mr Mark Gillow, a director of the firm Times Flooring, Ltd., who are business associates of ours.

Mr Gillow is visiting Paris to establish new connections and we should greatly appreciate any assistance you may be able to give him, which will be considered as a personal favour to us.


It gives us great pleasure to introduce to you the bearer of this letter, Mr James Gilbert, a partner in the firm Massey, Worthington & Co. who are our ac­countants and auditors.

Mr Gilbert is visiting London to study the new plan on the spot, and we should be most grateful if you would give him the benefit of your advice and experi­ence, also any introductions that may be of help to him.

Needless to say we shall regard this as a very special favour, and shall be only too pleased to reciprocate if you will give us that opportunity at any time.


Letter introducing a new Export Manager

We have appointed Mr Arthur White to the position of Export Manager for our firm and we have given him a letter of introduction to you, which he will present when he visits Delhi in the near future. We attach a copy of the letter.

Mr White has wide experience of the markets in India and he will discuss with you the latest developments in our production methods. You may have complete confidence in his advice.

Letter enclosed with the above

The bearer of this letter is Mr Arthur White, our new Export Manager, who is visiting our customers in Sweden. He will tell you about our latest fabrics and will be glad to help you with any technical information you may require.

In reply to the above the following could be written:


We shall be very glad to see your new Export Manager when he is in this coun­try, and we hope he will take an early opportunity to pay us a visit. Representatives may also be sent to visit customers or suppliers in connection with offers — or complaints.


Announcing the visit of a representative of the firm for purposes of inspection

As our Export Manager is now in Europe and will be visiting Spain next month we have written to ask him/ we have telegraphed to him to get in touch with you and arrange to inspect the goods at your warehouse.


Mr Greening, who is our Buyer for Europe, will visit your warehouse and inspect the goods as soon as he arrives.




Dear Mr N. Brown,

I have just read of your promotion to sales manager. Let me offer my warmest congratulations. I don't have to tell you that all of us here wish you the best of hick in your new position. We are sure we will be reading more good news about you in the trade papers in the future.


Dear Mr N. Sedov,

Thank you very much for the lovely note of congratulations, on my promo­tion. It was good of you to send it. I sincerely appreciate all the good wishes of your colleagues.

Yours sincerely,

The following are suitable phrases for such letters:

1. It was with great pleasure that we learnt of (your appointment) (your

2. May we congratulate you on (your appointment) (your success)...;

3. We wish to express our great pleasure on hearing of your...

4. It was with great pleasure that we read in the papers that you had
received the... (name of honour conferred) and we want to congratulate you at once.

5. We were delighted to read in the papers that you had received …

6. We should like to say that we feel it is a fitting reward for your work.

7. May we say that we think no one has done more to deserve this reward.

8. We want to send you our very good wishes.

9. May we express our sincere good wishes.




Letter announcing the death of a Chairman

You will, I know, be very sorry to hear of the sudden death of Sir James Brown, for thirty years Chairman of this company and a son of the founder of the business...


11th March, 1990

Dear Mr Ivanov,

On behalf of my colleagues on the Board of ICI, I should like to offer to you and to other executives of the Trade Delegation of the USSR our sincere condo­lences at the news of the untimely death of the President of your association Mr...

Yours sincerely, Philip G. Harvey

The following phrases would be suitable for the reply expressing sympathy:

1. We were deeply grieved (to hear) (to learn) of the sudden death of the Chairman of your company...

2. It was a great shock to hear the sad news of Sir James Brown's sud­den death.

3. We are writing immediately to express our sincere sympathy.

4. We want to express our heartfelt sympathy...

5. All who knew him well remember his many kindnesses and his helpful advice.

6. Please (convey) (express) our sympathy also to his family.

7. Please accept the expression of our deepest sympathy (rather formal).



1. Thank you very much for your kind letter of sympathy.

2. We thank you most sincerely for your kind expres­sion of sympathy.

3. Your letter of sympathy brought me considerable comfort in my great bere­avement...

4. We thank you for your very kind letter of condolence on the occasion of our bereavement.

5. We have all been greatly comforted by the kindness and sympathy of those around us (by the kindness and sym­pathy shown by his business associates).



Formal invitations and answers to them are written in the third person, without the opening salutation, the complimentary closing or signature.


The Chairman and Directors of Marjoy Ltd.

request the pleasure of your company at a Banquet

to be held at the Great Hall, Western Avenue,

Bournemouth at 8.30p.m. on Friday,

20th October, 1998.

Evening Dress R.S.V.P. to the Secretary

An Invitation Letter (less formal)


Dear Mr. I. Pavlov,

It would give us great pleasure if you and your wife could join us for dinner on Saturday, the 23rd August, at seven o'clock.

Yours sincerely, Anthony

Accepting the invitation


Mr. Ivan Pavlov thanks the Chairman and Directors of the Brush Group Plc.

for their kind invitation to a Reception

to be held at the Reception Hall at 7pm on Friday, 24th April, 1990,

which he has much pleasure in accepting.


Dear Mr Brown,

Thank you very much for your invitation to dinner on Saturday, the 23rd August. Both my wife and I will be delighted to come.

OR: We are pleased to accept…

Yours sincerely, I. Pavlov

Refusing the invitation


Dear Mr Brown,

Thank you very much for your invitation to dinner on Saturday, the 23rd August, but I very much regret that we are unable to accept your invitation owing to a previous engagement.

Yours sincerely,

I. Pavlov



A letter from an overseas customer announcing a visit. Note that the letter is written in the American style.



We have the pleasure to announce that our Technical Director, Mr Daly, is planning to visit you early in October next, the purpose of which visit will be to study on the spot, with your valuable assistance and co-operation, various questions of importance, including of course our joint program for research.

It will be very helpful for him to exchange ideas about the promotion of the business, and meetings could perhaps be arranged with various authorities who may be interested in the constructional projects we have in view. Your kind suggestions will be highly appreciated.

You will be informed in advance of the exact day on which Mr Daly will arrive in England. Meanwhile, with kind regards to your Directors, we are

Very truly yours

A letter of thanks for hospitality


Dear Sir Walter

Back now in my own country I wish to thank you most warmly for your very excellent hospitality extended to me. The opportunity to meet yourself and your directors is something I had long looked forward to, and I can only hope now that one day I may be able to receive a visit here from you. I very much appreciated your kindness and that of Mr James Frobisher in showing me round the new plant.

Sincerely yours,



Dear Mr Brown,

Back now home I would like to thank you most warmly for your hospitality extended to me. I very much appreciated your kindness in showing me round your works. I had a most pleasant and interesting trip and hope to be of similar assistan­ce to you if you come to Moscow. I thank you very much again.

We look forward to further cooperation with you.

Yours sincerely


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