Ответ на рекламацию. Извинение 

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Ответ на рекламацию. Извинение

(Answering a complaint. Аpology)


В ответе на письмо-рекламацию требуется соблюдение такта. Если жалоба или претензия была обоснованной, то кроме извинений описываются меры, которые будут приняты для того, чтобы исправить оплошность. Если жалоба или претензия была необоснованной, то подробно излагаются доводы и предлагается путь решения проблемы.


Dear Sirs

Thank you for your letter of 17 September. We are pleased to hear that the goods ordered under your no. VF449766 arrived in good condition, but must apologize for their delayed arrival.

We have looked into the matter, and have found that the delay is due to a minor fault in one of our routines, which has now been rectified. We can assure you that future orders from you will be dealt with promptly, and that consignments will reach you by the dates stipulated.

Once again, please accept our apologies for this delay.

Yours faithfully


Dear Sirs

Your letter of 6 October 1999: your order nos. 6531, 6687, 6866 and 6892

We have received your letter, and must ask you to accept our apologies for dispatching these orders later than the scheduled dates.

As we informed you in our letter of 8 August, there was some disagreement between management and the trade union in the latter part of the summer, and this resulted in greatly reduced production at two of our plants in the north of England. It was at this time that we introduced electronic data process­ing of orders here at head office, and, like most other companies, we had one or two problems to sort out in the early stages.

However, these difficulties have now been cleared up, and our production is now running according to plan.

We are, naturally, very sorry for the incon­venience you have had to suffer on account of our own problems, but we can promise you that you can rely on prompt delivery on our part now that the situation is back to normal.

Yours faithfully


Dear Sirs

Your order no. J733. Your letter OG/MR of 11 October 1999

Thank you for your letter. We are pleased to hear that the consignment was delivered promptly, but are very sorry to learn that case no. 14 did not contain the goods you ordered.

On going into the matter we find that a mistake was made in the packing, through a confusion of numbers, and we have arranged for the right goods to be dispatched to you at once.

The documents will be mailed to you within the next forty-eight hours.

We have already cabled you in this connection, and enclose a copy of the telegram. We would be grateful if you would kindly keep case no. 14 and its contents until they are called for by the local representatives of World Transport Ltd., our forwarding agents, who we have already instructed.

Please accept our many apologies for the trouble caused to you by the error.

Yours faithfully


Apology for delay by strike

Dear Sirs

The recent strike of transport workers here has caused delays in the dispatch of a number of our export orders, and we regret that yours, too, is temporarily held up.

Your order was dispatched from here 2 days ahead of the guaranteed time, and we are told that the goods are now in London awaiting shipment. We are making private arrangements for their transport to the docks and should be able to get them on the next ship, which sails on 3 March.

We apologize for this unfortunate delay and are doing our utmost to get your order away.

Yours faithfully


Delay caused by Government regulations

Dear Sirs

We are very sorry indeed to have to advise you of a delay in executing your order no… of…

As you may know, the Government has recently put an embargo on the free export of certain metals to the Far East and we have to obtain a special license to proceed Зwith your order.

We think the delay will not be more than 2-3 weeks, and we shall give your order priority as soon as we receive authority to go ahead.

Meanwhile, please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Yours faithfully


Dear Ms Megan,

Re: Your order of 16 September

Thank you for your recent order.

Unfortunately, our stock of pharmaceutical products has been depleted, largely because of a delay in shipments from some of our suppliers.

However we have been at great pains to keep up with the demand.

We have put the products you require on back order and hope to have them on their way to you before the end of the quarter.

Yours truly,


Dear Sirs,

Re: Your Order No 143 of 4 February

We have received your above-mentioned order and regret to inform you that the “Statustische Jahrbuch der Schweiz” is no longer issued by our publishing house.

The new publishing house, the “Neue Züricher Zeitung”, is located in Zürich, Mühlebachstr. 54.

We have forwarded your order to the new publishing house and would ask you to send all your future orders to the “Neue Züricher Zeitung” direct.

We hope we can have your understanding and remain,

Yours faithfully


Dear Sir,

ORDER No. 389

We write to inform you about a delay in shipment of any goods from the London port because of a strike of transport workers.

Your goods are actually in London, and we are trying to get them to the Docks so that they can be loaded on the next vessel sailing on the 7th July.

We apologize for this unfortunate delay and are doing our best to get your or­der away.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Sir,

Harvester H-l 25

Thank you for your cable of 28th May this year, reminding us about our promise to send you some technical information about our new model.

Please accept our apologies for the delay, but we could not do anything earlier because of pressure of work at this time of the year.

We are sending you now the technical information required and hope that we shall establish good trade relations with you.

Yours faithfully,

Enc: 7 pages


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