Work-out for practical study №1 

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Work-out for practical study №1


Theme: “Work of an In-patient Department”

Lexics: Words and word combinations which are used during the work at the hospital.

Word Formation: the prefixes – intra-, over-

Grammar: 1. The Present Participle

Didactic aims: to form the following components of competence in students:

· educational (cognitive) component:

a) to form knowledge of activity of the doctor at the hospital.

b) to form knowledge of Present Participle use with different Verbs and in various sentences

· practical component (operational component):

a) to form students’ skills on listening (audition), reading the text with a help and without help of dictionary

1. b) to form skills of necessary information extraction from a text, its generalization and interpretation with an aim of use in process of studying- professional contacts.

· self studying component:

a) to form students’ habits on working with professional medicinal supplementary literature in informative means of communication

b) to develop students’ habits on enlarging their lexics

Urgency of the theme:

Students should understand the importance of theme “Work of an In-patient Department”, because in their future professional activity as physician they will observe and treat the sick persons.


1. “ Essential English for medical students”, A.M. Maslova, Z.I. Winestein,

L.S. Plebeyskaya, M.-2003.

2. “ Grammar in use” for intermediate students R. Murfhy, Cambridge University Press, 1994.

3. “ Vocabulary in use ”, Intermediate, Stuart Redman with Ellen Shaw, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

4. “ Test your Professional English ”, Alison Pohl, Series editor:Nick Brieder, 2003.


a) Practical lesson with introduction of new information about “Work of an In-patient Department” from texts and training of new phonetical, lexical and grammar material, control of students’ knowledge.

b) to find Participles in the text

c) to develop students’ skills on monological speech on the given theme for making up a dialogue-conversation by using new lexics and grammar.

d) to teach students to read the text with commenting and giving their opinion.

Procedure of the lesson

Issues to be studied:

a) Duties of a doctor.

b) Procedures at the In-patient department.

c) Present Participle, its formation and using.

Methods of teaching:

Associograms, verbal-graphic method, inductive method, roleplays, creative tasks.

Means of teaching:

visual aids, tables, schemes, cards, audio technics

Presentation of lexics – 10 min.

Vocabulary and pronunciation


1. Remember the pronunciation of the following words. Learn them.

Find their translation in a dictionary.

English In native language
Hospitalize [‘hospitәlaiz],  
intranvenous [intrәvi:nәs],  
instruction [in'strΛkƒn],  
electrocardiogramm [i'lektrә(υ),ka:diәgræm],  
intramascular [intrә'maskjulә],  
result [ri'zΛlt]  


Read and translate the following words.

a) Intracranial, intramuscular, intravenous, intracardiac, intrapleural, intrathoracic, intratracheal, intraspinal

b) Overweight, overgrowth, overestimate, overgrow

Match the words after the translation.

1. overwork 2. override 3. overleap 4. overpass 5. overhead 6. overall 7. intramural, 8. intravenous 9. intra-uterine a. переехать b. жатырішілік- внутриматочный c. жоғарыда- наверху d. өту, үстімен өту- переходить, пересекать e. барлық жерде- повсюду, везде f. ішкі- внутренний g. секіру- перепрыгивать h. тамырішілік- внутривенный i. қатты шаршау- переутомляться

4. Read and learn the following words


5. R ead and translate the words and word combinations.

To be admitted to the in-patient department, to fill in a case history, to make an initial diagnosis, to estimate the initial findings, to apply a new method of treatment, overdosage of a drug may cause death, to take the patient’s temperature, to give injections, to take an electrocardiogram

Presentation of grammar – 15 min.


Participles Active Passive
Present writing being written
Past - written
Perfect having written having been written

The Present Participle

The present participle of most verbs has the form base+ing and is used in the following ways:

a. as part of the continuous form of a verb
(See continuous tenses in verb tenses)

· I am working

· he was singing

· they have been walking

b. after verbs of movement/position in the pattern: verb + present participle


· She went shopping

· He lay looking up at the clouds

· She came running towards me

This construction is particularly useful with the verb 'to go', as in these common expressions:

to go shopping to go ski-ing to go fishing to go surfing to go walking to go swimming to go running to go dancing

c. after verbs of perception in the pattern:
verb + object + present participle


· I heard someone singing.

· He saw his friend walking along the road.

· I can smell something burning!

NOTE: There is a difference in meaning when such a sentence contains a zero-infinitive rather than a participle. The infinitive refers to a complete action, but the participle refers to an incomplete action, or part of an action.


· I heard Joanna singing (= she had started before I heard her, and probably went on afterwards)

· I heard Joanna sing (= I heard her complete performance )

D. as an adjective



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