Make up the plan for the retelling 

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Make up the plan for the retelling

For example: -introduction

- portions of the alimentary tract;

mouth, stomach, small & large intestines,

liver & gallbladder, pancreas


Work – out


Theme: The Alimentary tract


Lexics: new words & word – combinations

Grammar: Present Participle (Participle I), its functions & forming



Didactic aims: to form the following components of competence in students:

to teach the students to tell about the structure of the alimentary tract & use it in their speech

before speaking on the text a student should revise the grammar, new words & word – combinations of the text “The Alimentary Tract” & should be asked for home task on reading


· Practical(operational) component:

a) to form students’ skills on listening (audition), reading the text with a help and without help of dictionary

b) to form students’ skills on extracting necessary information from the text, summarizing and rendering it for using in the process of educational-professional communication

· Self studying competence:

a) to form students’ habits on working with professional medicinal supplementary literature in informative means of communication

b) to develop students’ habits on enlarging their lexics

Urgency of the theme:

Medical students must know the importance of studying medical clinical lexics to describe clinical picture of a disease, which they’ll study at clinical disciplines.


Maslova A.M. Essential English for medical students, pp.81-83


a) to teach students to do morphological analysis of words, paying attention to the Greek term – elements

b) to develop students’ skills on monological speech on the given theme for making up a dialogue-conversation by using new lexics and grammar



c) to teach students to read the text with commenting and giving their opinion

Procedure of the lesson

Issues to be studied:

a) medical terms, describing the disease “ Alimentary tract”

c) Present Participle (Participle I), its functions & forming


Methods of teaching:

Associograms, verbal-graphic method, inductive method, method of integration (use of background knowledge of the passed disciplines in English), roleplays, creative tasks.

Means of teaching:

visual aids, tables, schemes, pictograms, cards.


Consolidation of grammar


1). Give Participle I forms from the following verbs:

Translate into your native language.

to receive to begin

to hospitalize to examine

to administer to allow

to indicate to admit


2). Read & translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the use of construction Present Participle


1). The liver consisting of lobes is covered with a fibrous coat. 2. The peritoneum is a serous coat covering the inner surface of the abdominal wall. 3. The blood passing through the portal vein is carried to the liver. 4. Making the medical examination of the patient the doctor considered that his condition was normal. 5. The fibrous bands forming the muscular structure of the heart are divided into two groups.


2). Read & translate the Text “E” pp.82-83 and divide it into logical parts.

For example: 1. Introduction

2. Mouth

3. stomach

4. small & large intestines

5. liver & gallbladder

6. pancreas


Consolidation of new lexics


Read & remember the pronunciation of the following words. Translate them into your native language:

Read & pay attention of pronunciation the words

Anus, tongue, pharynx, stomach, colon, muscular membraneous, intestine, mouth, gallbladder, pancreas, pancreas, salivary, locate, estimate, dilate, mouth, jaw, skull.


Remember the pronunciation of the following words & word-combinations & learn them.

a) The lower portion of the stomach, to measure the length of the bone, let me see your tongue, the tongue was coated, the intestines are in the abdominal cavity membraneous, pyriform in shape, the alimentary canal, a thin – walled muscular tube, the salivary glands, the oral cavity, a muscular membraneous canal.



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