Take a look at the map. It shows the places and cities mentioned in the text. 

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Take a look at the map. It shows the places and cities mentioned in the text.

Canada is located in North America and stretches all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific, being made up of ten Provinces and three Territories. To the North is the Artic ocean; Davis Strait on the North East separates it from Greenland, to the East is the Atlantic Ocean; the South is bordered by the United States of America and the West by the Pacific Ocean and Alaska.

A country of outstanding natural beauty, Canada has a wide variety of landscapes: the mountains, the prairies, lakes and rivers with many national and provincial parks to protect the habitats. With a total land mass of 9,984,670 sq km (3,855,103 sq mi), Canada is the second largest country in the world. There are more lakes and inland waters in Canada than any other country, in fact 7.6% or 755,180 sq km (291,577 sq) is made up of fresh water.

Most images of Canada refer to the Mounties, bears, snow or the Rocky Mountains with the amazing turquoise lakes though there is truly more to this vast landscape. Tourism is a large part of the economy with the abundant natural resources quickly turning Canada into a rich and vibrant country that is a permanent listing at the top of the best places to live. With distinct seasons – the winters are cold with plentiful snow and then warm summers, the best way to survive is to make the most of natures offerings. Skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling are popular pastimes and great exercise and fun. In the summer, hiking, camping and exploring the great outdoors are fantastic ways to spend your free time. This is especially true when you are amongst the most breathtaking and fabulous scenery the world has to offer!

The monetary unit is the Canadian Dollar. The Canadian dollar traditionally trades at a lower value than its American counterpart but is now coming closer to parity.

All motor vehicles are driven on the right hand side of the road and are left hand drive. Each Province or Territory is responsible for its own driving laws and regulations so each has a different system.

Canada is an independent nation. But according to the Constitution Act of 1982 British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is recognized as Queen of Canada. This symbolizes the country's strong ties to Britain. Canada was ruled by Britain completely until 1867, when Canada gained control of its domestic affairs. Britain governed Canada's foreign affairs until 1931, when Canada gained full independence. Canada's people are varied. About 57% of all Canadians have some English ancestry and about 32% have some French ancestry. Both English and French are official languages of the country.

French Canadians, most of whom live in the provinces of Quebec, have kept the language and customs of their ancestors. Other large ethnic groups are German, Irish and Scottish people. Native people — American Indians and Eskimos — make up about 2% of the country's population. 77% of Canada's people live in cities or towns. Toronto and Montreal are the largest urban areas. Ottawa is the capital of the country.

Today, maintaining a sense of community is one of the major problems in Canada because of differences among the provinces and territories. Many Canadians in western and eastern parts of the country feel that the federal government does not pay enough attention to their problems. 80% of Quebec's population are French Canadians. Many of them believe that their province should receive a special recognition in the Canadian constitution.


2. Pay attention to the marked words and word combinations. Give your versions of translation


3. Match the English words to Russian ones:

to govern признавать

custom суровый

thinly populated править

ties управлять

uninhabited происхождение

recognition малонаселенный

to recognize сохранять

community предки

to make up незаселенный

ancestors признание

to rule составлять

severe общность

capital столица

ancestry обычай

to maintain связи


4. Find the answers to the following questions in the text:


1) Where is Canada situated?

2) How many people live in Canada?

3) Where do most Canadians live?

4) Who is the head of state in Canada?

5) When did Canada gain its independence?

6) What are the official languages in Canada?

7) What people live in Canada?

8) What is the main problem facing Canada today?


Finish the sentences.

1) Canada is located in….

2) Canada has a wide variety…

3) Canada is the second…

4) Tourism is…

5) The best way to survive is…

6) All motor vehicles are driven…

7) According to the Constitution Act of 1982…

8) Toronto and Montreal are...

9) Ottawa is...

6. Give suitable English equivalents to the following sentences:

1) Канада — это вторая по величине страна в мире. Только Россия имеет большую площадь.

2) Канада находится в Северной Америке.

3) Канада немного больше Соединенных Штатов, однако в ней живет в десять раз меньше людей.

4) Большая часть территории Канады не заселена или мало заселена из-за суровых природных условий.

5) Канада — это независимое государство.

6) Около 57% канадцев имеют английское происхождение и около 32% жителей - канадцы французского происхождения.

7) Коренные народы, американские индейцы и эскимосы, составляют около 2% населения страны.

8) 77% населения Канады живет в больших и малых городах.

9) Торонто и Монреаль — самые большие города. Оттава — столица страны.

10) Сегодня сохранение чувства общности является главной проблемой в Канаде из-за различий среди провинций и территорий.

7. Find some interesting facts about Canada and prepare a short essay, using the following phrases:


The text deals with …; the text is about…; the first part is concerned with…; the next part contains examples of…; the passage is a description of…; the title of the text gives an idea of…; first I would like to dwell on…; it is worth noting that…; according to…; one important point should be mentioned…; in conclusion I would like to state briefly the main problem….



1. Read the text and point out new and important information to you and be ready to answer why people call Australia “The Land of Blue Mountains”.

Take a look at the map. Study it. It shows the places and cities mentioned in the text.


Although Australia encompasses a vast amount of land (7,686,850 sq. km., or 2,967,909 sq. mi.), it only has six States - five of which are on the mainland, and one which is an island. The five mainland States are New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, and Western Australia. The island State is Tasmania. Australia also has two Territories, which have their own executive branches of government. Those are the Australian Capital Territory, or ACT, and Northern Territory. There are also several islands off the coast of Australia which are dependent upon it. Those are Ashmore, Cartier, Christmas, Cocos (Keeling), Coral Sea, Heard, McDonald, Norfolk, and Macquarie Islands.

Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent.

Australia is the smallest continent, but the sixth largest country in the world. It's only slightly smaller than the contiguous 48 United States. The terrain is predominantly low plateaus with deserts, but the country does have several small mountain ranges as well.

The Great Barrier Reef on the coast of Queensland is a garden under the sea. There are 1,400 different kinds of fish, and more than 300 kinds of coral. Tropical fruit and flowers grow on the beautiful islands. It's not surprising that more holiday - makers come to Queensland every year.

Tasmania, the island south of Australia, is small. It is the same size as England. It is also very different from the other states. There are no deserts in Tasmania. It often rains, both in winter and summer. Only a half of million people live in Tasmania, and a large part of the island is still covered with wild, beautiful wild forests. These forests are full of wonderful flowers and interesting animals.

In the Northern Territory you will find the red heart of Australia. And it really is red, with red rocks, red sand, and red skies in the evening. Every year, thousands of tourists visit Ayers Rock and a strange group of huge red stones called "the Olgas". But these places are also holy to the Aboriginals. They believe that the land itself has life.

Sydney is the best known place in New South Wales. In fact, it's the best known place in Australia. But New South Wales has more than cities. There are, for example, the Blue Mountains. They are covered with forests of blue coloured eucalyptus trees. The air above the forest contains millions of microscopic drops of eucalyptus oil. When the sun shines, the air of the Blue Mountais is a real, beautiful blue.

Less then a hundred years ago, there was nothing except sheep in Canberra. But then Australians decided to build a capital city. The Work began in 1913. Now, Canberra is an international city, full of diplomats and government offices. It's a beautiful place, with parks, lakes, big open streets and fine buildings.

Australia is sometimes called "the lucky country". One reason is the wonderful riches under the earth: gold, silver, iron, coal and many precious metals. The Bass Strait, of the coast of Victoria, has been one of the country's biggest oil fields for many years.

The country's official name is Commonwealth of Australia. Australia is a constitutional monarchy like Great Britain. The nation is administered under written constitution. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is also queen of Australia and country's head of state. But the queen has little power in the Australian government. She serves mainly as a symbol of long historical tie between Great Britain and Australia. Australia is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations which is an association formed by Britain and some of its former colonies.

South Australia is the driest of all the states, but it does have Murrey River. The river brings greenness and life to the south-east corner. In the early of Australian history, the Murrey River was South Australia's main road. Before real roads and railways came, the river carried people and goods from the east up into the country. Some towns on the Murray still keep the old river boats, and visitors can ride on them.

There are two kinds of gold in Western Australia. First, there's real kind — the kind that comes out of the ground.

Gold was found in Kalgoorlie in 1893, and the "Golden Mile" was for a time the most expensive piece of land in the world. Kalgorlie still exports some gold, but the new gold of Western Australia is wheat. Big farms grow millions of tons of wheat every year, and wheat has become Australia's second biggest export.

Australia is one of the world's developed countries. Australia has modern factories, highly productive mines and farms, and busy cities. It is the world's leading producer of wool and bauxite (the ore from which aluminium is made). It also produces and exports large amounts of other minerals and farm goods. Income from the export enables Australians to have high standard of living. The most important trading partners of Australia are Japan and the United States.


2. Pay attention to the marked words and word combinations. Give your versions of translation


3. Match the English words to Russian ones:

wild богатства

riches материк

oil пшеница

to lie уровень жизни

income эвкалипт

holiday-maker нефть

standard of living дикий

eucalyptus быть расположенным

to be situated промышленность

mainland отпускник

state находиться

wheat штат

industry доход


4. Find the answers to the following questions in the text:


1) How many kinds of fish are there on the coast of Queensland?

2) What grows on the beautiful islands?

3) Where will you find the red heart of Australia?

4) What is the best known place in New South Wales?

5) Why is the air above the forests blue?

6) Why is Australia sometimes called "the lucky country"?

7) What state is the dryest of all?

8) What is the new gold of Western Australia?

9) Where does the Australia lie?

10) What is the official name of the country?

11) What is the capital of the country?

12) Who is the country's head of state?

13) Is there a written constitution in Australia?

14) What are the main products of Australia?

15) What are the most important trade partners of the country?


Finish the sentences.


1) The country's official name is…

2) Australia is the smallest…

3) South Australia is…

4) Australia is a member of…

5) Australia is one of the world's…

6. Give suitable English equivalents to the following sentences:

1) Неудивительно, что каждый год сюда приезжает все больше отдыхающих.

2) Тасмания — это небольшой остров на юге Австралии. По размеру он такой же, как и Англия.

3) В Тасмании живет лишь полмиллиона людей, а большая часть острова покрыта красивыми дикими лесами. Эти леса полны чудесных цветов и интересных животных.

4) Сидней — наиболее известный город Нового Южного Уэльса. Фактически это самый известный город Австралии.

5) Голубые горы покрыты голубыми эвкалиптовыми лесами. Когда светит солнце, то воздух голубых гор действительно необыкновенно голубой.

6) Австралию иногда называют "счастливая страна". Одна из причин — подземные богатства: золото, серебро, железо, уголь и множество ценных металлов.

7) Южная Австралия — самый сухой из всех штатов, но в нем находится река Муррей. Река приносит зелень и жизнь а этот юго-восточный уголок страны.

8) Австралия — это единственная страна в мире, являющаяся одновременно континентом. Она является шестой по размерам страной в мире и самым маленьким континентом.

9) Официальное название страны — Австралийский Союз. Австралийский Союз — это федерация штатов. Австралия состоит из шести штатов.

10) Австралия — конституционная монархия, как и Великобритания. Государство управляется согласно записанной конституции.

11) Австралия является одной из наиболее развитых стран мира. В Австралии есть современные фабрики, высокопроизводительные шахты и фермы, города с высокой степенью деловой активности.


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